13 research outputs found

    Physical and mechanical characteristics of the earthen barns used for food crop storage in the North-West of Benin (West Africa)

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    Atacora and Donga are two departments regarded as the barns of Benin. In these two regions, the surplus of food crops harvested by farmers is stocked in earthen barns whose primary construction material is kneaded clay soil with an admixture of vegetable straws (fonio, rice
) pounded beforehand. The following research is designed to scrutinize the variation of compression strength and/or tensile strength of the used earthen material with respect to the optimum straw content, and the fluctuation of the fracture related parameters. Laboratory tests have shown that an optimum straw content of 2% provides the highest compression strength with the best mechanical performances in terms of cohesion and internal angle of friction. Tensile strength, however, continues to increase with higher straw percentages with no breakpoint indication. Moreover, the laboratory determination of the composite material’s modulus of elasticity has proven that the used soil does not have a linear elastic behavior

    Longshore drift cell development on the human-impacted Bight of Benin sand barrier coast, West Africa

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    The Bight of Benin is an open, microtidal, wave-dominated coast forming a 500 km-long mild embayment in the Gulf of Guinea, in West Africa, between the Volta River delta in Ghana, to the west, and the western confines of the Niger River delta in Nigeria to the east. The bight is exposed to energetic swells from the South Atlantic, and is characterised by Holocene sand barriers bounding lagoons. The barrier system has been sourced essentially by sand supplied through the Volta River delta, terminus of a large river catchment of 397,000 km(2), although wave energy conditions and sand mineralogy also suggest inputs from the nearshore shelf. The long-term pattern of barrier progradation in the Bight of Benin culminated in a mildly embayed coast wherein incident wave behaviour, beachface gradient and the longshore sand transport system were intimately linked, generating what may be classified as an 'equilibrium drift-aligned' coast with a unique and homogeneous longshore drift cell stretching from the Volta River delta to the Niger River delta. This coast has, however, been significantly impacted over the last 50 years by the construction of three deepwater ports in Lome (Togo), Cotonou (Benin) and Lagos (Nigeria) that have intercepted sand supply, as well as by a major dam on the Volta River, resulting in destabilization of the former single drift cell on this coast. The ensuing multi-cellular structure is characterised by long sectors. of rampant coastal erosion that threatens parts of these cities, coastal villages and infrastructure

    Potential of video cameras in assessing event and seasonal coastline behaviour: Grand Popo, Benin (Gulf of Guinea)

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    n this study, we explore the potential of a nearshore video system to obtain a long-term estimation of coastal variables (shoreline, beach slope, sea level elevation and wave forcing) at Grand Popo beach, Benin, West Africa, from March 2013 to February 2015. We first present a validation of the video system with field data over a 10-day experiment conducted on Grand Popo beach in 2014. Secondly, 2-years daily and monthly timeseries are extracted and their variability is described as a function of regional forcing and climatic modes. All variables show large monthly variability. The longshore sediment transport estimated locally from video is in agreement with that derived from Era-Interim wave data re-analyses. Results show that the shoreline responds predominantly to tides at the event scale and to waves. Overall, this study suggests that video stations are efficient tools to monitor coastal processes over the long term, in complement with other conventional approaches. Although no clear conclusions can be drawn on inter-annual variability, the results show that it is important to build up extended coastal observation networks to address coastline changes over a wide range of scales

    Potential of Video Cameras in Assessing Event and Seasonal Coastline Behaviour: Grand Popo, Benin (Gulf of Guinea)

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    14th International Coastal Symposium (ICS), Sydney, AUSTRALIA, MAR 06-11, 2016International audienceIn this study, we explore the potential of a nearshore video system to obtain a long-term estimation of coastal variables (shoreline, beach slope, sea level elevation and wave forcing) at Grand Popo beach, Benin, West Africa, from March 2013 to February 2015. We first present a validation of the video system with field data over a 10-day experiment conducted on Grand Popo beach in 2014. Secondly, 2-years daily and monthly timeseries are extracted and their variability is described as a function of regional forcing and climatic modes. All variables show large monthly variability. The longshore sediment transport estimated locally from video is in agreement with that derived from Era-Interim wave data re-analyses. Results show that the shoreline responds predominantly to tides at the event scale and to waves. Overall, this study suggests that video stations are efficient tools to monitor coastal processes over the long term, in complement with other conventional approaches. Although no clear conclusions can be drawn on inter-annual variability, the results show that it is important to build up extended coastal observation networks to address coastline changes over a wide range of scales

