368 research outputs found

    Consideraciones para una óptima salud en el puesto de trabajo

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    La ergonomía desempeña un papel creciente en la solución del problema de rehabilitación de personas que en una u otra medida han perdido la capacidad de trabajo; también se estudian las aptitudes y peculiaridades psíquicas y físicas de las personas de edad avanzada y de aquellos individuos considerados como trabajadores especialmente sensibles. Por ello los principios ergonómicos se aplican para optimizar las condiciones de trabajo en relación al bienestar de la persona, su salud y su seguridad, sin olvidar la eficiencia tecnológica y económica. El abordaje de los factores de riesgo que intervienen en la producción de problemas de espalda en los profesionales, incluye al ser humano en sentido integral, desde el punto de vista físico, psicológico y social. En nuestro trabajo nos vamos a centrar en los factores físicos principalmente, destacaremos la adopción de posturas forzadas, movimientos bruscos, así como la inadecuada preparación física y el sedentarismo en una profesión sanitaria, la del técnico en transporte sanitario. Pero no debemos dejar de hacer mención de los otros puntos de vista: el estrés laboral, el apremio de tiempo, que da lugar a que se trabaje con mayor ritmo y no precisamente adoptando posiciones correctas. Aspectos relacionados con la satisfacción laboral también acentúan el estrés y la tensión muscular. La ausencia de una formación preventiva adecuada respecto a técnicas de movilización de enfermos. La falta de personal en los centros de trabajo, que implican una sobrecarga; el deficiente o nulo uso de medios mecánicos adecuadamente diseñados desde el punto de vista ergonómico.Ergonomics plays an increasing role in solving the problem of rehabilitation of people have lost the ability to work, it also examines the skills and mental and physical peculiarities of the elderly and those individuals considered workers are particularly sensitive. Therefore apply ergonomic principles to optimize the conditions of work for the welfare of the person, their health and safety, not forgetting the technological and economic efficiency. The approach of the risk factors involved in the production of back problems in the professionals, including the human being in integral sense from the standpoint of physical, psychological and social. In our work we focus mainly on physical factors, we will highlight the adoption of awkward postures, sudden movements, as well as inadequate physical fitness and physical inactivity in a health profession, the technician in health transport. But we must not fail to mention the other points of view: work stress, time pressure, which leads you to work with greater pace and not just taking proper positions. Aspects related to job satisfaction also accentuate stress and muscle tension. The absence of adequate preventive training on techniques of mobilization of patients. The lack of staff in the workplace, resulting in an overload, the poor or no use of properly designed mechanical means from the ergonomic standpoint.peerReviewe


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    This paper sumarizes the theoretical approach to, and outcomes from, the project entitled: "Development of Centres of Excellence in Rehabilitation Nursing Services," which took place between the years 1995 and 2001. The project was led by Doris Grinspun, at the time Director of Nursing at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. In 1996 the project moved to the Registered Nurses’ Assiociation of Ontario where Grinspun was appointed Executive Director. The project was funded by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Participating countries included: Chile, Colombia, Cuba and México. The paper explores the concept of “Centres of Excellence” and highlights the afinity of this concept with Paulo Freire’s pedagogical approach. From this perspective, the article offers lessons learned which could be transfered to health care organizations in the area of rehabilitation and more specifically rehabilitation of person’s in a state of comma.En este artículo presentamos el enfoque teórico y resultados del proyecto “Desarrollo de Centros de Excelencia en Servicios de Enfermería en Rehabilitación”, llevado a cabo entre los años 1995 y 2001, a través de una red colaboradora de países del sur y del norte de América. Protagonistas en este proyecto fueron el Hospital Monte Sinaí (Toronto, Canadá), la Organización Profesional de Enfermeras de Ontario (RNAO), la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y centros hospitalarios en Chile, Colombia, Cuba y México. Exploramos aquí el concepto de los Centros de Excelencia y resaltamos su sintonía con propuestas pedagógicas propias de América Latina, como la de la educación liberadora de Paulo Freire. Desde esa perspectiva, el presente artículo resalta algunas lecciones que pueden ser transferidas a las instituciones de salud en el área de rehabilitación, especialmente del paciente en coma

    Eficacia y seguridad del adhesivo tisular Tisuacryl en el cierre de la piel de la episiotomía

