529 research outputs found


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    Pupils’ beliefs, attitudes, and notions on English elective subjects: a study on the decrease of English as an elective subject in upper secondary in Norway

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    Den negative trenden i antall elever som velger engelsk som et av sine valgfag er skremmende, og mĂ„ tas opp og undersĂžkes. Hvilke faktorer pĂ„virker elevene til Ă„ velge valgfag, og hvordan korrelerer disse valgene med fremtidige planer om hĂžyere utdanning og arbeidsliv? Denne studien tar sikte pĂ„ Ă„ undersĂžke faktorer som elevenes motivasjon, pĂ„virkning fra andre og tidligere erfaringer med engelsk. Videre tar studien sikte pĂ„ Ă„ belyse begrensende tilbud om valgfag og kombinasjonssammensetningen av valgfag. For Ă„ undersĂžke dette benytter studien et kvantitativt undersĂžkelsesdesign. UndersĂžkelsesmetoden er en halv-lukket kvantitativ spĂžrreundersĂžkelse utfĂžrt pĂ„ to videregĂ„ende skoler. Denne undersĂžkelsesmetoden har blitt brukt for Ă„ svare pĂ„ de tre overordnede forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„lene: - Hvordan reflekteres elevenes oppfatning og holdning pĂ„ engelske valgfag? - Hvilke forskjeller kan vi bemerke ut fra kjĂžnn i valg av fag? - Hvor utrustet fĂžler elevene seg til hĂžyere utdanning, hverdagsliv og arbeidsliv? Dataene vil bli stratifisert ved hjelp av kjĂžnn, og virke som en variabel for Ă„ undersĂžke elevenes erfaringer og oppfatningner. Funnene i studien antyder at elevenes motivasjon er blandet, der jentene er mindre motiverte enn guttene. I tillegg mente elevene at de kunne tilstrekkelig med engelsk nĂ„r det kom til hĂžyere utdanning og arbeidsliv. Videre fant elevene det obligatoriske engelskfaget nyttig, men ikke interessant. Dette er en sterk indikasjon pĂ„ hvorfor det er en nedgang i antall elever som velger engelskvalgfag, men tilbudet om valgfag og kombinasjonene av disse er begrensende for elevene. Noen av elevene ville valgt engelsk som et av sine valgfag, men fĂ„r ikke lov til dette pĂ„ grunn av studiespesialiseringsstudiene og deres begrensninger innenfor valgfag.The evergrowing deficiency in English as an elective in upper secondary is alarming, and needs to be addressed and investigated. Which factors influence the pupils into choosing their elective subjects, and how do these choices correlate with future plans such as higher education and working life? The present study aims to investigate the factors, motivatition, influence by others, and previous experience with English. Furthermore, it aims to shed light on limiting offers of elective subjects and combination of elective subjects. In order to investigate this the study employs a survey design with high emphasis on giving the pupils a voice. The method of inquiry is a semi-closed quantiative questionnare conducted on two upper secondary schools. The method applied have been used to answer the three overarching research questions: - How do the pupils’ beliefs and attitudes reflect upon the English elective subjects? - What role does gender play in the choice of elective subject? - In what manner do the pupils feel equipped for higher education, society and working life? The data is stratified by means of gender, and serve as a variable in investigating the pupils’ experiences and perceptions. The findings of the study suggests that the pupils’ motivation is mixed, where the girls are less motivated than the boys. Additionally, the pupils thought that they knew sufficient English in terms of higher education and working life. Further more, they found the obligatory English subject useful, but not interesting. This is a strong indication of why there is a decrease in pupils choosing English as one of their elective subjects, but the offer of elective subjects and the combination of said subjects are limiting for the pupils. Some of the pupils would have liked to choose English as one of their elective subjects, but were not allowed to do so due to Programme Specialization Studies and their restrictivity regarding elective subjects

    Pictures from Ethnia: Peepholes into Otherness A brief analysis of pictures used in Norwegian music textbooks for the 8th Grade

