55 research outputs found

    Implicit and explicit learning of event sequences: an analysis with event-related brain potentials.

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    Intermodal Priming of Cognitive Conflict? A Failed Replication of Mager et al. (2009)

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    Introduction: The present study was conducted to verify a promising experimental setup which demonstrated an inversed Stroop-effect (much faster responses for incongruent relative to congruent Stroop trials) following a mismatching tone. In the matching condition, which was an almost exact replication of the original study, participants were required to indicate whether word color and word meaning were matching, whereas in the response conflict condition, instruction was the same as in a classical Stroop task and required the participants to respond to the word color. As in the original study, each trial was preceded by a sine tone which was deviant in pitch in 20% of the trials.Results: The main result was that the Stroop effect was not inversed after deviant tones, neither under the matching task instruction nor under the response conflict task instruction. The Stroop effect was unaffected by the previous “conceptual mismatch.”Conclusion: The current study failed to replicate the astonishing concept of “conflict priming” reported in previous work and does not open the doors for a new window on sequences of conflicts. Nevertheless, the failed replication is valuable for future research, since it demonstrated that “Conflict Priming” as a facilitation of processing of conflict trials following deviant tones, is not an confirmed finding

    The effect of coaching on the simulated malingering of memory impairment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Detecting malingering or exaggeration of impairments in brain function after traumatic brain injury is of increasing importance in neuropsychological assessment. Lawyers involved in brain injury litigation cases routinely coach their clients how to approach neuropsychological testing to their advantage. Thus, it is important to know how robust assessment methods are with respect to symptom malingering or exaggeration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The influence of different coaching methods on the simulated malingering of memory impairments is investigated in neurologically healthy participants using the Short-Term-Memory Test from the Bremer Symptom-Validierung (STM-BSV). Cut-offs were derived from patients with mild to severe traumatic brain injury. For comparison purposes, the German adaptation of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), and the Rey 15 Items Test (FIT) were additionally administered. Four groups of neurologically healthy subjects were instructed to (1) perform as best as they can, (2) simulate brain injury, (3) simulate brain injury and received additional information about the sequelae of head trauma, (4) simulate brain injury and received additional information on how to avoid detection. Furthermore, a group of patients with mild to severe closed head injury performed the tests with best effort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The naïve simulator and the symptom coached groups were the easiest to detect, whereas the symptom plus test coached group was the hardest to detect. The AVLT and the FIT were not suited to detect simulators (sensitivities from 0% to 50.8% at 75% specificity) whereas the STM-BSV detected simulators with 67% – 88% sensitivity at a specificity of 73%. However, the STM-BSV was not robust to coaching.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present investigation shows that symptom validity testing as implemented in the BSV-STM is one clinically useful element in the detection of memory malingering. However, clinicians have to be aware that coaching influences performance in the test.</p

    Funktionaler Analphabetismus im Erwachsenenalter: eine Definition

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    Der Beitrag stellt eine aktuelle Definition des funktionalen Analphabetismus vor. Ziel ist das Aufstellen einer definitorischen Grundlage, die für Wissenschaft und Praxis nutzbar ist. Diese Definition kann als Kernaussage verstanden werden. Sie ist aber auch anschlussfähig für Erweiterungen, um spezifische Fragestellungen berücksichtigen zu können. Dazu wird auf der Grundlage allgemein akzeptierter früherer Arbeitsdefinitionen eine neue Definition des funktionalen Analphabetismus aufgestellt, elaboriert und diskutiert. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Operationalisierbarkeit gelegt. Der Kern der Definition lautet: Funktionaler Analphabetismus ist gegeben, wenn die schriftsprachlichen Kompetenzen von Erwachsenen niedriger sind als diejenigen, die minimal erforderlich sind und als selbstverständlich vorausgesetzt werden, um den jeweiligen gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Diese schriftsprachlichen Kompetenzen werden als notwendig erachtet, um gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und die Realisierung individueller Verwirklichungschancen zu eröffnen

    Internal and external information in error processing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of self-generated and externally provided information in performance monitoring is reflected by the appearance of error-related and feedback-related negativities (ERN and FRN), respectively. Several authors proposed that ERN and FRN are supported by similar neural mechanisms residing in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the mesolimbic dopaminergic system. The present study is aimed to test the functional relationship between ERN and FRN. Using an Eriksen-Flanker task with a moving response deadline we tested 17 young healthy subjects. Subjects received feedback with respect to their response accuracy and response speed. To fulfill both requirements of the task, they had to press the correct button and had to respond in time to give a valid response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When performance monitoring based on self-generated information was sufficient to detect a criterion violation an ERN was released, while the subsequent feedback became redundant and therefore failed to trigger an FRN. In contrast, an FRN was released if the feedback contained information which was not available before and action monitoring processes based on self-generated information failed to detect an error.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The described pattern of results indicates a functional interrelationship of response and feedback related negativities in performance monitoring.</p

    Memory recall in arousing situations – an emotional von Restorff effect?

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between memory recall and P300 amplitude in list learning tasks, but the variables mediating this P300-recall relationship are not well understood. In the present study, subjects were required to recall items from lists consisting of 12 words, which were presented in front of pictures taken from the IAPS collection. One word per list is made distinct either by font color or by a highly arousing background IAPS picture. This isolation procedure was first used by von Restorff. Brain potentials were recorded during list presentation. RESULTS: Recall performance was enhanced for color but not for emotional isolates. Event-related brain potentials (ERP) showed a more positive P300-component for recalled non-isolated words and color-isolated words, compared to the respective non-remembered words, but not for words isolated by arousing background. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that it is crucial to take emotional mediator variables into account, when using the P300 to predict later recall. Highly arousing environments might force the cognitive system to interrupt rehearsal processes in working memory, which might benefit transfer into other, more stable memory systems. The impact of attention-capturing properties of arousing background stimuli is also discussed

    Embodied Emotion Modulates Neural Signature of Performance Monitoring

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    BACKGROUND:Recent research on the "embodiment of emotion" implies that experiencing an emotion may involve perceptual, somatovisceral, and motor feedback aspects. For example, manipulations of facial expression and posture appear to induce emotional states and influence how affective information is processed. The present study investigates whether performance monitoring, a cognitive process known to be under heavy control of the dopaminergic system, is modulated by induced facial expressions. In particular, we focused on the error-related negativity, an electrophysiological correlate of performance monitoring. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:During a choice reaction task, participants held a Chinese chop stick either horizontally between the teeth ("smile" condition) or, in different runs, vertically ("no smile") with the upper lip. In a third control condition, no chop stick was used ("no stick"). It could be shown on a separate sample that the facial feedback procedure is feasible to induce mild changes in positive affect. In the ERP sample, the smile condition, hypothesized to lead to an increase in dopaminergic activity, was associated with a decrease of ERN amplitude relative to "no smile" and "no stick" conditions. CONCLUSION:Embodying emotions by induced facial expressions leads to a changes in the neural correlates of error detection. We suggest that this is due to the joint influence of the dopaminergic system on positive affect and performance monitoring

    Serial position effects in free memory recall - an ERP study

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