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    Se realizó un ensayo clínico fase III, en el Hospital Docente Materno Infantil 10 de Octubre, de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, entre julio de 1999 y marzo del 2000, con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del adhesivo tisular Tisuacryl en el cierre de la piel de la episiotomía. Cada grupo constó de 300 pacientes, de acuerdo a los criterios de inclusión establecidos para el ensayo. En el grupo estudio se presentaron menos molestias en la episiorrafia (95.6 %) que en el grupo control (56.3 %) a los 30 minutos post parto, así como al tercer día posterior al nacimiento (97.6 % vs. 61.3 %). Al séptimo día, los resultados en el afrontamiento, estética y molestias en la herida fueron significativamente mejores con el adhesivo tisular evaluado. Los riesgos relativos de resultados adversos al séptimo día posterior al parto fueron 3.2 veces mayores en relación con afrontamiento y 2.9 veces con la estética no satisfactorias cuando se utilizó catgut cromado al comparar con el Tisuacryl. Para las molestias en la episiorrafia, el riesgo relativo se elevó a 24.2, todos con diferencias estadísticas significativas. Se concluye que el uso del adhesivo tisular Tisuacryl para el cierre de la piel en la episiotomía tiene menor probabilidad de afrontamiento y estética de la herida no satisfactoria y de menor sensación dolorosa en la herida quirúrgica que el catgut cromado.Peer Reviewe

    Socio-economic and Technical Characteristics of Backyard Animal Husbandry in Two Rural Communities of Yucatan, Mexico

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    This research work was conducted in order to asses the socio-economic and technical aspects of backyard animal rearing in two communities of Yucatán, México. One hundred and thirty nine families were interviewed in Sudzal (C1) and 117 families in San Jose Tzal (C2). A structured questionnaire was used to interview the families on technical and socio-economic aspects. Using this information the technical level of animal husbandry and a index of socio-economic status of the families involved in backyard animal rearing in both communities were determined. In C1 46.8% of the interviewed families reared animals in their backyard in comparison to 70.9% in C2. Main animal species kept in the backyard were chickens (C1= 92.3% and C2= 88.0), turkeys (C1= 63.1% and C2= 55.4%) and pigs (C1= 38.5% and 1C2= 5. 7% in C1 and C2 respectively). In C2 100% of pigs kept in the backyard were of the commercial type. Technical level in animal production was significantly higher (P 0.0001) in C2 than in C1, because utilisation of commercial diets was higher in C2 (P 0.001) than in C1. The families of C2 had a higher socio-economic level (P 0.002) than families from C1, because families of C2 have houses built with lasting materials (P 0.0001) and the occupation of the head of the family was associated with higher income (merchants or employees) (P 0.0001). The correlation coefficients between socio-economic status and technical level in backyard animal production showed that 84% of the technical level was explained by the socio-economic status. It can be concluded that socio-economic status has a high influence on backyard animal production characteristics. The socio-economic status determine the number of animals kept and the technical level in animal rearing

