3,741 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of even denominator fractions in graphene: Fermi sea versus paired states of composite fermions

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    The physics of the state at even denominator fractional fillings of Landau levels depends on the Coulomb pseudopotentials, and produces, in different GaAs Landau levels, a composite fermion Fermi sea, a stripe phase, or, possibly, a paired composite fermion state. We consider here even denominator fractions in graphene, which has different pseudopotentials as well as a possible four fold degeneracy of each Landau level. We test various composite fermion Fermi sea wave functions (fully polarized, SU(2) singlet, SU(4) singlet) as well as the paired composite fermion states in the n=0 and n=1n=1 Landau levels and predict that (i) the paired states are not favorable, (ii) CF Fermi seas occur in both Landau levels, and (iii) an SU(4) singlet composite fermion Fermi sea is stabilized in the appropriate limit. The results from detailed microscopic calculations are generally consistent with the predictions of the mean field model of composite fermions

    General Position Subsets and Independent Hyperplanes in d-Space

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    Erd\H{o}s asked what is the maximum number α(n)\alpha(n) such that every set of nn points in the plane with no four on a line contains α(n)\alpha(n) points in general position. We consider variants of this question for dd-dimensional point sets and generalize previously known bounds. In particular, we prove the following two results for fixed dd: - Every set HH of nn hyperplanes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d contains a subset SHS\subseteq H of size at least c(nlogn)1/dc \left(n \log n\right)^{1/d}, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, such that no cell of the arrangement of HH is bounded by hyperplanes of SS only. - Every set of cqdlogqcq^d\log q points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, contains a subset of qq cohyperplanar points or qq points in general position. Two-dimensional versions of the above results were respectively proved by Ackerman et al. [Electronic J. Combinatorics, 2014] and by Payne and Wood [SIAM J. Discrete Math., 2013].Comment: 8 page

    High Resolution Valley Spectroscopy of Si Quantum Dots

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    We study an accumulation mode Si/SiGe double quantum dot (DQD) containing a single electron that is dipole coupled to microwave photons in a superconducting cavity. Measurements of the cavity transmission reveal dispersive features due to the DQD valley states in Si. The occupation of the valley states can be increased by raising temperature or applying a finite source-drain bias across the DQD, resulting in an increased signal. Using cavity input-output theory and a four-level model of the DQD, it is possible to efficiently extract valley splittings and the inter- and intra-valley tunnel couplings

    Odd Decays from Even Anomalies: Gauge Mediation Signatures Without SUSY

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    We analyze the theory and phenomenology of anomalous global chiral symmetries in the presence of an extra dimension. We propose a simple extension of the Standard Model in 5D whose signatures closely resemble those of supersymmetry with gauge mediation, and we suggest a novel scalar dark matter candidate.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added; discussion of direct collider constraints added; v3: corrected dark matter calculation in chapter 4.2 and replaced figure 1

    Towards a Realistic Model of Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    We present a 5D gauge theory in warped space based on a bulk SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_(B-L) gauge group where the gauge symmetry is broken by boundary conditions. The symmetry breaking pattern and the mass spectrum resembles that in the standard model (SM). To leading order in the warp factor the rho parameter and the coupling of the Z (or equivalently the S-parameter) are as in the SM, while corrections are expected at the level of a percent. From the AdS/CFT point of view the model presented here can be viewed as the AdS dual of a (walking) technicolor-like theory, in the sense that it is the presence of the IR brane itself that breaks electroweak symmetry, and not a localized Higgs on the IR brane (which should be interpreted as a composite Higgs model). This model predicts the lightest W, Z and photon resonances to be at around 1.2 TeV, and no fundamental (or composite) Higgs particles.Comment: 10 pages. v2: refs adde

    Towards a chiral gauge theory by deconstruction in AdS5

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    We describe an implementation of a deconstructed gauge theory with charged fermions defined on an interval in five dimensional AdS space. The four dimensional slices are Minkowski, and the end slices support four dimensional chiral zero modes. In such a theory, the energy scales warp down as we move along the fifth dimension. If we augment this theory with localized neutral 4-dimensional Majorana fermions on the low energy end, and implement a Higgs mechanism there, we can arrange the theory such that the lightest gauge boson mode and the chiral mode on the wall at the high energy end are parametrically lighter than all the other states in the theory. If this semiclassical construction does not run into problems at the quantum level, this may provide an explicit construction of a chiral gauge theory. Instanton effects are expected to make the gauge boson heavy only if the resulting effective theory is anomalous.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, presented at Lattice2005(Chiral fermions), Dublin, July 25-30, 2005, to appear in Proceedings of Scienc

    And the first shall be the last

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    This study analyzes the puzzle of Hungarian economic drifting in a long run perspective. The underlying puzzle for the investigation is why bad policies are invariably popular and good policies unpopular, thus why political and economic rationality never overlap. The first part of the article summarizes in eight points the basic features of the postwar period. Then six lessons are offered, which might be useful for other countries in transition or for students of comparative economics and politics, lessons that can be generalized on the basis of the individual country experience