    Observed destruction of a beach cusp system in presence of a double-coupled cusp system : the example of Grand Popo, Benin

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    Beach cusps are common features of steep reflective and intermediate beaches. However, very few observations have reported double coupled cusp systems. Here, we present a dataset of observations of a beach exhibiting two sets of beach cusps. Data were collected at Grand Popo Beach (Benin, West Africa) in February 2013. Daily topographic surveys along a 380 in long stretch of shore allowed observation of the dynamics of the two sets of beach cusps. At the beginning of the field survey, we clearly observe two sets of cusps; the upper beach cusps system is relatively asymmetric with a typical wavelength of about 45 m, while the lower beach cusps system is relatively symmetric with a typical wave length slightly shorter (about 35 m). After two days, we measured the total destruction of the lower set of beach cusps while the upper set of beach cusps was only partially destroyed. The data suggest that destruction of the lower beach cusp system may be related to persistent accretionary conditions and/or calm conditions but probably also to the transition from wave-driven circulation (dominated by weak alongshore currents with flash and swash rips), to a second period characterized by dominant longshore currents further increasing in speed (with rare swash rips). Conversely, the disappearance of the western upper beach cusp may be related to an accretionary pattern and to the coalescence of two individual features. Our observations, consistent with previous works, suggest that beach cusps certainly arise as a result of some combination of erosion and accretion

    The Grand Popo experiment, Benin

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    International audienceThe first large nearshore field experiment in the G ulf of Guinea was conducted at Grand Popo Beach, Be nin, in February 2013, on an open wave-dominated micro- to meso-tidal coast, located mid-way between Cotonou and Lome harbours. The overall project aims at understanding at multi-scale (from event to interannual) the causes of the dramatic erosion observed throughout the Bight of Benin, and caused by the interaction of a large littoral drift with human engineering works. Grand Popo 2013 experiment was designed to measure the processes over the short term and to test the ability of an installed video system to monitor the evolution of this stretch of coast over the longer term. The beach, characterized by a low-tide terrace and a high tide reflective part, experiences a long swell (Hs=1.6m, Tp=16 s, oblique incidence ~15-20°). Topographic surveys showed a double beach cusp system interaction and repeated surf-zone drifter runs revealed high flash and swash rip activity driven by wave dissipation over the terrace and energetic swash dynamics at the upper reflective beach. Swash was measured over a cusp system at two locations using video poles. Wave reanalyses (ERAInterim) were used to determine the wave climate and its variability, and to quantify sediment transport. This robust methodology is thought to be replicated elsewhere in different coastal environments in West Africa, in particular with the objective to monitor various sites within the framework of the new West African Coastal Observatory

    The Grand Popo beach 2013 experiment, Benin, West Africa: from short timescale processes to their integrated impact over long-term coastal evolution

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    The first large nearshore field experiment in the Gulf of Guinea was conducted at Grand Popo Beach, Benin, in February 2013, on an open wave-dominated micro- to meso-tidal coast, located mid-way between Cotonou and Lome harbours. The overall project aims at understanding at multi-scale (from event to interannual) the causes of the dramatic erosion observed throughout the Bight of Benin, and caused by the interaction of a large littoral drift with human engineering works. Grand Popo 2013 experiment was designed to measure the processes over the short term and to test the ability of an installed video system to monitor the evolution of this stretch of coast over the longer tenn. The beach, characterized by a low-tide terrace and a high tide reflective part, experiences a long swell (Hs=1.6 m, Tp=16 s, oblique incidence similar to 15-20 degrees). Topographic surveys showed a double beach cusp system interaction and repeated surf-zone drifter runs revealed high flash and swash rip activity driven by wave dissipation over the terrace and energetic swash dynamics at the upper reflective beach. Swash was measured over a cusp system at two locations using video poles. Wave reanalyses (ERAInterim) were used to determine the wave climate and its variability, and to quantify sediment transport. This robust methodology is thought to be replicated elsewhere in different coastal environments in West Africa, in particular with the objective to monitor various sites within the framework of the new West African Coastal Observatory