724 research outputs found
A concept of a mainly digitalized course on control theory including problembased practical units and digital supported exams
This paper decribes the concept of a course on control theory as a minor subject in the department of electrical engineering at the OTH Regensburg. The basis for a new concept is the idea of contructive alignment. The whole teaching module is devided in two blocks. The first block contains the teaching of the knowledge about control theory with an integrated approach for lectures, exercises and practical sessions. In the second block the students attent a practical work package to have the possibility to applicate and deepen their knowledge. To foster active participation the students are asked to document and reflect their work with the course context in an electronic portfolio. The exam of this module consists of three parts with respect to the different competencies obtained during the module. This concept develops not only the knowledge on control theory but personal and social competencies which are of growing interest. The aim of the paper is to present the idea of the concept. Following papers will illustrate the development process and the results obtained later on.Rösel, B. (2020). A concept of a mainly digitalized course on control theory including problembased practical units and digital supported exams. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):587-594. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11112OCS58759430-05-202
Elites and Aristocracy in Colonial and Postcolonial Sri Lanka
"Elites and Aristocracy in Colonial and Postcolonial Sri Lanka" attempts to answer two major questions: First, what is an "elite" and how can we define one? Concentrating on aristocracy and with reference to Georg Simmel, I will describe forms of social and cultural self-aggrandisement and self-construction, which have served many elites as a model and ideal type for emulation and further development. My second question is: How did the Sinhalese up-country Kandy aristocracy in Sri Lanka react to British, colonial change and how did it interact with newly emerged and much more numerous low-country elites? This interaction will be described as a process of political marginalisation of the Kandy aristocracy and of cultural emulation on the part of the new low-country and Colombo elites
Co-Partisan Buddies or Partisan Bullies? Why State Supervision of Local Government Borrowing Fails
In many federal countries, local governments run large deficits, even when supervision by state authorities is tight. I investigate whether party alignment of mayors and supervisors influences local government borrowing. The dataset includes 427 local German governments over the period 19992012. I exploit variation of a far-reaching institutional reform that entirely re-distributed political powers on both debt issuance and supervision. The results show that short-term deficits of local governments are not enabled by a vertical buddy relationship between a mayor and a supervisor affiliated with the same party (co-partisanship) but rather by an ideological bully behavior of partisan supervisors and supervisees: left-wing local governments issue more debt, while left-wing supervisory authorities tolerate more debt. These findings imply that political independence for state supervisory authorities is highly recommended
Migrating Extremists
We show that migrating extremists shape political landscapes toward their ideology in the long run. We exploit the unexpected division of the state of Upper Austria into a US and a Soviet occupation zone after WWII. Zoning prompts large-scale Nazi migration to US occupied regions. Regions that witnessed a Nazi influx exhibit significantly higher voting shares for the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPĂ–) throughout the entire post-WWII period, but not before WWII. We can exclude other channels that may have affected post-war elections, including differences in US and Soviet denazification and occupation policies, bomb attacks, Volksdeutsche refugees and suppression by other political parties. We show that extremism is transmitted through family ties and local party branches. We find that the surnames of FPĂ– local election candidates in 2015 in the former US zone are more prevalent in 1942 phonebook data (Reichstelefonbuch) of the former Soviet zone compared to other parties
Was bringen kommunale Gebietsreformen? : kausale Evidenz zu Hoffnungen, Risiken und alternativen Instrumenten
Seit Jahrzehnten werden kommunale Gebietskörperschaften fusioniert, in der Hoffnung auf Kosteneinsparungen und eine höhere Leistungsfähigkeit
der Verwaltung. In diesem Beitrag geben Sebastian Blesse und Felix Rösel einen Überblick über die bestehende kausale Evidenz zu den Effekten von Gebietsreformen auf öffentliche Ausgaben, Effizienz und Qualität der Verwaltung sowie zu den möglichen
politischen Folgen der Zusammenschlüsse. Sie zeigen, dass Evaluationsstudien selten Effizienzrenditen von Gebietsreformen nachweisen. Allerdings ergeben sich unbeabsichtigte Nebenwirkungen auf die politische Partizipation: Die Bürger sind weniger zufrieden mit der Demokratie und gehen seltener zur Wahl, und die Ungleichheit zwischen den Ortsteilen nimmt zu. Vor diesem Hintergrund erörtern die Autoren alternative
