112 research outputs found

    Alterations to mTORC1 signaling in the skeletal muscle differentially affect whole-body metabolism

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a central node in a network of signaling pathways controlling cell growth and survival. This multiprotein complex integrates external signals and affects different nutrient pathways in various organs. However, it is not clear how alterations of mTORC1 signaling in skeletal muscle affect whole-body metabolism.; We characterized the metabolic phenotype of young and old raptor muscle knock-out (RAmKO) and TSC1 muscle knock-out (TSCmKO) mice, where mTORC1 activity in skeletal muscle is inhibited or constitutively activated, respectively. Ten-week-old RAmKO mice are lean and insulin resistant with increased energy expenditure, and they are resistant to a high-fat diet (HFD). This correlates with an increased expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs) and a downregulation of genes involved in glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Ten-week-old TSCmKO mice are also lean, glucose intolerant with a decreased activation of protein kinase B (Akt/PKB) targets that regulate glucose transporters in the muscle. The mice are resistant to a HFD and show reduced accumulation of glycogen and lipids in the liver. Both mouse models suffer from a myopathy with age, with reduced fat and lean mass, and both RAmKO and TSCmKO mice develop insulin resistance and increased intramyocellular lipid content.; Our study shows that alterations of mTORC1 signaling in the skeletal muscle differentially affect whole-body metabolism. While both inhibition and constitutive activation of mTORC1 induce leanness and resistance to obesity, changes in the metabolism of muscle and peripheral organs are distinct. These results indicate that a balanced mTORC1 signaling in the muscle is required for proper metabolic homeostasis

    Conditional disruption of rictor demonstrates a direct requirement for mTORC2 in skin tumor development and continued growth of established tumors

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    These studies show for the first time that mTORC2 is essential for skin tumor development and maintenance of established tumors, but is dispensable for normal keratinocyte proliferation. They further suggest that mTORC2 controls pro-survival pathways in vitro and in tumor

    Chimeric protein repair of laminin polymerization ameliorates muscular dystrophy phenotype

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    Mutations in laminin α2-subunit (Lmα2, encoded by LAMA2) are linked to approximately 30% of congenital muscular dystrophy cases. Mice with a homozygous mutation in Lama2 (dy2J mice) express a nonpolymerizing form of laminin-211 (Lm211) and are a model for ambulatory-type Lmα2-deficient muscular dystrophy. Here, we developed transgenic dy2J mice with muscle-specific expression of αLNNd, a laminin/nidogen chimeric protein that provides a missing polymerization domain. Muscle-specific expression of αLNNd in dy2J mice resulted in strong amelioration of the dystrophic phenotype, manifested by the prevention of fibrosis and restoration of forelimb grip strength. αLNNd also restored myofiber shape, size, and numbers to control levels in dy2J mice. Laminin immunostaining and quantitation of tissue extractions revealed increased Lm211 expression in αLNNd-transgenic dy2J mice. In cultured myotubes, we determined that αLNNd expression increased myotube surface accumulation of polymerization-deficient recombinant laminins, with retention of collagen IV, reiterating the basement membrane (BM) changes observed in vivo. Laminin LN domain mutations linked to several of the Lmα2-deficient muscular dystrophies are predicted to compromise polymerization. The data herein support the hypothesis that engineered expression of αLNNd can overcome polymerization deficits to increase laminin, stabilize BM structure, and substantially ameliorate muscular dystrophy

    The calcium sensor Copine-6 regulates spine structural plasticity and learning and memory

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    Hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) represents the cellular response of excitatory synapses to specific patterns of high neuronal activity and is required for learning and memory. Here we identify a mechanism that requires the calcium-binding protein Copine-6 to translate the initial calcium signals into changes in spine structure. We show that Copine-6 is recruited from the cytosol of dendrites to postsynaptic spine membranes by calcium transients that precede LTP. Cpne6 knockout mice are deficient in hippocampal LTP, learning and memory. Hippocampal neurons from Cpne6 knockouts lack spine structural plasticity as do wild-type neurons that express a Copine-6 calcium mutant. The function of Copine-6 is based on its binding, activating and recruiting the Rho GTPase Rac1 to cell membranes. Consistent with this function, the LTP deficit of Cpne6 knockout mice is rescued by the actin stabilizer jasplakinolide. These data show that Copine-6 links activity-triggered calcium signals to spine structural plasticity necessary for learning and memory

    Improving Reproducibility of Phenotypic Assessments in the DyW Mouse Model of Laminin-α2 Related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy.

