76 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Infeksi Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) Terhadap Morfologi, Anatomi, Dan Kadar Klorofil Daun Tembakau Cerutu

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    Penyakit virus pada tembakau cerutu menyebabkan kerugian yang cukup besar, yaitu dapat mengurangi produksi sekitar 7–30%. Secara morfologi, daun tembakau yang terserang virus pada umumnya menunjuk-kan gejala mosaik, berkerut atau menggulung, ukurannya menjadi lebih kecil, rapuh, elastisitas dan daya bakarnya menurun. Informasi tentang Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) dalam bidang anatomi dan fisiologi ma-sih sangat sedikit, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah informasi tentang pengaruh infeksi CMV terhadap karakter morfologi, anatomi dan fisiologi daun tembakau cerutu. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-November 2011, di Kebun Percobaan Karangploso dan Laboratorium Fitopatologi Balittas, Ma-lang, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Inokulum CMV diambil dari tanaman sakit di lapang dan diperbanyak pada tanaman indikator. Inokulasi dilakukan pada tanaman tembakau cerutu varietas H-382 menggunakan sprayer duco type Sagola pada tekanan kompresor 4,5 kg/cm2. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 3 bulan setelah tanam terhadap parameter morfologi, anatomi tanaman dan kadar klorofil daun tembakau pada skor 0–5. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tanaman yang sehat dengan tanaman yang diinfeksi CMV. Makin tinggi tingkat infeksinya, makin besar penurunan luas daun dan kadar klorofil total tanaman tembakau. Penurunan rasio klorofil a/b daun lebih tinggi pada skor 4 dibandingkan skor 5, yaitu sebesar 74%, tetapi kerusakan morfologi paling parah terjadi pada skor 5, dimana terjadi Perubahan bentuk dan secara anatomi terdapat bentukan kranz (spot-spot hitam) pada berkas pembuluh. Virus disease on cigar tobacco causes significant losses on yield, due to reduction on productivity 7–30%. Morphologicaly, tobacco leaf infected by virus generally shows symptoms of mosaic, wrinkled or curled, its size becomes smaller, fragile, elasticity, and burn down. Information about cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in anatomy and physiology was still slightly, so objective of this study was to determine the effect of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection to the character of the morphology, anatomy, and physiology of cigar tobacco leaves. The experiment was conducted in August–November 2011, at the Karangploso Experimental Station and Phytopathology Laboratory of ISFCRI, Malang, using a randomized block design with three replications. CMV was inoculated from diseased plants in the field and propagated on indicator plants. Inoculation was done on cigar tobacco H-382 varieties employing Sagola duco sprayer at a pressure of 4.5 kg/cm2 compressor. Observations were made at 3 months after planting for identifiying morphological and physiological parameters and leaf chlorophyl content of tobacco using score under 0–5. The results showed that there were significant differences between healthy plants and plants infected with CMV. The reduction in leaf area and total chlorophyl content of tobacco plants were greater as the rate of infection was higher.Decreasing in the ratio of chlorophyl a/b leaves was higher on plant with the score index of 4 than the score of 5 by 74%, but the most severe morphological damage occurs in plant with score of 5, indicating by change of shape and kranz formations (black spots) on the vascular bundle

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Exon 6 of Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT) Gene in Indonesian Local Sheep

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    Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is a soluble enzyme that converts cholesterol and lecithin to cholesteryl esters and lysolecithins on the surface of high density lipoprotein and plays an important role in lipoprotein metabolism. The research was aimed to explore single nucleotide polymorphisms of LCAT gene in Indonesian local sheep. A total of 118 genomic DNA of Indonesian local sheep were used in this research, consisted of Sumatera Thin Tail (43 heads), Garut (19 heads), Javanese Thin Tail (17 heads), Javanese Fat Tail (6 heads), Rote Island (7 heads), Kissar (7 heads), Sumbawa (10 heads), and Lembah Palu (9 heads). Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify genomic DNA for exon 6 (250 bp) and direct sequencing method was used to identify polymorphism sequences. The sequences were analyzed with BioEdit and MEGA 5.2 software. The BLAST sequence was obtained from Gene Bank GQ 150556.1. The results showed three novel SNPs, i.e. c.742C>T, c.770 T>A and c.882C>T. Substitution of cytosine to thymine c.742 is a synonymous mutation; thymine to adenine c.770 and cytosine to thymine c.882 are non-synonymous mutations. Polymorphisms of LCAT gene exon 6 was found in Sumatera Thin Tail, Javanese Thin Tail, Javanese Fat Tail, Garut, Lembah Palu, and Rote Island

