212 research outputs found

    Effects of aluminium chloride on some essential elements in pregnant rats and their offspring

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    Le but de notre étude est d’établir une relation de causalité entre l’injection intrapéritonéale d’AlCl3 et les variations plasmatiques et tissulaires des teneurs en calcium, magnésium, cuivre, zinc, phosphore et fer chez les rates gestantes et leurs foetus. Les rates gestantes sont injectées du 9ème au 13ème jour de la gestation par différentes doses d’AlCl3 (50, 100 et 200 mg/kg.j). Les éléments essentiels sont analysés dans le sang, les reins, le foie et l’intestin des animaux par spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique. Les résultats montrent, après traitement par AlCl3, une augmentation des concentrations en calcium, fer et phosphore hépatique, aussi bien qu’en fer et phosphore au niveau rénal, et une diminution des concentrations en magnésium rénal et intestinal, en zinc hépatique, en cuivre hépatique et rénal, et en fer intestinal chez les rates gestantes et surtout pour les fortes doses. On a aussi noté une augmentation des concentrations en calcium, en phosphore et en zinc dans le plasma des rates gestantes et une diminution dans la concentration en magnésium dans le plasma des rates gestantes et leurs foetus pour les doses élevées d’AlCl3. Ces résultats prouvent que le passage de l’aluminium aux foetus suite au traitement des mères cause des perturbations dans le métabolisme des éléments essentiels

    Role of rhizospheric microbiota as a bioremediation tool for the protection of soil-plant systems from microcystins phytotoxicity and mitigating toxin-related health risk

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    Frequent toxic cyanoblooms in eutrophic freshwaters produce various cyanotoxins such as the monocyclic heptapeptides microcystins (MCs), known as deleterious compounds to plant growth and human health. Recently, MCs are a recurrent worldwide sanitary problem in irrigation waters and farmland soils due to their transfer and accumulation in the edible tissues of vegetable produce. In such cases, studies about the persistence and removal of MCs in soil are scarce and not fully investigated. In this study, we carried out a greenhouse trial on two crop species: faba bean (Vicia faba var. Alfia 321) and common wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Achtar) that were grown in sterile (microorganism-free soil) and non-sterile (microorganism-rich soil) soils and subjected to MC-induced stress at 100 µg equivalent MC-LR L−1. The experimentation aimed to assess the prominent role of native rhizospheric microbiota in mitigating the phytotoxic impact of MCs on plant growth and reducing their accumulation in both soils and plant tissues. Moreover, we attempted to evaluate the health risk related to the consumption of MC-polluted plants for humans and cattle by determining the estimated daily intake (EDI) and health risk quotient (RQ) of MCs in these plants. Biodegradation was liable to be the main removal pathway of the toxin in the soil; and therefore, bulk soil (unplanted soil), as well as rhizospheric soil (planted soil), were used in this experiment to evaluate the accumulation of MCs in the presence and absence of microorganisms (sterile and non-sterile soils). The data obtained in this study showed that MCs had no significant effects on growth indicators of faba bean and common wheat plants in non-sterile soil as compared to the control group. In contrast, plants grown in sterile soil showed a significant decrease in growth parameters as compared to the control. These results suggest that MCs were highly bioavailable to the plants, resulting in severe growth impairments in the absence of native rhizospheric microbiota. Likewise, MCs were more accumulated in sterile soil and more bioconcentrated in root and shoot tissues of plants grown within when compared to non-sterile soil. Thereby, the EDI of MCs in plants grown in sterile soil was more beyond the tolerable daily intake recommended for both humans and cattle. The risk level was more pronounced in plants from the sterile soil than those from the non-sterile one. These findings suggest that microbial activity, eventually MC-biodegradation, is a crucial bioremediation tool to remove and prevent MCs from entering the agricultural food chain. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This project has received funding from the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie grant agreement No. 823860 and co-sup-ported by the strategical funding from FCT UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020

    ANTENNES RELAIS TELEPHONIQUES : QUELS EFFETS SUR LA SANTE ? Enquête réalisée sur une population casablancaise »

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    This study was conducted among a Casablanca population (n = 700) living or not in vicinity of cellular phone base stations through a questionnaire. The data collected were entered and processed using the sphinx Lexica which is a survey software and data analysis which includes the chi-square test. The results obtained show that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) between witnesses and people close to these relay stations for the various symptoms including insomnia, nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, auditory disturbances and visual disturbances. In the group of people near the antennas, there are significant differences (p<0.05) of different symptoms in relation to : sex, age, distance and location relative to the base station, duration and time of exposure, and the joint use a laptop and other devices emitting electromagnetic waves.Cette étude à été réalisée chez une population casablancaise habitant ou non à proximité des antennes relais (n=700) par le biais d’un questionnaire. Les données recueillies ont été saisies et traitées en utilisant le sphinx lexica qui est un logiciel d’enquêtes et d’analyses des données qui comporte le test Chi-deux. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il existe une différence significative (p<0.05) entre les témoins et les habitants à proximité de ces stations relais pour les différents symptômes notamment : l’insomnie, nausées, vertiges, manque d’appétit, perturbations auditives et perturbations visuelles. Dans le groupe des habitants à coté des antennes relais, il existe des différences significatives (p<0.05) des différents symptômes par rapport aux : sexe, âge, distance et situation par rapport à l’antenne relais, durée et temps d’exposition, et l’usage conjoint d’un portable et d’autres appareils dégageant des ondes électromagnétiques

