41 research outputs found

    Description of Behavior Positive Deviance Nutritional Status the Children Who Have 1-3 Years Old and Child Nutrition Maternal of Poor Families in the Village of Pemulutan Ulu Subdistrict Pemulutan, Ogan Ilir

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    Background : The growth and development problem of toddler is a serious because at this age, the critical period of growth and development in physical and intelligence. Mostly, malnutrition problem occurs in poor family, but no doubt there are poor families have childrenwith good nutritional. This study aims to describe the behavior of positive deviance nutritional status of mothers and toddlers from poor family in Pemulutan Ulu village, district of Ogan Ilir. Method : The study was an observational study with cross-sectional design. Research conducted on the toddler and the toddler's mother. Sample as many as 5 motherwho have toddler with good nutrition status from poor family and 5 mother who have toddler with under nutrition status from poor family.So, there are 10 mothers with their toddler. Data is collected through observational and in-depth interviews. Data was analysis by using qualitative analysis and presented in tabular and narrative. Result : The results showed that toddler who have good nutritional status from poor families have positive behaviordeviance in daily habits, such as : feeding habits, hygiene habits and habits using health services were very good and true. At the time that toddlers who have under nutritional status from poor families have worse habits well enough and one that directly or indirectly affect the nutritional status of toddler. Conclusion : Mother who have a toddler with good nutritional status have positive behavioral deviance in daily habits, such as : feeding habits, hygiene and health care utilization for children toddler wasgood and truce in comparison with mothers who have toddler under nutritional status even though they come from poor families

    Body Image Description and Relating Factors to Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls Sman 17 Palembang and SMA Nurul Iman Palembang in the Year of 2009

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    Background : Teenagers are human resource assets of country. The development of information, technology, and culture major influence for teens, especially on modern lifestyles in urban adolescent girls. One of the changes that began to appear, especially for adolescent girls began to notice the appearance of the body which in this case to lose weight. Adolescent girls have a strong desire for a thin line with a growing image in the community who said that it was pretty thin, although there is no medical reason that teenage girls do that. Method : This study descriptive with cross-sectional approach. Total population in the two schools as many as 206 people. While this sample amounted to 136 people from two schools are taken by way of proportional stratified random sampling. Research instruments using questionnaires, 24-hour recall sheet, sheet Food Frequency Quationare (FFQ), and bathroom scales. Result : Research results in two high schools showed that most young women of SMAN 17 Palembang has a positive body image while a negative body image is owned by a teenage high school daughter Nurul Iman Palembang. There is a link between nutritional status was better and more balanced with a positive body image, eating frequency, energy adequacy level, the level of protein adequacy, sports activities, and fast food consumption also have relevance to the nutritional status of young women. Conclusion : Knowledge and information about nutrition and health especially on a good body image is needed to establish food consumption patterns of both the nutritional needs of adolescents so that teens can be fulfilled. While providing the knowledge and correct information about body image will bring positive impact to influence the nutritional status of young women

    Formulasi Sediaan Sabun Cair Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Daun Kemangi (Ocimumamericanum L.) Dan Uji Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Epidermidis Dan Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Basil (Ocimum americanum L.) is a plant that has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis that is a bacteria can cause infection. Basil contains essential oils that act as an antibacterial. This research aims to formulate the essential oil of basil leaves into a liquid soap, determine antibacterial activity against S.aureus and S.epidermidis bacteria with the agar diffusion method using wells and determine the stability of the preparation. Antibacterial activity data that gain was analyzed by one-way ANOVA with a level of trust 95% followed by Duncan test. The results of the research showed basil essential oil liquid soap preparation has antibacterial activity. The analysis results showed that there were significant differences in the concentration of 2%, 3%, 4%, and the Duncan test results showed no significant difference between the concentration of 4% with control (+). The results of the t-student analysis of liquid soap include viscosity, pH and dispersive capacity does not fill the parameters of stability during the storage period of 28 day


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    Komponen  yang  memiliki  kandungan  cukup  besar  didalam  minyak  kayu  putih  adalah    sineol  dan  dijadikan sebagai  penentu  kualitas  minyak  kayu  putih  dalam  perdagangan.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menentukan kualitas minyak kayu putih hasil penyulingan pada industri kecil skala rumah tangga di Maluku untuk memetakan kualitas  minyak  kayu  putih  di  Maluku.  Pengambilan  sampel  minyak  kayu  putih  dilakukan  disetiap  lokasi penyulingan  dan  wawancara dengan  perajin  untuk  memperoleh  data.  Pengujian  kualitas  minyak kayu  putih menggunakan SNI 06-3954-2001 dan kadar sineol menggunakan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas minyak kayu putih di Pulau Buru dengan sistem penyulingan masih menggunakan ketel berbahan kayu menghasilkan kadar sineol  tergolong pada  level pertama  (P) dengan kisaran 24-44%. Dari 9  lokasi dijumpai 6 lokasi berkualitas baik dan 3 lokasi telah melakukan pencampuran dengan minyak yang lain dengan kadar sineol 8-16%. Di Seram Bagian Barat kualitas minyak kayu putih sangat baik dengan kadar sineol tergolong pada level pertama  (P)  dan  utama  (U)  dengan  kisaran  24-64%. Dari enam belas lokasi  dijumpai  7  lokasi  yang  masih menggunakan  ketel kayu. Di Maluku Barat Daya (MBD) dan Maluku Tenggara Barat (MTB) kualitas minyak kayu putih sangat baik dengan  kadar  sineol  tergolong pada  level pertama  (P) dan utama  (U) dengan  kisaran kadar sineol 36-60%