    Homecare physiotherapy in the iberian peninsula public health system

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    Objetivos - Conocer los principales servicios de fisioterapia domiciliaria que oferta el Sistema Sanitario Público para las personas mayores dependientes de la Península Ibérica (España y Portugal). Estrategia de búsqueda - Revisión bibliográfica actualizada y exhaustiva sobre los estudios previos; estancia de investigación en Hospitales, Centros de Salud y organismos financiados por la Administración Pública en ambos países; entrevistas en profundidad a informantes estratégicos. Síntesis de los resultados - Se describe la situación de la fisioterapia domiciliaria en España, desde el año 1987 hasta agosto de 2008. Se detecta que en Portugal la fisioterapia domiciliaria está recogida en la cartera de servicios de atención primaria (Decreto-Ley no 28/2008, del 22 de febrero). Conclusiones - Existen pocas investigaciones a nivel de la Península que ofrezcan datos objetivos basados en la evidencia científica sobre la efectividad de estos servicios de fisioterapia, la satisfacción del usuario y las repercusiones que producen con respecto a otros tratamientos; sin embargo, estos estudios son necesarios para la evaluación de las políticas sanitarias, la distribución adecuada de recursos, la revisión de los programas, la metodología de actuación, etc.ABSTRACT - Objectives: To become acquainted with the principal homecare physiotherapy services that are offered by the Public Health System for dependent elderly patients in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Methods: A thorough and updated review of the literature regarding previous studies, research stays in Hospitals, Primary Health Care Centers and Public Health institutions in both countries financed by the Public Health Administration; in-depth interviews with specific informants. Results: The situation of homecare physiotherapy in Spain from the year 1987 to the August 2008 is described. In Portugal, these services are established within the services regulated by Primary Health Care (Decree-Law no. 28/2008, of February 22). Conclusions: There are few studies in the Iberian Peninsula that offer scientific evidence-based information on the effectiveness of these physiotherapy services, user satisfaction and the effect they have in relation to other treatments. However, these studies are needed in order to evaluate the current health legislation, appropriate distribution of resources, to review the clinical programs, clinical action methodologies, etc.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Antelope": a hybrid-logic model checker for branching-time Boolean GRN analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Thomas' formalism for modeling gene regulatory networks (GRNs), <it>branching time</it>, where a state can have <it>more than one possible future</it>, plays a prominent role. By representing a certain degree of unpredictability, branching time can model several important phenomena, such as (a) asynchrony, (b) incompletely specified behavior, and (c) interaction with the environment. Introducing more than one possible future for a state, however, creates a difficulty for ordinary simulators, because <it>infinitely many </it>paths may appear, limiting ordinary simulators to statistical conclusions. <it>Model checkers </it>for branching time, by contrast, are able to prove properties in the presence of infinitely many paths.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed <it>Antelope </it>("Analysis of Networks through TEmporal-LOgic sPEcifications", <url>http://turing.iimas.unam.mx:8080/AntelopeWEB/</url>), a model checker for analyzing and constructing Boolean GRNs. Currently, software systems for Boolean GRNs use branching time almost exclusively for asynchrony. <it>Antelope</it>, by contrast, also uses branching time for incompletely specified behavior and environment interaction. We show the usefulness of modeling these two phenomena in the development of a Boolean GRN of the <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>root stem cell niche.</p> <p>There are two obstacles to a direct approach when applying model checking to Boolean GRN analysis. First, ordinary model checkers normally only verify whether or not a <it>given </it>set of model states has a given property. In comparison, a model checker for Boolean GRNs is preferable if it <it>reports </it>the set of states having a desired property. Second, for efficiency, the expressiveness of many model checkers is limited, resulting in the inability to express some interesting properties of Boolean GRNs.</p> <p><it>Antelope </it>tries to overcome these two drawbacks: Apart from reporting the set of all states having a given property, our model checker can express, at the expense of efficiency, some properties that ordinary model checkers (e.g., NuSMV) cannot. This additional expressiveness is achieved by employing a logic extending the standard Computation-Tree Logic (CTL) with hybrid-logic operators.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We illustrate the advantages of <it>Antelope </it>when (a) modeling incomplete networks and environment interaction, (b) exhibiting the set of all states having a given property, and (c) representing Boolean GRN properties with hybrid CTL.</p

    Full capacitance-matrix effects in driven Josephson-junction arrays

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    We study the dynamic response to external currents of periodic arrays of Josephson junctions, in a resistively capacitively shunted junction (RCSJ) model, including full capacitance-matrix effects}. We define and study three different models of the capacitance matrix Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}: Model A includes only mutual capacitances; Model B includes mutual and self capacitances, leading to exponential screening of the electrostatic fields; Model C includes a dense matrix Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} that is constructed approximately from superposition of an exact analytic solution for the capacitance between two disks of finite radius and thickness. In the latter case the electrostatic fields decay algebraically. For comparison, we have also evaluated the full capacitance matrix using the MIT fastcap algorithm, good for small lattices, as well as a corresponding continuum effective-medium analytic evaluation of a finite voltage disk inside a zero-potential plane. In all cases the effective Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} decays algebraically with distance, with different powers. We have then calculated current voltage characteristics for DC+AC currents for all models. We find that there are novel giant capacitive fractional steps in the I-V's for Models B and C, strongly dependent on the amount of screening involved. We find that these fractional steps are quantized in units inversely proportional to the lattice sizes and depend on the properties of Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}. We also show that the capacitive steps are not related to vortex oscillations but to localized screened phase-locking of a few rows in the lattice. The possible experimental relevance of these results is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages 18 Postscript figures, REVTEX style. Paper to appear in July 1, Vol. 58, Phys. Rev. B 1998 All PS figures include