    Pelapisan Alloy FeNiAl Menggunakan Metode Detonation Gun (D-Gun)

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    Pelapisan material alloy Fe38Ni10Al dilakukan dengan metode D-Gun untuk meningkatkan kekerasan material Stainless Steel AISI 316 L. Analisis parameter proses dilakukan dengan perangkat statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) – Taguchi untuk memperoleh ukuran kristal, ketebalan dan tingkat kekerasan yang optimum. Lapisan paling tebal dimiliki oleh sampel SS03 sebesar 280 mikron, sedangkan sampel SS02 memiliki ketebalan paling rendah, 97 mikron. Ketebalan lapisan sangat dipengaruhi oleh laju aliran gas pembawa serbuk dengan rasio kontribusi sebesar 82, 7%. Kekerasan optimum diperoleh sampel SS08 dengan tingkat kekerasan sebesar 281,6 HV yang jauh lebih besar dari tingkat kekerasan Stainless Steel tanpa lapisan (195,0 HV). Analisis struktur dan ukuran kristal dilakukan dengan menggunakan XRD dan Metode Scherrer yang menghasilkan struktur kristal Taenite (γ-(Fe,Ni)) dengan ukuran kristal pada orde nanometer (nanokristal) pada kisaran 27,5 hingga 37,7 nm. Ukuran kristal sangat dipengaruhi oleh parameter rasio gas asetilene – oksigen dengan rasio kontribusi 60,4 %

    Performa dan Karakteristik Semen serta Freezability Spermatozoa Ayam IPB-D1 dengan Konsentrasi Immunoglobulin Yolk Berbeda

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    Ayam IPB-D1 merupakan jenis ayam lokal dari hasil persilangan antara jantan F1 PS (Pelung x Sentul) dengan betina F1 (Kampung x Ras pedaging paren stock Cobb). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performa, kualitas semen, dan freezability spermatozoa ayam IPB-D1 pada konsentrasi Immunoglobulin Yolk (IgY) berbeda. Materi yang digunakan yaitu ayam IPB-D1 jantan sebanyak 20 ekor, terdiri atas 10 ekor ayam dengan konsentrasi IgY rendah dan 10 ekor IgY tinggi dengan ayam umur 8 bulan. Variabel yang diamati yaitu performa yakni konsumsi pakan, pertambahan berat badan, morbiditas dan mortalitas, kualitas semen segar dan kualitas semen beku (freezability). Data dianalis menggunakan uji-t menggunakan program SAS dengan membandingkan antara konsentrasi IgY tinggi dan IgY rendah. Hasil analisis performa ayam IPB-D1 tidak berbeda (P>0.05) terhadap IgY yang berbeda. Hasil kualitas semen menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap konsistensi semen dan motilitas, viabilitas, konsentrasi serta konsentrasi spermatozoa per ejakulat. Ayam IPB D-1 pada dua konsentrasi IgY tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) terhadap motilitas semen segar dan recovary rate, namun Ayam IPB D-1 dengan konsentrasi IgY tinggi memiliki motilitas spermatozoa pasca thawing lebih baik daripada (P<0.05) Ayam dengan konsentrasi IgY yang rendah

    Pengaruh Variasi PH dan Waktu pada Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Sari Kulit Nanas dengan Menggunakan Zymomonas Mobilis

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    Bioethanol is an alternative energy source that has enough potential to replace fossil fuels. Bioethanol can be produced by fermentation of carbohydrate crops . One of the raw materials that can be used is a pineapple peel. Because today is still a waste of pineapple peel untapped. In pineapple peel contained 13.6 % reducing sugar , so as to have good potential to be processed into bioethanol . One way of making bioethanol is by microbial fermentation using Zymomonas mobilis . The fermentation process is influenced by several factors, including pH and time . This study was conducted to determine the optimum pH and time at fermentation process for bioethanol production from pineapple peel juice. The study was conducted by varying the pH of 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 with fermentation time 14 , 23 , 39 , 47 , 65 , and 71 hours using Zymomonas mobilis microbes . Bioethanol yield analysis using a gas chromatograph (GC). The result is the highest ethanol yield was 3.01% at pH 4.5 and fermentation time of 65 hours

