1,354,843 research outputs found

    Transverse Spectra of Radiation Processes in Medium

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    We develop a formalism for evaluation of the transverse momentum dependence of cross sections of the radiation processes in medium. The analysis is based on the light-cone path integral approach to the induced radiation. The results are applicable in both QED and QCD

    Process for producing molybdenum foil and collapsible tubing

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    Manufacturing process produces molybdenum foil 0.002 cm thick and 305 m long, and forms foil into high-strength, thin-walled tubing which can be flattened for storage on a spool. Desirable metal properties include high thermal conductivity stiffness, yield and tensile stress, and low thermal expansion coeffecient

    The role of finite kinematic bounds in the induced gluon emission from fast quarks in a finite size quark-gluon plasma

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    We study the influence of finite kinematic boundaries on the induced gluon radiation from a fast quark in a finite size quark-gluon plasma. The calculations are carried out for fixed and running coupling constant. We find that for running coupling constant the kinematic correction to the radiative energy loss is small for quark energy larger than about 5 GeV. Our results differ both analytically and numerically from that obtained by the GLV group [6]. The effect of the kinematic cut-offs is considerably smaller than reported in [6].Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Existence of a Density Functional for an Intrinsic State

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    A generalization of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem proves the existence of a density functional for an intrinsic state, symmetry violating, out of which a physical state with good quantum numbers can be projected.Comment: 6 page

    Photo-excited zero-resistance states in the GaAs/AlGaAs system

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    The microwave-excited high mobility two-dimensional electron system exhibits, at liquid helium temperatures, vanishing resistance in the vicinity of B=[4/(4j+1)]BfB = [4/(4j+1)] B_{f}, where Bf=2πfm/eB_{f} = 2\pi\textit{f}m^{*}/e, m^{*} is an effective mass, e is the charge, and \textit{f} is the microwave frequency. Here, we summarize some experimental results.Comment: 7 color figures, 5 page

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism

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    We show a strong parallel between the Hawking, Beckenstein black hole Thermodynamics and electromagnetism: When the gravitational coupling constant transform into the electromagnetic coupling constant, the Schwarzchild radius, the Beckenstein temperature, the Beckenstein decay time and the Planck mass transform to respectively the Compton wavelength, the Hagedorn temperature, the Compton time and a typical elementary particle mass. The reasons underlying this parallalism are then discussed in detail.Comment: 10 pages, te

    Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravitation and Cosmology

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    These are the proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Madras, INDIA during Feb. 15-17, 1996. The Conference was dedicated the late Prof. S. Chandrasekhar. The proceedings consists of 17 articles on: - Chandrasekhar's work (N. Panchapkesan); - Vaidya-Raychaudhuri Lecture (C.V. Vishveshwara) - Gravitational waves (B.R. Iyer, R. Balasubramanian) - Gravitational Collapse (T.P. Singh) - Accretion on black hole (S. Chakrabarti) - Cosmology (D. Munshi, S. Bharadwaj, G.S. Mohanty, P. Bhattacharjee); - Classical GR (S. Kar, D.C. Srivatsava) - Quantum aspects (J. Maharana, Saurya Das, P. Mitra, G. Date, N.D. Hari Dass) The body of THIS article contains ONLY the title, contents, foreword, organizing committees, preface, list of contributed talks and list of participants. The plenery talks are available at: http://www.imsc.ernet.in/physweb/Conf/ both as post-script files of individual articles and also as .uu source files. For further information please send e-mail to [email protected]: 12 pages, latex, needs psfig.tex macros. Latex the file run.tex. These Proceedings of the XVIII IAGRG Conference are available at http://www.imsc.ernet.in/physweb/Conf/ MINOR TYPO's in the ABSTRACT correcte