    Deskripsi Pranata Masyarakat Arab dalam Film “Kingdom Of Heaven”

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    - Penelitian ini membahas mengenai “Kingdom of Heaven” yang merupakan film yang digarap oleh industri perfilman Hollywood yang menceritakan sejarah umat manusia yang pernah terjadi di abad ke-11. Perkembangan situasi di Palestina yang belum juga memperoleh titik damai antara Palestina dan Israel, menjadi titik awal mengapa perindustrian Hollywood memproduksi sebuah film untuk mengingatkan kembali akan sebuah jalan sejarah yang pernah ditempuh oleh Palestina. Tim peneliti mencoba memberikan tambahan dan juga analisis kritis dari film “Kingdom of Heaven” yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan kajian guna terciptanya rekayasa sosial dari tatanan baru yang damai di bumi Palestina. Penelitian ini terbatas pada analisis pranata masyarakat dan masih memerlukan kajian budaya khususnya sub pranata sosial lainnya yang belum dianalisis, sehingga dapat memberikan sumbangsih yang dapat mendukung dalam memberikan gambaran yang utuh akan rekayasa sosial yang diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan guna terciptanya Yerusalem yang damai. Penelitian ini juga mendeskrpsikan figur Shalahuddin yang tidak ditemukan atau masih sangat minim digambarkan dalam film ini. Perlu kiranya sebagai saran dari penelitian ini agar penelitian budaya harus terus ditingkatkan, khususnya studi kawasan Timur Tengah yang sampai hari ini masih jauh dari kedamaian dan sedang mencari format rekayasa sosial yang mendukung terciptanya situasi dan budaya masyarakat yang kondusif. Industri perfilman hendaknya dapat lebih mengeksplor lagi sumber-sumber sejarah yang digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan sebuah film non-fiksi, sehingga penonton dapat mengambil manfaat setelah menyaksikannya karena film hari ini menjadi media yang sangat potensial dalam menyampaikan sebuah pesan. Kata Kunci – Palestina, Kerajaan, Surga, Islam, Sali

    Pengaruh Pengaturan Suhu Penggorengan Vacum Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Kimia Keripik Salak (Salaca edulis Reinw)

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    Snake fruit (Salaca edulis Reinw) has a taste of sweet and sour, with a strong astringent edge. Snake fruit can be processed into chips in order to prolong its shelf life. Fruit chips processed with vacuum frying technology does not compromise the form, taste, colour, and aroma of the native fruits. However, in an effort to obtain crisp and tasteful snake fruit chips, the temperature of the vacuum frying process should be adjusted accordingly. Results showed the frying temperature of 70°C resulted in the chips which had Vitamin C, total acidity, and moisture contents of 0.11 mg, 16.05%, and 12.74%, respectively. When chips were fried with 80°C, the resulting product had a Vitamin C of 0.12 mg, total acidity of 16.14%, and moisture of 14.02%. Whereas chips with lower Vitamin C, total acidity, and moisture contents of 0.09 mg, 8,54%, and 6.01%, subsequently resulted from frying with 90°C. Keywords: chips, snake fruits, vacuum fryin


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the species of red algae in Kalasey waters and also to determine their diversity, density, dominance, and distribution patterns. The research was conducted in November in the Kalasey Minahasa waters of North Sulawesi.This study used the quadrant transect method, in taking the sample the transect was drawn along 100m from the coastline towards the sea 3 times then the quadrants were placed on the side of the transect, each quadrant 10m apart was placed 10 times. From the use of this method, 5 species of red algae were obtained. Based on the results of data analysis, it showed that the diversity index was moderate with a value of 1.57 for the entire transect. The density index obtained from the results of data analysis with an overall transect value of 10.43. The distribution pattern index has a random distribution pattern with an overall transect value of 0.01. The overall dominance index of the transect is 1.21. The dominating species with the highest number of individuals was found in Gracilaria arcuata and the lowest number of individuals was found in Galaxaura fastigiata. The Kalasey waters area has a temperature of 33°C, a salinity of 30%o, and the degree of pH similarity obtained is 7. Based on the results of these parameters, the Kalasey waters are classified as good for the life of various types of algae.Keywords: Types of Red Algae, Kalasey WatersABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui spesies alga merah yang ada di perairan Kalasey dan juga untuk mengetahui Keanekaragaman, Kepadatan, Dominansi, dan Pola Penyebarannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November di Perairan Kalasey Minahasa Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek kuadran, pada pengambilan sampel transek ditarik sepanjang 100m dari garis pantai mengarah ke laut sebanyak 3 kali lalu kuadran diletakkan disisi Transek, setiap kuadran berjarak 10m diletakkan sebanyak 10 kali. Dari penggunaan metode tersebut diperoleh 5 spesies alga merah berdasarkan hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman sedang dengan nilai dari keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,57. Indeks kepadatan yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 10,43. Indeks pola penyebaran terdapat pola penyebaran acak dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 0,01. Indeks dominansi keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,21. Spesies yang mendominansi dengan jumlah individu tertinggi terdapat pada Gracilaria arcuata dan jumlah individu terendah terdapat pada Galaxaura fastigiata. Wilayah perairan Kalasey memiliki suhu 33°C, salinitas 30%o, dan derajat kesamaan pH yang diperoleh yaitu 7. Berdasarkan hasil parameter tersebut perairan Kalasey tergolong baik untuk kehidupan berbagai jenis alga.Kata kunci : Jenis Alga Merah, Perairan Kalase