    Symbolic Interaction of Portrait Photography by Indra Leonardi

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    Social interaction between a photographer with the object presents a symbol and meaning that arises from the results of the agreement. How photographic process actions in particular give meaning only understood by both, as actors to influence each other and influenced. This journal article describes the symbolic interaction of potrait photography by Indra Leonardi. The Symbolic interaction is the interaction that gave rise to the special meaning and riset to subjective interpretation results by Indra Leonardi interaction with others or his environment. This study used a qualitative approach with a method of Pierce semiotics phenomenology and symbolic interaction analysis. The researcher involved with informants in the preparation process, interaction with a model by Indra Leonardi with an object or a model and his environment. This research result explains the symbols used in photography by Indra Leonardi in a specific moment like a meaning of marriage with the symbol such as car, shoes, balloons, bracelets, rings, kisses, flowers, buildings, piano and so on. In addition, lighting techniques and blur are found almost in photo by Indra Leonardi. Second, the same idea as the previous photo such as the use of cars, shoes and blur techniques. Keywords: symbolic interaction, potrait photography, Indra Leonard

    Isolation and optimization of the production of Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteriophage from environmental samples

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    Staphylococcus epidermidis is now among the most important nosocomial pathogenic agents owing its virulence to the adhesion and biofilm-forming abilities on medical surfaces, such as catheters. Biofilm control by antibiotics is often innefective and new strategies of biofilm control are being sought. One promising strategy is the use of bacteria-specific virus, known as bacteriophages, to control infections by pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriophages, also know as phages, have been suggested to be one of the most abundant biological agents on the planet. Phages are currently suggested as possible alternatives to antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial diseases in humans to minimize the pathogen loads in medical devices . The goal of this study was to isolate new phages with potential bactericidal activity against S. epidermidis clinical isolates. Bacteriophages were isolated from an effluent from Waste Water Treatment Plants or from Hospital efluents, using a set of 40 bacterial strains as background. Five phages were isolated but when determining the phage titer the achieved concentration was around 10E5 pfu/ml and this titer was reduced 1 fold in two week‘s time. In order to increase the concentration of bacteriophages, since the obtained concentration was not sufficient to use in biofilm assays, severall optimization steps were performed, using previous described isolation protocols, namelly: using different concentrations of CaCl2, using different concentrations of top agar, using different buffers, and using different phage filtration systems. For the optimization protocols we selected the bacteriophage with the higher titters and found that an optimized protocol was achieved by using Tris Buffer, Top Agar at 0.4%, and purification with CsCl2 gradient (q = 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7) with ultracentrifugation at 100,000g for 1 h at 4⁰C. This phage titter was determined to be around 10E8-10E9 pfu/ml. The optimized produced phage was then characterized by determining the lytic spectrum. The phage was able to lyse 13 strains, and of these strains 10 had the biofilms genes present. Finally, the 10 selected strains were tested for biofilm formation, using the microtiter assay, and it was confirmed that they formed biofilms in TSB supplemented with 1% glucose. For future work; we need to determine if we have lytic or temperate phages with DNA sequence analyses and to test the Phage against to the Biofilm formation of relevant bacterial strains

    Ketahanan Beberapa Aksesi Kenaf Terhadap Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne Spp)

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    Resistance of kenaf accessions to root knot nematodes Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp) is the main pest of kenafboth the field and nursery. This reduced kenaf farmer's income because itdecreased the productivity. One of the solutions to eliminate this problemis utilization of resistant variety. Evaluation of germplasm is one of themethods to identify tolerant accessions to root knot nematode. Theexperiment aimed to screen the level of resistance of kenaf and allied fibreaccessions to root knot nematodes (RKN). The activity was conducted at thelaboratory and the green house of Indonesian Research Institute for Tobacco andFibre Crops, Malang from August to December 2003. Theexperiment used modified Taylor and Sasser method, while to determinelevel of plant resistance used Canto-Saenz method. Kenaf seeds were plantedin polybags consisting of media soil-sand-cattle manure 10 kgpolybag with both in the replicated ten times. Number of RKN larvaetested were 40 larvae/l00 ml soil or 4000 larvae/polybag, which wereinoculated 15 days after planting. Observation was done 30 days afterinoculation or 45 days after planting on the numbers of galls on root,population of RKN in the soil and root, plant height and stem diameter.Research result showed that three accessions from allied fibre of kenaf,namely SSRH/1010 H (H. asetosela), SSRH/1023 H (H. asetosela) and Kal II(H. radiatus) were resistant to RKN, while, all of 23 accessions of kenaf (H.cannabinus) were susceptible to highly susceptible to RKN. There threeaccessions can be used as resostant parent on inter specific hybridization