2,321 research outputs found

    An integrated study of earth resources in the State of California using remote sensing techniques

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The supply, demand, and impact relationships of California's water resources as exemplified by the Feather River project and other aspects of the California Water Plan are discussed


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    Project 4.2 was designed to study direct (primary) air blast injury, in animals, from an atomic weapon in the range of 20 to 50 psi under circumstances affording protection against missiles, thermal and ionizing radiation and to estimate the probable direct air blast hazard in man. The pressure levels at which atomic weapons direct air blast injuries occur will determine, to a large extent, the number of blast casualties likely to be encountered. It is probable that fatal overpressures are not reached until well within the range at which indirect (secondary) blast, thermal and ionizing radiation are practically certain to prove fatal. Only in special situations affording partial protection from other injuries are blast injuries likely to be of practical importance. Two animal species of widely different body weights (700 rats and 56 dogs) were exposed, together with air pressure recorders, in aluminum cylinders, covered by sandbags and dirt but open at both ends, at seven stations distributed within the intended overpressure range of 20 to 50 psi of Shot 10« About 200 rats were likewise exposed in Shot 9. Unfortunately, the destructive effect of the air blast of Shot 10 was much greater than anticipated. Many of the exposure cylinders were displaced and their contents destroyed. Only a partial recovery of the animals was possible due to the excessive radioactive contamination which greatly limited the time in the area. Most of the animals were dead upon recovery. Those living were in a state of severe shock. Autopsy findings showed remarkably few traumatic lesions and lung hemorrhages in spite of the rough treatment and high overpressure to which they were subjected. The rats recovered from Shot 9 were exposed to a recorded pressure of 18 to 2k psi. The autopsy findings showed moderate lung hemorrhage in most of the animals undoubtedly due to direct air blast injury. The findings were typical of those seen following exposure to air blast from HE or in the shock tube. The agreement between the estimated pressures and the recorded pressures in the containers were good in some instances but not in others. Discounting the initial pressure rise, it was thought that the records represent the pressure changes in the exposure containers. The individual records exhibited rather wide variations in recorded pressures indicating a complex pressure field. The attempt to compare levels of direct air blast in small and large animals, and thereby to extrapolate to man, was not accomplished due to the lack of statistically reliable data on the dogs. The lapse of time between the death of the dogs and autopsy reduced the interpretable findings below the level required for statistical significance. Laboratory studies are planned to evaluate the relative importance of the several blast wave parameters in the production of injury, Recommendations for future field test studies will depend upon the outcome of this laboratory work

    Membrane Cholesterol Regulates Smooth Muscle Phasic Contraction

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    The regulation of contractile activity in smooth muscle cells involves rapid discrimination and processing of a multitude of simultaneous signals impinging on the membrane before an integrated functional response can be generated. The sarcolemma of smooth muscle cells is segregated into caveolar regions-largely identical with cholesterol-rich membrane rafts—and actin-attachment sites, localized in non-raft, glycerophospholipid regions. Here we demonstrate that selective extraction of cholesterol abolishes membrane segregation and disassembles caveolae. Simultaneous measurements of force and [Ca2+]i in rat ureters demonstrated that extraction of cholesterol resulted in inhibition of both force and intracellular Ca2+ signals. Considering the major structural reorganization of cholesterol-depleted sarcolemma, it is intriguing to note that decreased levels of membrane cholesterol are accompanied by a highly specific inhibition of phasic, but not tonic contractions. This implies that signalling cascades that ultimately lead to either phasic or tonic response may be spatially segregated in the plane of the sarcolemma. Replenishment of cholesterol restores normal contractile behavior. In addition, the tissue function is re-established by inhibiting the large-conductance K+-channel. Sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation in combination with Western blotting analysis demonstrates that its α-subunit is associated with detergent-resistant membranes, suggesting that the channel might be localized within the membrane rafts in vivo. These findings are important in understanding the complex signalling pathways in smooth muscle and conditions such as premature labor and hypertensio

    Using Participatory Scenarios to Stimulate Social Learning for Collaborative Sustainable Development

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    Interdependent human and biophysical systems are highly complex and behave in unpredictable and uncontrollable ways. Social and ecological challenges that emerge from this complexity often defy straightforward solutions, and efforts to address these problems will require not only scientific and technological capabilities but also learning and adaptation. Scenarios are a useful tool for grappling with the uncertainty and complexity of social-ecological challenges because they enable participants to build adaptive capacity through the contemplation of multiple future possibilities. Furthermore, scenarios provide a platform for social learning, which is critical to acting in the face of uncertain, complex, and conflict-laden problems. We studied the Minnesota 2050 project, a collaborative project through which citizens collectively imagined future scenarios and contemplated the implications of these possibilities for the adaptability of their social and environmental communities. Survey and interview data indicate that these participatory scenario workshops built and strengthened relationships, enhanced participants’ understanding of other perspectives, and triggered systemic thinking, all of which is relevant to collective efforts to respond to social-ecological challenges through sustainable development activities. Our analysis shows that participatory scenarios can stimulate social learning by enabling participants to engage and to discuss options for coping with uncertainty through collaborative actions. Such learning can be of value to participants and to the organizations and decisions in which they are engaged, and scenario processes can be effective tools for supporting collaborative sustainable development efforts

    Molar volume of solid isotopic helium mixtures

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    Solid isotopic helium mixtures have been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. This method allowed us to study the molar volume as a function of temperature, pressure, and isotopic composition. At 25 K and 0.2 GPa, the relative difference between molar volumes of isotopically-pure crystals of 3He and 4He is found to be about 3%. This difference decreases under pressure, and for 12 GPa it is smaller than 1%. For isotopically-mixed crystals, a linear relation between lattice parameters and concentrations of helium isotopes is found, in agreement with Vegard's law. The virtual crystal approximation, valid for isotopic mixtures of heavier atoms, does not give reliable results for solid solutions of helium isotopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A multispectral photographic experiment based on a statistical analysis of spectrometric data Final report

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    Multispectral photographic experiment based on statistical analysis of spectrometric data - spectral reflectance for terrain, optimum film- filter combinations, and terrain tone signature

    Pharmacokinetics of a Single Feeding of Pelleted Cannabidiol in Horses

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    Claims about cannabidiol (CBD) supplementation improving health and behavior are extensive, but research is lacking. Some studies have shown decreased anxiety behavior in rats, and increased activity in osteoarthritic dogs supplemented with CBD, but even less research exists on horses. This study monitored pharmacokinetics and short-term safety for 3 CBD dosages. Eighteen Quarter Horse geldings were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups: 50 mg (TXT1), 100 mg (TXT2), and 250 mg (TXT3). Dosage was derived from manufacturer recommendations and existing literature on other species. Horses were fed a single dose of CBD pellets. Blood was collected pre- and post-treatment at 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 12 hr. Serum was analyzed for CBD and serum chemistry, and plasma was analyzed for a complete blood chemistry (CBC) evaluation. Statistics were completed on serum chemistry using PROC MIXED procedure of SAS. Serum chemistry and CBC results were within normal parameters; however, treatment differences were observed for BUN (TXT1=15.50, TXT2=16.52, TXT3=18.61; P≤0.03) and creatinine (TXT1=1.41, TXT2=1.22, TXT3=1.49; P≤0.01). In other species, peak CBD concentrations occur approximately 2 hr post treatment. Peak serum concentrations were detected in 1 of 6 TXT2 horses and 5 of 6 TXT3 horses at 2 hr post treatment. This data can be used to support further research to determine correct and safe doses of CBD in horses
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