4,049 research outputs found

    Designing and optimizing production in a high variety / low volume environment through data-driven simulation

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    Probabilistic assessments of climate change impacts on durum wheat in the Mediterranean region

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    Recently, the availability of multi-model ensemble prediction methods has permitted a shift from a scenario-based approach to a risk-based approach in assessing the effects of climate change. This provides more useful information to decision-makers who need probability estimates to assess the seriousness of the projected impacts. <br><br> In this study, a probabilistic framework for evaluating the risk of durum wheat yield shortfall over the Mediterranean Basin has been exploited. An artificial neural network, trained to emulate the outputs of a process-based crop growth model, has been adopted to create yield response surfaces which are then overlaid with probabilistic projections of future temperature and precipitation changes in order to estimate probabilistic projections of future yields. The risk is calculated as the relative frequency of projected yields below a selected threshold. <br><br> In contrast to previous studies, which suggest that the beneficial effects of elevated atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> concentration over the next few decades would outweigh the detrimental effects of the early stages of climatic warming and drying, the results of this study are of greater concern

    Secondary Electron Emission Induced by Electron Bombardment of Polycrystalline Metallic Targets

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    The aim of the present paper is the analysis of the backward secondary electron emission phenomenon, under electron bombardment, on the basis of experimental and theoretical results. Among the theoretical models, we will mention the phenomenological models, those which use a Monte-Carlo type simulation method, and those based on the numerically solved Boltzmann transport equation. To correlate experimental and theoretical results on all the data characterizing this phenomenon, it is necessary to use an appropriate description for the excitation process of the internal secondary electrons; it also needs a complete description of the transport process for the excited electrons, which incorporates the elastic and inelastic interactions, as well as the energy and angular distribution of the incident primary beam. From this, it follows that it will be necessary, either to use a direct Monte-Carlo simulation method, or, in the case of the transport model, to carry out a preliminary treatment of the primary electron dispersion; this treatment is also based upon a Boltzmann equation resolution. The results of such an analysis will be useful in electron microscopy and in quantitative Auger spectroscopy

    Electroplating and pvd finishing technologies in the fashion industry: Perspectives and scenarios

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    This work deals with a comparison between electroplating and Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) finishing technologies applied in the fashion industry, with a special focus on their environmental impacts. The goal of this work is to present and validate a Decision Support System (DSS) allowing companies to identify, through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis, which of the two types of finishing processes is more suitable in comparison with specific KPIs. After an investigation on the literature and an industrial background regarding the two technologies, the model and, in particular, the sequence of activities that were conducted, are presented. Since LCA is an articulated process, requiring specific and adequate skills that are often unavailable within companies operating in this specific sector, a tool that facilitates LCA execution is a requisite. This tool, though potential publicity will facilitate the adoption of these approaches and sustainability as a driver in the selection of different production process strategies

    Transport Models for Backscattering and Transmission of Low Energy ( \u3c 3 Kilovolts) Electrons from Solids

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    This paper deals with the backscattering and the transmission of electrons with energy \u3c 3 keV through thin self supporting films, or on bulk metals. We present the main theoretical models used in such problems, and we analyse mainly the models based on the Boltzmann transport equation, similar to those developed in our laboratory. For any model shown here, we try to give the precise domain in which they give reliable results as well as the limitations connected to the simplifying assumptions. In the case of the most sophisticated model, we give original results for copper. The models are presented in a comparative form, and when it is possible we compare our results with the experimental ones. The theoretical models were applied to Al and Cu. We give, for bulk metals, the values of the backscattering yield, and the energy distributions of backscattered electrons. In the case of thin self supporting films, we studied mainly the backscattering and transmission coefficients, as well as the energy distributions of transmitted and backscattered electrons

    Balancing assembly line in the footwear industry using simulation: A case study

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    The Local Interstellar Spectrum of Cosmic Ray Electrons

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    The direct measurements of electrons and positrons over the last 30 years, corrected for the solar effect in the force-field approximation, are considered. The resulting overall electron spectrum may be fitted with a single power law above few GeV with spectral index (γ−=3.41±0.02\gamma_{-} = 3.41 \pm 0.02), consistent with the spectral index of the positron spectrum (γ+=3.40±0.06\gamma_{+} = 3.40 \pm 0.06), therefore suggesting a common acceleration process for both species. We propose that the engine was a shock wave originating from the last supernova explosion among those that formed the local bubble. In addition, at low energy, the electron spectrum measured during the last A+A+ solar phase is damped, whereas the positron spectrum is well represented by a single power law down to the lowest inferred local interstellar energy (0.8 GeV). We suggest that this difference arises from a time- and charge-dependent effect of the solar modulation that is not taken into account by the force-field approximation.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. OBSOLETE: please refer to ApJ 612 (2004) 262-267, that is the final version of this wor

    Crystal-Chemistry of Sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VII. Magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2, a New Sulfate from the Monte Arsiccio Mine

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    The new mineral species magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2, was discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as steeply terminated prisms, up to 0.5 mm in length, yellow to orange-yellow in color, with a vitreous luster. Streak is pale yellow, Mohs hardness is ca. 3, and cleavage is good on {010}, fair on {100}. The measured density is 2.82(3) g/cm3. Magnanelliite is optically biaxial (+), with α = 1.628(2), β = 1.637(2), γ = 1.665(2) (white light), 2Vmeas = 60(2)°, and 2Vcalc = 59.9°. It exhibits a strong dispersion, r > v. The optical orientation is Y = b, X ^ c ~ 25° in the obtuse angle β. It is pleochroic, with X = orange yellow, Y and Z = yellow. Magnanelliite is associated with alum-(K), giacovazzoite, gypsum, jarosite, krausite, melanterite, and scordariite. Electron microprobe analyses give (wt.%): SO3 47.82, TiO2 0.05, Al2O3 0.40, Fe2O3 25.21, MgO 0.07, Na2O 0.20, K2O 21.35, H2Ocalc 6.85, total 101.95. On the basis of 19 anions per formula unit, assuming the occurrence of one (OH)− and two H2O groups, the empirical chemical formula of magnanelliite is (K2.98Na0.04)Σ3.02(Fe3+2.08Al0.05Mg0.01)Σ2.14S3.93O16(OH)(H2O)2. The ideal end-member formula can be written as K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2. Magnanelliite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, with a = 7.5491(3), b = 16.8652(6), c = 12.1574(4) Å, β = 94.064(1)°, V = 1543.95(10) Å3, Z = 4. Strongest diffraction lines of the observed X-ray powder pattern are [d(in Å), estimated visual intensity, hkl]: 6.9, medium, 021 and 110; 4.91, medium-weak, 022; 3.612, medium-weak, 1 ¯ 32, 023, and 1 ¯ 13; 3.085, strong, 202, 150, and 1 ¯ 33; 3.006, medium, 004, 1 ¯ 51, and 151; 2.704, medium, 152 and 2 ¯ 23; 2.597, medium-weak, 2 ¯ 42; 2.410, medium-weak, 153. The crystal structure of magnanelliite has been refined using X-ray single-crystal data to a final R1 = 0.025, on the basis of 2411 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 144 refined parameters. The crystal structure is isotypic with that of alcaparrosaite, K3Ti4+Fe3+(SO)4O(H2O)2

    A Data-driven approach for process Simulation Optimization: a case study

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