500 research outputs found

    Farm Tenancy in Rusk County, Texas

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    Statement of The Problem 1. To determine the tenancy rate of fifty Negro farmers in Rusk County, Texas.2. To arrive at some recommendations for improving farming practices as a result of this study. This study is intended to determine: 1. The extent to which fifty Negro farmers of Rusk County, Texas are engaged in the various types of farming that are best suited or adapted to their area. 2. Whether the fifty Negro farmers studied are using their factors of production to the best advantage, in order to realize the highest possible farm income. This study is based on data received from fifty Negro farmers engaged in permanent agriculture in Rusk County, Texas. It covers the type of farming and the farm incomes of the fifty Negro farmers chosen for the study

    Gonadotropin and kisspeptin gene expression, but not GnRH, are impaired in cFOS deficient mice.

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    cFOS is a pleiotropic transcription factor, which binds to the AP1 site in the promoter of target genes. In the pituitary gonadotropes, cFOS mediates induction of FSHβ and GnRH receptor genes. Herein, we analyzed reproductive function in the cFOS-deficient mice to determine its role in vivo. In the pituitary cFOS is necessary for gonadotropin subunit expression, while TSHβ is unaffected. Additionally, cFOS null animals have the same sex-steroid levels, although gametogenesis is impeded. In the brain, cFOS is not necessary for GnRH neuronal migration, axon targeting, cell number, or mRNA levels. Conversely, cFOS nulls, particularly females, have decreased Kiss1 neuron numbers and lower Kiss1 mRNA levels. Collectively, our novel findings suggest that cFOS plays a cell-specific role at multiple levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, affecting gonadotropes but not thyrotropes in the pituitary, and kisspeptin neurons but not GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus, thereby contributing to the overall control of reproduction

    GnRH Receptor Expression and Reproductive Function Depend on JUN in GnRH Receptor‒Expressing Cells.

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus regulates synthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gonadotropes. LH and FSH are heterodimers composed of a common α-subunit and unique β-subunits, which provide biological specificity and are limiting components of mature hormone synthesis. Gonadotrope cells respond to GnRH via specific expression of the GnRH receptor (Gnrhr). GnRH induces the expression of gonadotropin genes and of the Gnrhr by activation of specific transcription factors. The JUN (c-Jun) transcription factor binds to AP-1 sites in the promoters of target genes and mediates induction of the FSHβ gene and of the Gnrhr in gonadotrope-derived cell lines. To analyze the role of JUN in reproductive function in vivo, we generated a mouse model that lacks JUN specifically in GnRH receptor‒expressing cells (conditional JUN knockout; JUN-cKO). JUN-cKO mice displayed profound reproductive anomalies such as reduced LH levels resulting in lower gonadal steroid levels, longer estrous cycles in females, and diminished sperm numbers in males. Unexpectedly, FSH levels were unchanged in these animals, whereas Gnrhr expression in the pituitary was reduced. Steroidogenic enzyme expression was reduced in the gonads of JUN-cKO mice, likely as a consequence of reduced LH levels. GnRH receptor‒driven Cre activity was detected in the hypothalamus but not in the GnRH neuron. Female, but not male, JUN-cKO mice exhibited reduced GnRH expression. Taken together, our results demonstrate that GnRH receptor‒expression levels depend on JUN and are critical for reproductive function

    Total integrated dose testing of solid-state scientific CD4011, CD4013, and CD4060 devices by irradiation with CO-60 gamma rays

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    The total integrated dose response of three CMOS devices manufactured by Solid State Scientific has been measured using CO-60 gamma rays. Key parameter measurements were made and compared for each device type. The data show that the CD4011, CD4013, and CD4060 produced by this manufacturers should not be used in any environments where radiation levels might exceed 1,000 rad(Si)
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