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    In the Norwegian national strategy plan Equal Education in Practice it is stated that “To ensure proper subject and linguistic learning outcomes, it is also important that multicultural reality should be reflected in the teaching materials” (2007:16). This means that the multicultural society should also be reflected in textbooks for music.One might think this would be relatively easy, as the subject itself is “cultural”. For other subjects such as mathematics, I suppose it could be claimed that they are socially and culturally neutral (although I also would argue against this view). But the very nature of music is culture; as a result the (multi)cultural perspective is not as subtle as it is in some other subjects. On the other hand, an analysis of this is not just a simple case of pinpointing the multicultural, such as counting the black people, or the use of artists and examples from different parts of the world. It must delve more deeply into the conception that representations of “cultural otherness” create in the mind of the readerthose represented through pictures. This article deals with my own uneasiness when encountering pictures and text about non-western culture and music in some music textbooks. I will explore how otherness and exotism can be said to represent an imaginary nation, a particular geographical place corresponding to a Western fantasy, which I will call Ethnia. I will use some of the pictures and a small passage of text from Tempo (Hjertass and Johansen, 2000) and Opus – Musikk for ungdomstrinnet (Andreassen, 2006), which are two music textbook (8th – 10th grade), to reveal how an educational discourse manifests itself when constructing and representing cultural otherness. There is a danger of focusing on race, ethnicity or otherness, even if it is done with a will to improve the situation for “the Other,” because it can instead separate and exotify this “Other” even more; not liberate or empower them, but colonize them in a new way. I hope that my critical intentions here will be so clear that it will account for a possible cognitive enlargement of the gap between a we-majority and a them-minority. Music is traditionally one of the school subjects that uses textbooks less often (Bachmann et al., 2004), so it is important to look more closely at the praxis in classrooms if one wants to say more about the way these texts are experienced by the pupils. Nevertheless, I believe a textbook, containing a type of distilled knowledge, does tell us something; as monuments in a society’s discourse about ethnicity, youth culture, music and school. The aim is therefore more to investigate certain discursive formations within the Norwegian society, than to be specific in terms of what the textbook’s influence are or could be in the schools


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    Lean Six Sigma in Cameron Sense Examining improvement management in a highly technical environment for removing waste, defects and unwanted variations.

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    Masteroppgave Ăžkonomi og administrasjon- Universitetet i Agder, 2015(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020

    Oral health and dementia

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    Bacheloroppgave i sykepleie, 2013Innledning: Vi er to sykepleierstudenter som skal ta avsluttende eksamen i sykepleie ved HÞgskolen i Hedmark. I Är er temaet selvvalgt, og vi har valgt Ä skrive om Alzheimers sykdom og disse pasienters behov for god oral helse i sykehjem. Etter mange Är innenfor omsorgsyrke, har vi erfart at oral helse har vÊrt et forsÞmt omrÄde i eldreomsorgen, og kanskje spesielt hos de demente. Selv om vi mener det har blitt noe mer fokus pÄ dette de siste Ärene, antar vi at dette har et forbedringspotensiale. Eldre, og sÊrlig demente, som bor pÄ sykehjem kan ha problemer med Ä utfÞre tilfredsstillende oral helse. PÄ grunn av sin kognitive svikt klarer de ikke Ä utfÞre de handlinger som skal til for Ä pusse tennene, eller de rett og slett glemmer det. En annen Ärsak til dÄrlig munnhygiene, kan vÊre at de motsetter seg hjelp til den handlingen som de selv ikke klarer Ä utfÞre. De forstÄr ikke at dette er en viktig del av sin personlige hygiene. De har kanskje dÄrlig innsikt i gjÞremÄl som skal til for Ä dekke sine grunnleggende behov eller hvorfor eller hvordan dette gjÞres. Flere eldre pÄ sykehjem har i Þkende grad sine egne tenner, og munnstell blir derfor en viktig sykepleieoppgave som vi mÄ ta pÄ alvor. Det kan vÊre mange grunner til at oral helse er en nedprioritert oppgave, som dÄrlig tid, manglende ressurser og manglende faglig kunnskap. Vi vet at dÄrlig oral helse kan fÞre til mange plager hos eldre. Sykepleierens rolle blir derfor Ä hjelpe pasienten med Ä holde tenner og munnslimhinner rene, fuktige og intakte for Ä forebygge infeksjoner og opprettholde verdighet og velvÊre. Som sykepleier skal vi kunne sÞrge for at pasientens grunnleggende behov blir ivaretatt pÄ en tilfredsstillende mÄte. Ut fra egne arbeidserfaringer med demente vet vi at det kan vÊre en utfordring Ä samarbeide og kommunisere med denne gruppen pasienter. Vi vil derfor se nÊrmere pÄ tema kommunikasjon og samhandling i forbindelse med oral helse

    Tracking hidden innovations in tourism

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    Hidden innovations are innovations that have been overlooked, forgotten or ignored. In this context, this study explores hidden innovations in tourism—innovations not captured by frequently used quantitative instruments such as the Eurostat's community innovation survey (CIS). The study also explains why several innovations have remained hidden in the tourism industry. It identifies and analyses processes producing hidden innovations and determines the characteristics and types of these innovations. The study analyses 13 interviews in four tourism businesses—one Alpine centre and three hotels. Empirical testing indicates the inadequacy of CIS measurement in capturing these innovations. The findings reveal several hidden innovations. In the tourism context, we find two types of hidden innovations—hidden stage-wise and stage-merged innovations. These hidden innovations have two triggers. The first trigger refers to the evaluation of work processes carried out at the decentralized levels of companies. The second trigger is the work climate combining staff willingness (W) and opportunities (O) (WO-oriented work climate)—where the employees are willing to engage with innovation and are provided with an innovation opportunity. This study has important implications for extending the understanding of hidden innovations, especially in tourism, and guiding managers to facilitate, motivate and support work environments that allow employees' freedom and help them take responsibility to generate ideas and innovations.publishedVersio