    Coaching in clinical psychology: fundamental issues of possibilities and limits

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    En el texto se hace un abordaje de lo que es el Coaching, de las teorías dentro de la Psicología del que se basa éste y de su aplicabilidad en la Psicología clínica. Se podría definir el Coaching como el proceso interactivo y transparente mediante el cual el Coach o entrenador y la persona o grupo implicados en dicho proceso (Coachee) buscan el camino más eficaz para alcanzar los objetivos fijados usando sus propios recursos y habilidades. Esta definición se asemeja al rol que psicólogo y cliente adoptarían en las sesiones. Por lo cual, la psicología clínica ha empezado a interesarse por el proceso de Coaching en psicoterapia cómo una herramienta más a utilizar dentro de nuestro campo. De ahí la conveniencia de elaborar un modelo de intervención integrador con la inclusión del Coaching en población clínica. El “coaching” se hace interesante para la Psicología porque es una manera de intervenir con una persona. Esta manera de intervenir, propia del “coaching”, se aplica en los contextos naturales de la persona. En estos contextos naturales es donde se desarrolla e interacciona la persona con su medio. Es decir, que este modo de actuar con las técnicas adecuadas a cada caso se podría considerar muy positivo para aquellas personas que necesiten una intervención aplicada en sus contextos naturales.In this text we talk about Coaching, how it is based on psychological theories and its applicability in clinical psychology. The Coaching could be defined as the interactive and transparent process throught which the coach is the trainer and the coachee is the person that searches the better way to find his objective using its own resources and abilities. This definition is similar to the roll that psychologist and client would adopt in the sessions. Thus, clinical psychology has begun to be interested in the process of Coaching in psychotherapy, as one tool more to use within our field. Therefore, the convenience to ellaborate a model of intervention integrates coaching in clinical Psychology population. Coaching becomes interesting for psychologists because it is a way of intervention with the person. This way of intervention, own of coaching, it is applied in natural contexts of the person. In this natural contexts it is were the person with her atmosphere is developed and interacted. Therefore, this way to act with the techniques adapted to each case, it would be considered very positive for those people that they need an intervention applied in its natural contexts.peerReviewe

    One Loop Multiphoton Helicity Amplitudes

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    We use the solutions to the recursion relations for double-off-shell fermion currents to compute helicity amplitudes for nn-photon scattering and electron-positron annihilation to photons in the massless limit of QED. The form of these solutions is simple enough to allow {\it all}\ of the integrations to be performed explicitly. For nn-photon scattering, we find that unless n=4n=4, the amplitudes for the helicity configurations (+++...+) and (-++...+) vanish to one-loop order.Comment: 27 pages + 4 uuencoded figures (included), Fermilab-Pub-93/327-T, RevTe

    Pauli principle and chaos in a magnetized disk

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    We present results of a detailed quantum mechanical study of a gas of NN noninteracting electrons confined to a circular boundary and subject to homogeneous dc plus ac magnetic fields (B=Bdc+Bacf(t)(B=B_{dc}+B_{ac}f(t), with f(t+2π/ω0)=f(t)f(t+2\pi/\omega_0)=f(t)). We earlier found a one-particle {\it classical} phase diagram of the (scaled) Larmor frequency ω~c=omegac/ω0\tilde\omega_c=omega_c/\omega_0 {\rm vs} ϵ=Bac/Bdc\epsilon=B_{ac}/B_{dc} that separates regular from chaotic regimes. We also showed that the quantum spectrum statistics changed from Poisson to Gaussian orthogonal ensembles in the transition from classically integrable to chaotic dynamics. Here we find that, as a function of NN and (ϵ,ω~c)(\epsilon,\tilde\omega_c), there are clear quantum signatures in the magnetic response, when going from the single-particle classically regular to chaotic regimes. In the quasi-integrable regime the magnetization non-monotonically oscillates between diamagnetic and paramagnetic as a function of NN. We quantitatively understand this behavior from a perturbation theory analysis. In the chaotic regime, however, we find that the magnetization oscillates as a function of NN but it is {\it always} diamagnetic. Equivalent results are also presented for the orbital currents. We also find that the time-averaged energy grows like N2N^2 in the quasi-integrable regime but changes to a linear NN dependence in the chaotic regime. In contrast, the results with Bose statistics are akin to the single-particle case and thus different from the fermionic case. We also give an estimate of possible experimental parameters were our results may be seen in semiconductor quantum dot billiards.Comment: 22 pages, 7 GIF figures, Phys. Rev. E. (1999