    Symptômes rapportés par une population casablancaise utilisatrice de téléphones mobiles

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    This study was conducted in a Casablanca population that uses or not mobile phones (n = 700) through a questionnaire. The data collected were entered and processed using the sphinx Lexica which is a survey software and data analysis which includes the chi-square test. The results obtained show that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) between users and no-users of mobile phones for various symptoms including insomnia, nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, auditory disturbances and visual disturbances. In the group of mobile users, there are significant differences (p<0.05) of different symptoms in relation to : sex, age, duration and frequency of use of GSM, call duration, use or not the handsfree kits and joint use of a laptop and other devices emitting electromagnetic waves.Cette étude a été réalisée chez une population casablancaise utilisatrice ou non de téléphones mobiles (n=700) par le biais d’un questionnaire. Les données recueillies ont été saisies et traitées en utilisant le sphinx lexica qui est un logiciel d’enquêtes et d’analyses des données qui comporte le test Chi-deux. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il existe une différence significative (p<0.05) entre les utilisateurs et les non-utilisateurs de téléphones mobiles pour les différents symptômes rapportés, notamment l’insomnie, nausées, vertiges, manque d’appétit, perturbations auditives et perturbations visuelles. Dans le groupe utilisateurs des téléphones portables, il existe des différences significatives (p<0.05) des différents symptômes par rapport aux : sexe, âge, durée et fréquence d’utilisation des GSM, durée des communications, utilisation ou non des kits mains libres et l’usage d’un portable associé à un ordinateur et d’autres appareils dégageant des ondes électromagnétiques


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    Introduction: The primary cancer of the fallopian tube is rare. They represent less than 2% of gynecological tumors and they are dominated by adenocarcinoma. Clinical Observations: We report two cases of tubal adenocarcinoma in two patients followed at the Department of Surgery II, National Institute of Oncology Rabat. Discussion: Tubal adenocarcinoma is a common disease in postmenopausal women. the diagnosis of primary cancer of the fallopian tube is difficult. treatment is similar malignant epithelial ovarian tumors with a better prognosis in the early stages. Conclusion: Rare cancer of unknown etiology, clinical signs is often separated, the preoperative diagnosis is difficult, with a prognosis depends on the stage of the disease.Introduction : Les cancers primitifs de la trompe sont rares. Ils représentent moins de 2% des tumeurs gynécologiques et ils sont dominés par l’adénocarcinome. Observations cliniques : Nous rapportons deux cas d’adénocarcinomes tubaires chez deux patientes suivies au service de chirurgie II institut national d’oncologie Rabat. Discussion : L’adénocarcinome tubaire est une pathologie plus fréquente chez la femme ménopausée. Le diagnostic de cancer primitif de la trompe est très difficile à affirmer. Le traitement rejoint celui des tumeurs épithéliales malignes de l’ovaire avec un pronostic meilleur dans les stades précoces. Conclusion : Cancer rare d’étiologie méconnue, les signes cliniques sont souvent dissociés, le diagnostic préopératoire est difficile, avec un pronostic qui dépend du stade de la maladie

    Middle-up quantification of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in human plasma with two dimensional liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry: Adalimumab as a proof of principle

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    Next generation human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (t-mAbs) are harder to quantify with the widely used bottom-up tryptic digestion method. Due to their homology with endogenous immunoglobulins, there is a lack of unique and stable 'signature' peptides that can be targeted. Middle-up two dimensional liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (2D-LC-HRMS), targeting the entire light chain, was examined as an alternative. Adalimumab (ADM) was successfully quantified in human plasma after Melon® Gel sample purification, followed by orthogonal separation on a weak cation exchange (WCX) and reversed phase column. Charge and hydrophobicity were used to separate ADM from the polyclonal immunoglobulin background. HRMS with its high resolution and exact mass was able to isotopically resolve the ADM light chain and to provide another separation dimension on the basis of mass to charge ratio. Using the targeted single ion monitoring (T-SIM) with multiplex (MSX) option, three ADM light chain precursors, 2341.80, 2129.00, and 1951.68 m/z, and one internal standard precursor 2146.39 m/z, were measured simultaneously. The Melon® Gel sample purification was found to be very efficient in removing plasma proteins that would otherwise interfere with chromatographic separation and ionization. The linearity of the method for the analysis of ADM was excellent (R2=0.999) between 1 - 128 mg/L with an LLOQ signal to noise ratio (S/N) of 10. Within-run and between-run precision and accuracy were in concordance with the EMA guideline. Cross-validation of the 2D-LC-HRM method with the standard peptide LC-MS/MS method showed a good agreement (R2 = 0.86) between the methods. However, there was a bias present, possibly due to charge variant ADM formation over time. Since the presented 2D-LC-HRMS method is able to measure only the native form of ADM, it is able to provide a measure of the active form of ADM in patients

    False aneurysm of the radial artery: Unusual complication of both-bone forearm fracture in children: A case report

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    False aneurysm or pseudo aneurysm of an artery in close proximity to fractured bone is a well-recognized entity, and fewer various cases, involving different sites have been reported in the literature. We report new case of a Moroccan's patient who had 10-year-old boy presented with a right non displaced both-bone forearm fracture; the patient was placed in a long arm splint. After, six weeks, the cast was removed. And a pulsatile mass on the volar-radial aspect of the forearm was decouvred. The mass was non-tender and the patient had radial and ulnar pulse. An Ultrasound and brachial angiography showed a false aneurysm of distal radial and the radial artery was ligated
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