Instrumente wie interkommunale Zusammenarbeit, Funktionalreformen und MaĂźnahmen der Verwaltungsmodernisierung
Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt
Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe is a post-doctoral fellowship project awarded to Susanna Harris by the British Academy from 2008-2011. The aim of the project is to bring together and examine evidence for textiles and animal skins in prehistoric Europe from the Neolithic and Bronze Age. A number of case studies are being examined as part of this project, including the Bronze Age Hallstatt salt mines. Here researchers working on these materials look at some of the similarities and difference between the techniques applied in their production and use in the mines as a way to understand their relationship in the past
A Banana Republic? Trust in Electoral Institutions in Western Democracies - Evidence from a Presidential Election in Austria
We examine the extent to which political scandals influence trust in electoral institutions in established Western democracies. The second ballot of the 2016 Presidential election in Austria needed to be repeated because of inconsistencies in individual electoral districts (scandal districts). In particular, postal votes were counted carelessly. We use a difference-indifferences approach comparing the regular and the repeated round of the second ballot, and examine whether voter turnout, postal voting, invalid voting and the vote shares of the candidates changed in scandal districts. Postal voting declined, but the results do not show that districts with inconsistencies differ regarding voter turnout, postal voting, invalid voting, and vote shares of the candidates. Voters’ trust in electoral institutions does not seem to depend on individual failing local administrations
Duality results and regularization schemes for Prandtl--Reuss perfect plasticity
We consider the time-discretized problem of the quasi-static evolution problem in perfect plasticity posed in a non-reflexive Banach space and we derive an equivalent version in a reflexive Banach space. A primal-dual stabilization scheme is shown to be consistent with the initial problem. As a consequence, not only stresses, but also displacement and strains are shown to converge to a solution of the original problem in a suitable topology. This scheme gives rise to a well-defined Fenchel dual problem which is a modification of the usual stress problem in perfect plasticity. The dual problem has a simpler structure and turns out to be well-suited for numerical purposes. For the corresponding subproblems an efficient algorithmic approach in the infinite-dimensional setting based on the semismooth Newton method is proposed
Gebietsreformen: Hoffnungen, Risiken und Alternativen
Seit Jahrzehnten fusionieren westliche Industrienationen kommunale Gebietskörperschaften in der Hoffnung auf Kosteneinsparungen, eine höhere Leistungsfähigkeit der Verwaltung sowie lokale Wachstumsimpulse. Verlässliche wissenschaftliche Evidenz zu Gebietsreformenist jedoch erst seit wenigen Jahren verfügbar. In diesem Beitrag geben wir einen Überblick über empirische Studien zu den kausalen Effekten von Gebietsreformen auf öffentliche Ausgaben, die Effizienz und Qualität der Verwaltung, lokales Wachstum sowie möglichepolitische Kosten der Zusammenschlüsse. Unser Überblick zeigt, dass bisherige Studien nur selten fiskalische Effizienzrenditen bei früheren Gebietsreformen nachweisen können. Allerdings zeigen sich substanzielle politische Kosten wie ein Rückgang der Demokratiezufriedenheit, der Wahlbeteiligung, der Zahl der Kandidaten bei Kommunalwahlen sowie eine Stärkung populistischer Strömungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind Instrumente mit geringerer Eingriffsintensität– z.B. interkommunale Zusammenarbeit, Funktionalreformen sowie verschiedene Maßnahmen der Verwaltungsmodernisierung – Alternativen zu Gebietsreformen, die bisher aber nicht systematisch evaluiert wurden
Produktivitätsmotor Gesundheitswirtschaft: Finanziert sich der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt selbst?
Der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt (MTF) gilt als wesentlicher Treiber der Gesundheitsausgabenund Hauptursache düsterer Beitragssatzprognosen für die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV).Übersehen wird hierbei zumeist, dass der MTF zugleich Produktivitätszuwächse im Gesundheitswesensowie eine bessere Gesundheit der Erwerbstätigen generiert. Dies sorgt für gesamtwirtschaftlichesWachstum und damit letztlich für eine Verbreiterung der Einnahmenbasis der Sozialversicherung. Indiesem Beitrag wird die Auswirkung des MTF sowohl auf die Ausgaben- als auch auf die Einnahmenseiteder GKV zwischen 2002 und 2010 berechnet und einander gegenübergestellt. Wir zeigen auf Basiskonservativer Rechnungen, dass sich der MTF allein durch zwei seiner Teilaspekte – Produktivitätsgewinnein der Gesundheitswirtschaft und Rückgang des krankheitsbedingt verlorenen Arbeitsvolumens– zu mindestens rund 20 % selbst finanziert. Dieses Ergebnis relativiert allzu pessimistische Aussichteneiner fehlenden Finanzierbarkeit des MTF. Der Druck zu weiteren Strukturreformen im Gesundheitswesenwird hierdurch allerdings keinesfalls aufgehoben
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