230 research outputs found

    Growth inhibition of fish pathogens by antagonistic actinomycetes isolated from mangrove environment

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    In the wake of restrictions to use antibiotics in culture operations efforts are on to search for alternate compounds which would be environment friendly. It has been observed that natural compounds from marine micro-organisms, corals and sponges could be the most promising bio-active agents_ (Okazaki, and Okami (1972). In view of this the present work deals with searching of antagonistic actinomycetes for probable antibacterial, antifungal agents of mangrove origin

    Isolation and properties of a lectin from the seeds of Mimosa invisa L.

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    A lectin has been purified from the seeds ofMimosa invisa L. by gel filtration and preparative Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified lectin was homogeneous as judged by analytical Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunodiffusion and Immunoelectrophoresis. The apparent molecular weight is 100,000; the protein is a tetramer with two types of subunits (molecular weight 35,000 and 15,000). The lectin is a glycoprotein with approximately 21% carbohydrate and interacts with Sephadex and concanavalin A-Sepharose. It agglutinates erthrocytes non-specifically, does not agglutinate leucocytes and is not mitogenic, agglutinates Mimosa-nodulatingRhizobium and is a panagglutinin; the agglutination is not inhibited by several simple sugars. It is thermo-stable and has no metal ions

    An In vitro Comparative Evaluation of Marginal Adaptation in Large Class II Cavities using Various Liners in Open Sandwich Technique

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    INTRODUCTION: Obtaining a durable bond between composite resin and dentin substrate often poses a challenge for the clinician. Open sandwich technique has been advocated in the past to negate the effect of shrinkage stresses at the gingival margin. Development of light cured glass ionomer gave the clinician a control over its setting time and allowed its use as dentin substitute in open sandwich restorations. Flowable composite is characterized by low viscosity unfilled resin which can reduce the polymerization shrinkage stress under composite restoration. Biodentine has been promoted as a dentin substitute material. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the marginal adaptation of Biodentine, RMGIC (Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement) & Flowable composite as cavity liners under large Class II composite restoration using open sandwich technique. To compare the marginal adaptation of Biodentine, RMGIC and Flowable composite using dye penetration. To select a suitable cavity liner that can act as a dentin substitute, in large Class II composite restorations by Open sandwich technique. METHODOLOGY: 60 human mandibular molars were collected and proximal slot preparations were made on the mesial side of all the samples. The teeth were divided in to 4 groups - Group I – Biodentine, Group II– RMGIC, Group III – Flowable composite, Group IV – Direct composite without cavity liner ( CONTROL ). The samples were restored with Nano-hybrid composite with self-etch adhesive and subjected to thermocycling regimen. The restored samples were immersed in 2% methylene blue dye for 48 hours under vacuum, sectioned mesio-distally and viewed under stereomicroscope at 40x magnification for dye penetration and the scores of marginal adaptation were evaluated. The data were statistically analysed using SPSS and subjected to One way ANOVA and Post- hoc tests. RESULTS: While comparing the marginal adaptation in large class II cavities using various liners such as RMGIC, Flowable composite and Biodentine, the better marginal adaptation was achieved by the groups where biodentine was placed as a liner. CONCLUSION: Biodentine, when used as a 1 mm thick liner under the composite at the gingival margins, showed overall better marginal adaptation than the other groups

    Ecotypic Variations in Indian Populations of Eryngium Foetidum L.

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    Aim: The ecotypic variations with respect to total phenolics, flavonoid, tannin and Vitamin-C content in three different populations of E. foetidum collected from Andaman, Darjeeling (West Bengal) and Hassan (Karnataka) have been studied. Methodology: The total phenolic and total tannin content was estimated by FC method against standard pyrogallol and gallic acid respectively. Vitamin C was extracted with 4% oxalic acid solution and estimated using 2, 4- dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent alongside standard ascorbic acid. The total flavonoid content was determined by Aluminum chloride colorimetric method with standard Quercitin (1mg/ml). The values were expressed as mg/g equivalents of respective standards. Results: A significant difference (p= 0.05%) in the concentration of secondary metabolites among all the studied populations was observed. The total phenolic content was highest in the Darjeeling population, flavonoid and tannin content was maximum in Andaman population and Vitamin C content was predominantly high in the Karnataka population. Conclusion: The variations in phytochemical constituents could be attributed to the possible interaction of the plant populations with their geographical location and their subsequent adaptations to the same


