1,363 research outputs found

    Detection of flour or farina from Triticum aestivum in macaroni by starch-gel electrophoresis of water-soluble proteins

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    A water-soluble protein component, A, has been found which appears without exception at a higher concentration in Triticum aestivum than in T. durum. Quantitation of A is achieved by referring the height of densitogram peak A to the height of peak B, which corresponds to a second component that is present in all varieties studied from both species. Extreme valúes of peak height ratio (PHR) in both species are tentatively established. On the basis of these valúes, the máximum and minimum possible contents of T. aestivum in a mixture are expressed as a function of PHR. All the varieties of T. aestivum studied are detected when they contribute more than 60% to the mixture. In over 90% of all possible binary combinations between varieties of T. aestivum and T. durum, the máximum proportion of undetected T. aestivum has been 30%

    A New method for the estimation of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in pasta products

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    An electrophoretic component ofthe chloroform-methanol (2:1) extractedproteins from common wheat endosperin is barely detected in durum wheat. This sharp interspecific difference is expressed in per cent units ofanother electrophoretic component which is present in both wheat species and designed protein ratio (PR). Macaroni production processing and/or. variations of milling yield do not significantly affect the PR. A linear relationship exists between PR and the % of common wheat in a known mixture. Tentative interspecific limits for PR are established from a survey of79 common wheat and 30 durum wheat variéties. Basedon these limits, máximum and mínimum possible common wheat contení in an unknown mixture is calculated as a funcí ion of PR

    Detección y cuantificación de harinas de trigo común ("Triticum vulgare") en sémolas y pastas alimenticias

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    El método se basa en la detección y cuantificación de un componente designado CM, del extracto cloroformo-metanol del endaspermo de trigo o de productos derivados de él, cuyo control genético radica en el cromosoma ID de •Triticum Vulgarey que por tanto no se encuentra en «T. durum». El mencionado extracto,, al que se designa proteina CM, se fracciona por electroforesis sobre gel de almidón, y e] componente CM| se estima visualmente o se cuantifica densintométricamente

    Genetic control of purothionins in wheat: problems of the aneuploid analysis when searching for regulatory genes

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    The study of the genetic control of purothionins in wheat endosperm illustrates some of the problems and pitfalls faced in aneuploid analysis of regulatory effects. Biochemical and genetic evidence is presented indicating that the possible regulatory effect of genes located in group 5 chromosomes on the expression of the purothionin structural genes located in group 1 chromosomes is not actually operating "in vivo"

    Expression of homoeologous molecular systems in wheat alloploids

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    Allopolyploidy is widespread in the plant kingdom, where it has been of considerable evolutionary significance. Although the existence of heterotic interactions between the genomes that make up an alloploid have been generally assumed, the precise nature of these interactions has not been extensively investigated. Presently available evidence about metabolic integration of the wheat genomes is examined in search of new insights about the different modes of genome interaction. Although additive expression seems to be the case for many homoeologous systems, more complex patterns of integration have become evident. Examples of enzyme subunit complementation, gene compensation and other dosage effects, holoprotein completion, and complementation of metabolic pathways are discussed

    Loss of redundant gene expression after polyploidization in plants

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    Based on chromosomal location data of genes encoding 28 biochemical systems in allohexaploid wheat,Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD), it is concluded that the proportions of systems controlled by triplicate, duplicate, and single loci are 57%, 25%, and 18% respectively

    Identificación de productos de Triticum Aestivum en las pastas alimenticias. IV. Lipoproteínas solubles en éter de petróleo

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    Se ha establecido en trabajos anteriores (1-4) que, si bien el contenido en palmitato de sitosterol es un buen índice de la presencia de productos de Triticum aestivum en las pastas alimenticias, algunas variedades de dicha especie no podían ser detectadas debido a que su contenido en palmitato de sitosterol era similar al de las variedades de T. durum. La búsqueda de nuevas diferencias bioquímicas interespecíficas está justificada, no sólo por este hecho, sino también porque para obtener una buena aproximación en la determinación cuantitativa de productos de T. aestivum en las pastas alimenticias es necesario emplear más de un índice bioquímico, ya que todos ellos han de presentar cierta variabilidad intraespecífica

    Estimation of Triticum aestivum in pasta flour: interspecific limits for sitosteryl palmitate content

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    Sitosteryl palmitate (SP) content of flour was shown to be not significantly affected by normal variations in milling yield. Since the distribution of fat in a wheat kernel does not follow the same pattern as does SP, it is preferable to consider SP content on the basis of DM content of the flour. A survey of 46 Triticum aestivum and 24 T. durum flours showed that the latter contained SP, but its level did not exceed 1.5 mg/100 g. T. aestivum varieties show a two-peak distribution, with the maxima at approximately 4 mg/100 g and at 12 mg/100 g, respectively. Three T. aestivum flours were within the T. durum range and three others were close to it. Limits for sitosteryl palmitate content in T. aestivum and T. durum were tentatively established at 16.5 mg/100 g and 1.5 mg/100 g respectively. Based on these limits, a method is proposed for the estimation of the minimum amount of T. Aestivum in a mixture

    Distribution of sitosteryl palmitate in the wheat grain/Pie Verteilung von Sitosterylpalmitat im Weizenkorn

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    Sitosteryl palmitate content of most T. aestivum varieties is considerably higher than ^hat of T. durum. This sharp difference allows the semiquantitative determination of T, aestivum products when mixed with T. durum products such as semolina, flour or macaroni. Distribution of this substance in the wheat kernel has been investigated in order to check its influence on the estimated valúes for different products and mixtures» Nine fractions obtained by experimental milling, as well as the whole kernel, have been analize<? in three T. aestivum varieties and one T. durum. Puré germ and degerminated seed obtained by hand dissection also have been analized. A thin layer enromatography method on silica gel plates impregnated with silver nitrate, as previously described by us, has been employed in the sitosteryl palmitate determinations. Somewhat higher valúes are obtained for the germ as compared with endosperm, the content of the seed coats being lower. Considering the relative proportion of each fraction studied and their sitosteryl palmiíate content it can be concluded that variations within normal limits of extraction rate have no significant influence on sitosteryl palmitate content

    Il palmitato di sitosterolo nelle varie parti del chicco di grano duro e tenero

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    II contenuto in palmitato di sitosterolo neMa maggior parte de-lie varietá di Triticum aestivum é considerevolmente piü elevato che nel Triticum durum. Questa netta differenza permette la determinazione semi-quantitativa del T. aestivum mescolato con prodotti di T. durum, come sémola, fariña o pasta. In base a r¡cerche su varietá di T. durum ed aestivum, si é stabilito che la porzione mínima di T. aestivum in una Tniscela é fúnzione del contenuto in palmitato di sitosterolo. E' stata studiata la di'stribuzione di questo composto nei chicchi di grano per determíname I'influenza su differenti miscele e prodotti. Sonó state analizzate nove frazioni ottenute con macinazione sperimentale, insieme a chicchi interi di due varietá di T. aestivum e di una di T. durum. Sonó stati anche analizzati il germe puro ed ¡I prodotto degerminato. Per la determinazione del palmitato di sitosterolo si é anche impiegata la cromatografía su strato sotti'Ie con supporto di gel di sílice impregnato con 'nitrato di argento. Per i I germe si sonó ottentiti valori piü alti rispetto airendosperma, essendo piü basso il contenuto in palmitato nel rivestimento del seme. Considerando il rapporto relativo alie frazioni studiate ed Ü rispettivo contenuto in palmitato di sitosterolo, si puó concludere che le variazioni della resa di macinazione entro limiti normali non hanno significativa influenza sul contenuto in palmitato