47 research outputs found

    Chess to the Parliament: The Role of the Parliament in Central and East European Transitions

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    Većina srednjoevropskih i istočnnoevropskih zemalja, poput Poljske, Bugarske, Rumunjske, Hrvatske, Slovenije i Srbije, usvojila je u procesu demokratske tranzicije miješane vladavinske sisteme, koji se obično nazivaju polupredsjedničkima. Na temelju zapadnoevropskog iskustva, nadasve iskustva njemačke Weimarske republike i francuske Pete republike, autor analizira svojstva polupredsjedničkih sistema. Polupredsjednički sistemi nestabilni su zato što dopuštaju previše divergentnih političkih igara, mogu stvoriti opasna politička stanja u uvjetima kohabitacije, teže uvećavanju predsjedničkih ovlasti iznad onih koje su im dane ustavom, a u političkim krizama ne potiču kompromis političkih snaga. Autor zaključuje da su polupredsjednički sistemi nepovoljni za konsolidiranje demokracije.The majority of central and eastern European countries, such as Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia and Serbia, adopted mixed governmental systems, better known as semi-presidential, in their transitions to democracy. The author analyzes the attributes of semi-presidential systems from the basis of Western European experience, first and foremost those of the German Weimar and the French Fifth Republic. Semi-presidential systems are unstable because they allow too many diverging political games, may create a dangerous political climate in situations of cohabitation, they tend to increase presidential powers over those which are granted by the Constitution, and in times of political crises don\u27t allow for compromise of political powers. The author concludes that semi-presidential systems are not suitable for consolidating democracy

    Az állami intézmények kiépülése a posztkommunista demokráciákban

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    Rapider Politikwechsel in der Arzneimittelpreisregulierung

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    Gerlinger T. Rapider Politikwechsel in der Arzneimittelpreisregulierung. In: Rüb FW, ed. Rapide Politikwechsel in der Bundesrepublik. Theoretischer Rahmen und empirische Befunde. Sonderbände Zeitschrift für Politik. Vol 6. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag; 2014: 128-153

    Politische Evidenz. Objektivierung als Legitimationspraxis.

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    Straßheim H, Rüb FW. Politische Evidenz. Objektivierung als Legitimationspraxis. Leviathan Sonderheft: Der Aufstieg der Legitimitätspolitik. Rechtfertigung und Kritik politisch-ökonomischer Ordnungen hrsggb. v. Christopher Daase/Anna Geis/Frank Nullmeier. 2012:377-397

    Einleitung. Warum Erosion der Demokratie?

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