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    Objective: To evaluate medication use pattern and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) among stroke patients admitted in Neurology department of a multi-speciality hospital.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out for a period of 6 mo, in a 750 bedded multi-speciality hospital in Bangalore. The clinical pharmacist analysed the medication use pattern and occurrence of ADRs in stroke patients.Results: Out of 100 patients, 75% had an ischemic stroke and 25% had a hemorrhagic stroke. The incidence of stroke was found to be higher in males (66%) compared to females (34%). Most of the patients were of the age group>60 y (52%). The common risk factors for stroke were hypertension (31%), diabetes (24%), and dyslipidemia (21%). The average number of drugs prescribed per patient was 7.67±3.1. The most common class of drugs prescribed were antihypertensives (14.3%), neuroprotectors (14.1%), antiplatelets (11.5%) and antihyperlipidemic (10.4%). Aspirin monotherapy was more prevalent in this study. Only 4 patients received thrombolytics. During the study, a total of 18 ADRs were reported from 14 patients (18%). Amlodipine (16.6%) and fondaparinux (11%) were the more frequent to cause ADRs. The most common reactions were bleeding (33.3%), pedal edema (16.6%) and headache (11.1%).Conclusion: The study helps to identify drug utilization pattern and in addition to monitor adverse drug reactions among stroke patients. The study also emphasises the need for creating awareness regarding early recognition of stroke symptoms, which helps to prevent the occurrence of stroke

    Fault diagnosis in a five-level multilevel inverter using an artificial neural network approach

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    Introduction. Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters (CHB-MLI) are becoming increasingly used in applications such as distribution systems, electrical traction systems, high voltage direct conversion systems, and many others. Despite the fact that multilevel inverters contain a large number of control switches, detecting a malfunction takes a significant amount of time. In the fault switch configurations diode included for freewheeling operation during open-fault condition. During short circuit fault conditions are carried out by the fuse, which can reveal the freewheeling current direction. The fault category can be identified independently and also failure of power switches harmed by the functioning and reliability of CHB-MLI. This paper investigates the effects and performance of open and short switching faults of multilevel inverters. Output voltage characteristics of 5 level MLI are frequently determined from distinctive switch faults with modulation index value of 0.85 is used during simulation analysis. In the simulation experiment for the modulation index value of 0.85, one second open and short circuit faults are created for the place of faulty switch. Fault is identified automatically by means of artificial neural network (ANN) technique using sinusoidal pulse width modulation based on distorted total harmonic distortion (THD) and managed by its own. The novelty of the proposed work consists of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and ANN to identify faulty switch. Purpose. The proposed architecture is to identify faulty switch during open and short failures, which has to be reduced THD and make the system in reliable operation. Methods. The proposed topology is to be design and evaluate using MATLAB/Simulink platform. Results. Using the FFT and ANN approaches, the normal and faulty conditions of the MLI are explored, and the faulty switch is detected based on voltage changing patterns in the output. Practical value. The proposed topology has been very supportive for implementing non-conventional energy sources based multilevel inverter, which is connected to large demand in grid.Вступ. Каскадні багаторівневі інвертори H-bridge все частіше використовуються в таких пристроях, як розподільні системи, електричні тягові системи, системи прямого перетворення високої напруги та багато інших. Незважаючи на те, що багаторівневі інвертори містять велику кількість перемикачів, що управляють, виявлення несправності займає значний час. У конфігурації аварійного вимикача увімкнено діод для роботи в режимі вільного ходу в умовах обриву несправності. При короткому замиканні аварійні стани виконуються запобіжником, який може визначити напрямок струму вільного ходу. Категорія несправності може бути визначена самостійно, а також відмова силових вимикачів, що порушує функціонування та надійність каскадних багаторівневих інверторів H-bridge. У цій статті досліджуються наслідки та характеристики обривів та коротких замикань багаторівневих інверторів. Характеристики вихідної напруги 5-рівневого інвертору часто визначаються характерними несправностями перемикача, при цьому при аналізі моделювання використовується значення індексу модуляції 0,85. В імітаційному експерименті значення індексу модуляції 0,85 в місці несправного перемикача створюються односекундні обриви і коротке замикання. Несправність ідентифікується автоматично за допомогою методу штучної нейронної мережі з використанням синусоїдальної широтно-імпульсної модуляції на основі спотвореного повного гармонійного спотворення та керується самостійно. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у застосуванні швидкого перетворення Фур’є та штучної нейронної мережі для ідентифікації несправного перемикача. Мета. Пропонована архітектура призначена для виявлення несправного комутатора при розмиканні та короткочасних відмовах, що має знизити повне гармонійне спотворення та забезпечити надійну роботу системи. методи. Запропонована топологія має бути спроектована та оцінена з використанням платформи MATLAB/Simulink. Результати. Використовуючи підходи швидкого перетворення Фур’є та штучної нейронної мережі, досліджуються нормальні та несправні стани багаторівневих інверторів, і несправний перемикач виявляється на основі моделей зміни напруги на виході. Практична цінність. Запропонована топологія дуже сприятлива для реалізації нетрадиційних джерел енергії на основі багаторівневого інвертора, пов'язаного з великим попитом у мережі

