692 research outputs found

    Using LANDSAT digital data for estimating green biomass

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Relationships between the quantity of mixed prairie rangeland vegetation and LANDSAT MSS response were studied during four growing seasons at test sites throughout the United States Great Plans region. A LANDSAT derived parameter, the normalized difference was developed from theoretical considerations fro statistical estimation of the amount and seasonal condition of rangeland vegetation. This parameter was tested for application to local assessment of green forage biomass and regional monitoring of range feed conditions and drought. Results show that for grasslands in the Great Plains with near continuous vegetative cover and free of heavy brush and forbs, the LANDSAT digital data can provide a useful estimate of the quantity of green forage biomass (within 250 kg/ha), and at least five levels of pasture and range feed conditions can be adequately mapped for extended regions

    Fundamental remote sensing science research program. Part 1: Scene radiation and atmospheric effects characterization project

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    Brief articles summarizing the status of research in the scene radiation and atmospheric effect characterization (SRAEC) project are presented. Research conducted within the SRAEC program is focused on the development of empirical characterizations and mathematical process models which relate the electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from a scene to the biophysical parameters of interest

    Inactivation of Oriented Bacteria with Polarized Ultraviolet Light

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    Aligned deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules exhibit a large absorption anisotropy in the ultraviolet (UV) region of the spectrum (11). Also, the UV action spectra of most bacteria resemble the absorption spectrum of DNA (23), implying that inactivation is directly proportional to the UV absorbed by the bacterial DNA. Hence, the UV sensitivity of aligned uniaxial bacteria might be anisotropic with respect to polarization of the incident UV (17, 19). Any inactivation anisotropy would depend upon the orientation of DNA within the bacteria, as well as upon the alignment of bacteria, and could provide a more sensitive indication of in vivo DNA orientation than is presently available using optical methods (5, 12–16). Using an electric field of 3.5×106 cycles/second, samples of bacteria of strain LS-301 were aligned in a quartz cell and were irradiated with UV (λ = 2652 A) polarized perpendicular and parallel to the alignment direction. The resultant survival curves resolved no inactivation anisotropy. This result is interpreted to mean that there was insufficient bacterial DNA alignment to give a detectable anisotropy. The minimum average DNA alignment necessary to have resolved an anisotropy is calculated to be 15 per cent in an axial direction (bases perpendicular to the bacterial axis) or 30 per cent in a radial direction (bases parallel to the bacterial axis)

    Middle School Pedagogical Order: Lecture or Lab?

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    A study was recently conducted in a suburban middle school regarding two teaching strategies. Ninety-three eighth grade students were administered a pretest regarding plate tectonics. Forty-one of the students conducted an inquiry lab; they participated in a class discussion regarding the material. Forty-two of the students first participated in a class discussion regarding plate tectonics; afterwards they completed the laboratory exercise. A posttest was administered at the conclusion of the unit. Ten students were not in attendance for both the pretest and the posttest. Statistical analysis of the 83 remaining students through the use of t-tests indicates no statistically significant performance difference on the scores of the posttest

    The molecular aspects of biological development

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    Conference on molecular aspects of biological developmen

    Monitoring vegetation conditions from LANDSAT for use in range management

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    A summary of the LANDSAT Great Plains Corridor projects and the principal results are presented. Emphasis is given to the use of satellite acquired phenological data for range management and agri-business activities. A convenient method of reducing LANDSAT MSS data to provide quantitative estimates of green biomass on rangelands in the Great Plains is explained. Suggestions for the use of this approach for evaluating range feed conditions are presented. A LANDSAT Follow-on project has been initiated which will employ the green biomass estimation method in a quasi-operational monitoring of range readiness and range feed conditions on a regional scale

    Monitoring the vernal advancement and retrogradation (green wave effect) of natural vegetation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project utilizes natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. A method has been developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions over broad regions using ERTS-1 MSS data. Radiance values recorded in ERTS-1 spectral bands 5 and 7, corrected for sun angle, are used to compute a band ratio parameter which is shown to be correlated with green biomass and vegetation moisture content. This report details the progress being made toward determining factors associated with the transformed vegetation index (TVI) and limitations on the method. During the first year of ERTS-1 operation (cycles 1-20), an average of 50% usable ERTS-1 data was obtained for the ten Great Plains Corridor test sites

    Monitoring vegetation systems in the Great Plains with ERTS

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    The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project utilizes natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. A method has been developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions over broad regions using ERTS-1 MSS data. Radiance values recorded in ERTS-1 spectral bands 5 and 7, corrected for sun angle, are used to compute a band ratio parameter which is shown to be correlated with aboveground green biomass on rangelands

    Applied regional monitoring of the vernal advancement and retrogradation (Green wave effect) of natural vegetation in the Great Plains corridor

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT 2 has shown that digital data products can be effectively employed on a regional basis to monitor changes in vegetation conditions. The TV16 was successfully applied to an extended test site and the Great Plains Corridor in tests of the ability to assess green forage biomass on rangelands as an index to vegetation condition. A strategy for using TV16 on a regional basis was developed and tested. These studies have shown that: (1) for rangelands with good vegetative cover, such as most of the Great Plains, and which are not heavily infested with brush or undesirable weed species, the LANDSAT digital data can provide a good estimate (within 250 kg/ha) of the quantity of green forage biomass, and (2) at least five levels of pasture and range feed conditions can be adequately mapped for extended regions

    Monitoring the Vernal Advancement and Retrogradation (Green Wave Effect) of Natural Vegetation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project successfully utilized natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. An effective method was developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions, including green biomass estimates, recorded in bands 5 and 6, corrected for sun angle, were used to compute a ratio parameter (TV16) which is shown to be highly correlated with green biomass and vegatation moisture content. Analyses results of ERTS-1 digital data and correlated ground data are summarized. Attention was given to analyzing weather influences and test site variables on vegetation condition measurements with ERTS-1 data
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