18,147 research outputs found
Kolmogorov-Burgers Model for Star Forming Turbulence
The process of star formation in interstellar molecular clouds is believed to
be controlled by driven supersonic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We suggest
that in the inertial range such turbulence obeys the Kolmogorov law, while in
the dissipative range it behaves as Burgers turbulence developing shock
singularities. On the base of the She-Leveque analytical model we then predict
the velocity power spectrum in the inertial range to be E_k ~ k^{-1.74}. This
result reproduces the observational Larson law, ~ l^{0.74...0.76},
[Larson, MNRAS 194 (1981) 809] and agrees well with recent numerical findings
by Padoan and Nordlund [astro-ph/0011465]. The application of the model to more
general dissipative structures, with higher fractal dimensionality, leads to
better agreement with recent observational results.Comment: revised, new material added, 8 page
Formation of the First Stars by Accretion
The process of star formation from metal-free gas is investigated by
following the evolution of accreting protostars with emphasis on the properties
of massive objects. The main aim is to establish the physical processes that
determine the upper mass limit of the first stars. Although the consensus is
that massive stars were commonly formed in the first cosmic structures, our
calculations show that their actual formation depends sensitively on the mass
accretion rate and its time variation. Even in the rather idealized case in
which star formation is mainly determined by dot{M}acc, the characteristic mass
scale of the first stars is rather uncertain. We find that there is a critical
mass accretion rate dot{M}crit = 4 10^{-3} Msun/yr that separates solutions
with dot{M}acc> 100 Msun can form,
provided there is sufficient matter in the parent clouds, from others
(dot{M}acc > dot{M}crit) where the maximum mass limit decreases as dot{M}acc
increases. In the latter case, the protostellar luminosity reaches the
Eddington limit before the onset of hydrogen burning at the center via the
CN-cycle. This phase is followed by a rapid and dramatic expansion of the
radius, possibly leading to reversal of the accretion flow when the stellar
mass is about 100Msun. (abridged)Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures. ApJ, in pres
A rule-based system for real-time analysis of control systems
An approach to automate the real-time analysis of flight critical health monitoring and system status is being developed and evaluated at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility. A software package was developed in-house and installed as part of the extended aircraft interrogation and display system. This design features a knowledge-base structure in the form of rules to formulate interpretation and decision logic of real-time data. This technique has been applied for ground verification and validation testing and flight testing monitoring where quick, real-time, safety-of-flight decisions can be very critical. In many cases post processing and manual analysis of flight system data are not required. The processing is described of real-time data for analysis along with the output format which features a message stack display. The development, construction, and testing of the rule-driven knowledge base, along with an application using the X-31A flight test program, are presented
A knowledge based application of the extended aircraft interrogation and display system
A family of multiple-processor ground support test equipment was used to test digital flight-control systems on high-performance research aircraft. A unit recently built for the F-18 high alpha research vehicle project is the latest model in a series called the extended aircraft interrogation and display system. The primary feature emphasized monitors the aircraft MIL-STD-1553B data buses and provides real-time engineering units displays of flight-control parameters. A customized software package was developed to provide real-time data interpretation based on rules embodied in a highly structured knowledge database. The configuration of this extended aircraft interrogation and display system is briefly described, and the evolution of the rule based package and its application to failure modes and effects testing on the F-18 high alpha research vehicle is discussed
Radar data processing and analysis
Digitized four-channel radar images corresponding to particular areas from the Phoenix and Huntington test sites were generated in conjunction with prior experiments performed to collect X- and L-band synthetic aperture radar imagery of these two areas. The methods for generating this imagery are documented. A secondary objective was the investigation of digital processing techniques for extraction of information from the multiband radar image data. Following the digitization, the remaining resources permitted a preliminary machine analysis to be performed on portions of the radar image data. The results, although necessarily limited, are reported
Validity of adiabaticity in Cavity QED
This paper deals with the concept of adiabaticity for fully quantum
mechanically cavity QED models. The physically interesting cases of Gaussian
and standing wave shapes of the cavity mode are considered. An analytical
approximate measure for adiabaticity is given and compared with numerical wave
packet simulations. Good agreement is obtained where the approximations are
expected to be valid. Usually for cavity QED systems, the large atom-field
detuning case is considered as the adiabatic limit. We, however, show that
adiabaticity is also valid, for the Gaussian mode shape, in the opposite limit.