    A Federated Consensus for Proof of Authority in IoT-Blockchain Applications

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    The growing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the need for secure and scalable blockchain applications pose significant challenges in the realm of consensus protocols. This paper proposes a novel consensus mechanism called Federated Consensus for Proof of Authority (Fed-PoA), which combines the advantages of Proof of Authority (PoA) and federated learning to achieve secure and scalable IoT-Blockchain applications. The Fed-PoA ensures efficient data sharing, privacy preservation, and decentralized operation. Performance evaluation of this model in a simulated environment demonstrates superior convergence and memory usage compared to a representative work in this context

    Aplikasi System Management Task dan Penilaian Kerja (Kpi) pada PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera

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    The purpose of this study is to create an application that can provide benefits to PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera in managing the tickets delivered by the client, arrange program modification policies, and can see the assessment of the performance of employees who work on the ticket and facilitate the client in obtaining quick information about obstacles which they experience by turning it into a ticket on the application. The research method used is by conducting an analysis (walking system survey, interview, and observation) and design method (UML), testing method (Black box testing). The analysis is carried out by conducting field studies and conducting interviews with the Director of PT Intisoft Mitra Sejahtera along with related divisions in the plan for making this application. The results achieved are web and android applications that function to manage work assignments and assessments that can help oversee, and document problems that exist in the company and also assess employee performance in handling reports of problems reported by the client

    Assessment of Fodder Production Potential of Lucerne (\u3cem\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/em\u3e L.) Genotypes for Sustainable Live Stock Production

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    Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is a temperate perennial legume capable of producing high quality forage throughout the year. The plant also contains sufficient concentrations of vitamins and most minerals for all classes of livestock. Livestock production can be substantially increased by using lucerne. It is a persistent, productive as well as heat and drought resistant crop which provides better and wet seasons. It tolerates short spell of drought but not water logging and high humidity in the rainy season. Cultivated lucerne is an out crossing auto- tetraploid plant developed by combining different M. sativa and M. falcate germplasm sources in order to maximize heterosis and to secure multiple pest resistance (Gherardi et al., 1998)

    Tracing footprints for a greener tomorrow; A cross-sectional study to assess the carbon footprint of the urban households of Vijayapura city

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    Background: The concept of carbon footprint is rooted in measuring the volume of greenhouse gases, predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting from human activities. India has witnessed a significant surge in greenhouse gas emissions due to rapid economic growth and population expansion, making it the world's third-largest CO2 emitter. This upsurge intensifies the natural greenhouse effect, leading to global temperature rise, ocean acidification, and heightened risks to human health. Objectives: To assess the Carbon Footprint generated by urban households of Vijayapura. Material and methods: This study employs a cross-sectional approach targeting urban households residing within the operational area of the urban health center in BLDE(DU), Vijayapura City. The sample, comprising 150 households, was selected via systematic random sampling. Data was collected through household visits and interviews with the family heads using a semi-structured questionnaire. and analyzed utilizing SPSS Software Version 26. Results: The analysis of carbon emissions highlights that primary emissions surpass secondary emissions. Notably, households categorized under the upper socioeconomic class exhibit a statistically significant carbon emission rate of approximately 39.47 tonnes per month. Conclusion: This study's assessment of the carbon footprint emanating from urban households illuminates the pivotal connection between day-to-day choices and the broader ecological context