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    Laminin-α2 related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (LAMA2-CMD) is a progressive muscle disease caused by partial or complete deficiency of laminin-211, a skeletal muscle extracellular matrix protein. In the last decade, basic science research has queried underlying disease mechanisms in existing LAMA2-CMD murine models and identified possible clinical targets and pharmacological interventions. Experimental rigor in preclinical studies is critical to efficiently and accurately quantify both negative and positive results, degree of efficiency of potential therapeutics and determine whether to move a compound forward for additional preclinical testing. In this review, we compare published available data measured to assess three common parameters in the widely used mouse model DyW, that mimics LAMA2-CMD, we quantify variability and analyse its possible sources. Finally, on the basis of this analysis, we suggest standard set of assessments and the use of available standardized protocols, to reduce variability of outcomes in the future and to improve the value of preclinical research

    BDNF is a mediator of glycolytic fiber-type specification in mouse skeletal muscle

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) influences the differentiation, plasticity, and survival of central neurons and likewise, affects the development of the neuromuscular system. Besides its neuronal origin, BDNF is also a member of the myokine family. However, the role of skeletal muscle-derived BDNF in regulating neuromuscular physiology in vivo remains unclear. Using gain- and loss-of-function animal models, we show that muscle-specific ablation of BDNF shifts the proportion of muscle fibers from type IIB to IIX, concomitant with elevated slow muscle-type gene expression. Furthermore, BDNF deletion reduces motor end plate volume without affecting neuromuscular junction (NMJ) integrity. These morphological changes are associated with slow muscle function and a greater resistance to contraction-induced fatigue. Conversely, BDNF overexpression promotes a fast muscle-type gene program and elevates glycolytic fiber number. These findings indicate that BDNF is required for fiber-type specification and provide insights into its potential modulation as a therapeutic target in muscle diseases

    Cardiac mTOR complex 2 preserves ventricular function in pressure-overload hypertrophy

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    Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of growth and metabolism, has tissue-specific functions depending on whether it is part of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) or mTORC2. We have previously shown that mTORC1 is required for adaptive cardiac hypertrophy and maintenance of function under basal and pressure-overload conditions. In the present study, we aimed to identify functions of mTORC2 in the heart.; Using tamoxifen-inducible cardiomyocyte-specific gene deletion, we generated mice deficient for cardiac rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR (rictor), an essential and specific component of mTORC2. Under basal conditions, rictor deficiency did not affect cardiac growth and function in young mice and also had no effects in adult mice. However, transverse aortic constriction caused dysfunction in the rictor-deficient hearts, whereas function was maintained in controls after 1 week of pressure overload. Adaptive increases in cardiac weight and cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, fibrosis, and hypertrophic and metabolic gene expression were not different between the rictor-deficient and control mice. In control mice, maintained function was associated with increased protein levels of rictor, protein kinase C (PKC)βII, and PKCδ, whereas rictor ablation abolished these increases. Rictor deletion also significantly decreased PKCε at baseline and after pressure overload. Our data suggest that reduced PKCε and the inability to increase PKCβII and PKCδ abundance are, in accordance with their known function, responsible for decreased contractile performance of the rictor-deficient hearts.; Our study demonstrates that mTORC2 is implicated in maintaining contractile function of the pressure-overloaded male mouse heart

    Dual roles of mTORC1-dependent activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in muscle proteostasis

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    Muscle size is controlled by the PI3K-PKB/Akt-mTORC1-FoxO pathway, which integrates signals from growth factors, energy and amino acids to activate protein synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown. While mTORC1 activity is necessary for PKB/Akt-induced muscle hypertrophy, its constant activation alone induces muscle atrophy. Here we show that this paradox is based on mTORC1 activity promoting protein breakdown through the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) by simultaneously inducing ubiquitin E3 ligase expression via feedback inhibition of PKB/Akt and proteasome biogenesis via Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Like 1 (Nrf1). Muscle growth was restored by reactivation of PKB/Akt, but not by Nrf1 knockdown, implicating ubiquitination as the limiting step. However, both PKB/Akt activation and proteasome depletion by Nrf1 knockdown led to an immediate disruption of proteome integrity with rapid accumulation of damaged material. These data highlight the physiological importance of mTORC1-mediated PKB/Akt inhibition and point to juxtaposed roles of the UPS in atrophy and proteome integrity

    Update on Standard Operating Procedures in Preclinical Research for DMD and SMA Report of TREAT-NMD Alliance Workshop, Schiphol Airport, 26 April 2015, The Netherlands

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    A workshop took place in 2015 to follow up TREAT-NMD activities dedicated to improving quality in the preclinical phase of drug development for neuromuscular diseases. In particular, this workshop adressed necessary future steps regarding common standard experimental protocols and the issue of improving the translatability of preclinical efficacy studies

    Neuronal LRP4 regulates synapse formation in the developing CNS

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    The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) is essential in muscle fibers for the establishment of the neuromuscular junction. Here, we show that LRP4 is also expressed by embryonic cortical and hippocampal neurons, and that downregulation of LRP4 in these neurons causes a reduction in density of synapses and number of primary dendrites. Accordingly, overexpression of LRP4 in cultured neurons had the opposite effect inducing more but shorter primary dendrites with an increased number of spines. Transsynaptic tracing mediated by rabies virus revealed a reduced number of neurons presynaptic to the cortical neurons in which LRP4 was knocked down. Moreover, neuron-specific knockdown of LRP4 by in utero electroporation of LRP4 miRNA in vivo also resulted in neurons with fewer primary dendrites and a lower density of spines in the developing cortex and hippocampus. Collectively, our results demonstrate an essential and novel role of neuronal LRP4 in dendritic development and synaptogenesis in the CNS