92 research outputs found

    Magnetic Properties of Holmium{Erbium Alloys

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    This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my late professor A.R. Mackintosh — meant as a student’s tribute to his work of great insight. Through our unfortunately short acquaintance I owe Allan my interest in the field of solid state physics in general and rare earth magnetism in particular. I am grateful to my supervisors Jens Jensen from the Ørsted Laboratory, Niels Bohr Institute and Des McMorrow from the Solid state department, Risø National Laboratory. For their help and suggestions on various problems, I also wish to thank the people in the solid state department, my fellow students and my family. The work falls into three main parts, namely experiments, theory and calculations. On the other hand the examined system shows several different interesting features. I have chosen to start by supplying the background knowledge, occasionally mentioning the implications on the features. Afterwards I discuss each of the features individually. This procedure has led to some overlapping in the report, but on the other hand I found it the most instructive way

    Magnetic skyrmions and skyrmion clusters in the helical phase of Cu2_2OSeO3_3

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    Skyrmions are nanometric spin whirls that can be stabilized in magnets lacking inversion symmetry. The properties of isolated skyrmions embedded in a ferromagnetic background have been intensively studied. We show that single skyrmions and clusters of skyrmions can also form in the helical phase and investigate theoretically their energetics and dynamics. The helical background provides natural one-dimensional channels along which a skyrmion can move rapidly. In contrast to skyrmions in ferromagnets, the skymion-skyrmion interaction has a strong attractive component and thus skyrmions tend to form clusters with characteristic shapes. These clusters are directly observed in transmission electron microscopy measurements in thin films of Cu2_2OSeO3_3. Topological quantization, high mobility and the confinement of skyrmions in channels provided by the helical background may be useful for future spintronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 pages supplemen

    Quantum critical scaling for a Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain around saturation

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    We demonstrate quantum critical scaling for an S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain compound Cu(C4H4N2)(NO3)(2) in a magnetic field around saturation, by analyzing previously reported magnetization [Y. Kono et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 037202 (2015)], thermal expansion [J. Rohrkamp et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 012169 (2010)], and NMR relaxation data [H. Kuhne et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 045110 (2009)]. The scaling of magnetization is demonstrated through collapsing the data for a range of both temperature and field onto a single curve without making any assumption for a theoretical form. The data collapse is subsequently shown to closely follow the theoretically predicted scaling function without any adjustable parameters. Experimental boundaries for the quantum critical region could be drawn from the variable range beyond which the scaled data deviate from the theoretical function. Similarly to the magnetization, quantum critical scaling of the thermal expansion is also demonstrated. Further, the spin dynamics probed via NMR relaxation rate 1/T-1 close to the saturation is shown to follow the theoretically predicted quantum critical behavior as 1/T-1 proportional to T-0.5 persisting up to temperatures as high as k(B)T similar or equal to J, where J is the exchange coupling constant

    A Prismatic Analyser concept for Neutron Spectrometers

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    A development in modern neutron spectroscopy is to avoid the need of large samples. We demonstrate how small samples together with the right choice of analyser and detector components makes distance collimation an important concept in crystal analyser spectrometers. We further show that this opens new possibilities where neutrons with different energies are reflected by the same analyser but counted in different detectors, thus improving both energy resolution and total count rate compared to conventional spectrometers. The technique can be combined with advanced focusing geometries and with multiplexing instrument designs. We present a combination of simulations and data with 3 energies from one analyser. The data was taken on a prototype installed at PSI, Switzerland, and shows excellent agreement with the predictions. Typical improvements will be 2 times finer resolution and a factor 1.9 in flux gain compared to a Rowland geometry or 3 times finer resolution and a factor 3.2 in flux gain compared to a single flat analyser slab

    Experimental and theoretical thermodynamic studies in Ba2_2MgReO6_6 -- the ground state in the context of Jahn-Teller effect

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    We address the degeneracy of the ground state multiplet on the 5d1d^1 Re6+^{6+} ion in double perovskite Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6} using a combination of specific heat measurements and density functional calculations. For Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6}, two different ground state multiplets have previously been proposed - a quartet (with degeneracy NN=4) [1] and a doublet (NN=2) [2]. Here we employ two independent methods for the estimation of phonon contribution in heat capacity data to obtain the magnetic entropy SmagS_{mag}, which reflects the degeneracy of the ground state multiplet NN through Smag=RS_{mag}=RlnNN. In both cases, we obtain a better fit to Smag=RS_{mag}=Rln2 indicating evidence of NN=2 degeneracy in the range from 2 to 120~K. The detailed nature of the ground state multiplet in Ba2_{2}MgReO6_{6} remains an open question.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Structure, heat capacity and Raman spectra of mm-sized Ba2_{2}MgWO6_{6} single crystals synthesized by BaCl2_{2}-MgCl2_{2} flux method

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    We present a new method of Ba2_{2}MgWO6_{6} single crystal synthesis that allows to grow larger crystals using BaCl2_{2} and MgCl2_{2} flux. Difficulties to grow single crystal of a size suitable for macroscopic material property measurements caused the majority of characterisation being published on polycrystalline samples. Single crystal diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis confirmed high quality of synthesised samples. Heat capacity measurements from 300~K to 2~K do not show any transitions. However, Raman spectra measured down to 77~K contain additional peaks at all temperatures probed, which is in a contrast with only 4 Raman active modes expected from the reducible representation. This calls for a more detailed study of potential symmetry breaking that could also influence the electronic properties of the material

    Note: Versatile sample stick for neutron scattering experiments in high electric fields

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    We present a versatile high voltage sample stick that fits into all cryomagnets and standard cryostats at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, and which provides a low effort route to neutron scattering experiments that combine electric field with low temperature and magnetic field. The stick allows for voltages up to 5 kV and can be easily adapted for different scattering geometries. We discuss the design consideration and thermal behavior of the stick, and give one example to showcase the abilities of the device. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC
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