Effective semiclassical time dependent models, which do not take into account
the shape of the wave packet, are derived. Corrections to such an effective
theory, which are purely quantum mechanical, are discussed. It is shown that
many of the results presented can be applied to time dependent two-level
systems.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
SPAR VI Technical Report for Experiment 76-22: Directional Solidification of Magnetic Composites
Samples of eutectic Bi/MnBi were directionally solidified during a low-g interval aboard the SPAR 6 flight and in a l-g environment under identical furnace velocity and thermal conditions. The Bi/MnBi eutectic is characterized by a regular rod eutectic whose morphology may be sensitive to thermo-solutal convection and by its components, MnBi, which is ferromagnetic. Morphological analyses on samples show statistically smaller interrod spacings and rod diameters with respect to samples grown under identical solidification furnace conditions in l-g. An adjustment between the interrod spacing, growth velocity, and total undercooling at the solidification interface is proposed. Morphological analyses on samples grown in l-g indicate little difference between results for different growth orientations with respect to the gravity vector. The magnetic properties are significantly affected, however, by the presence of a nonequilibrium magnetic phase and the nonequilibrium phase transforms to the equilibrium ferromagnetic phase during isothermal heat treatment
The growth of metastable peritectic compounds
The influence of gravitationally driven thermosolutal convection on the directional solidification of peritectic alloys is considered as well as the relationships between the solidification processing conditions, and the microstructure, chemistry, and magnetic properties of such alloys. Analysis of directionally solidified Pb-Bi peritectic samples indicates that appreciable macrosegregation occurs due to thermosolutal convection and/or Soret diffusion. A peritectic solidification model which accounts for partial mixing in the liquid ahead of the planar solidification interface and describes macrosegregation has been developed. Two-phase dendritic and banded microstructures were grown in the Pb-Bi peritectic system, refined two-phase microstructures have were observed, and candidate formation mechanisms proposed. Material handling, containment, casting, microstructural and magnetic characterization techniques were developed for the Sm-Co system. Alloys produced with these procedures are homogeneous
Thermal and Fragmentation Properties of Star-forming Clouds in Low-metallicity Environments
The thermal and chemical evolution of star-forming clouds is studied for
different gas metallicities, Z, using the model of Omukai (2000), updated to
include deuterium chemistry and the effects of cosmic microwave background
(CMB) radiation. HD-line cooling dominates the thermal balance of clouds when Z
\~ 10^{-5}-10^{-3} Z_sun and density ~10^{5} cm^{-3}. Early on, CMB radiation
prevents the gas temperature to fall below T_CMB, although this hardly alters
the cloud thermal evolution in low-metallicity gas. From the derived
temperature evolution, we assess cloud/core fragmentation as a function of
metallicity from linear perturbation theory, which requires that the core
elongation E := (b-a)/a > E_NL ~ 1, where a (b) is the short (long) core axis
length. The fragment mass is given by the thermal Jeans mass at E = E_NL. Given
these assumptions and the initial (gaussian) distribution of E we compute the
fragment mass distribution as a function of metallicity. We find that: (i) For
Z=0, all fragments are very massive, > 10^{3}M_sun, consistently with previous
studies; (ii) for Z>10^{-6} Z_sun a few clumps go through an additional high
density (> 10^{10} cm^{-3}) fragmentation phase driven by dust-cooling, leading
to low-mass fragments; (iii) The mass fraction in low-mass fragments is
initially very small, but at Z ~ 10^{-5}Z_sun it becomes dominant and continues
to grow as Z is increased; (iv) as a result of the two fragmentation modes, a
bimodal mass distribution emerges in 0.01 0.1Z_sun,
the two peaks merge into a singly-peaked mass function which might be regarded
as the precursor of the ordinary Salpeter-like IMF.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figures, ApJ in pres
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