445 research outputs found

    Influence of strain on magnetization and magnetoelectric effect in La0.7A0.3MnO3 / PMN-PT(001) (A = Sr; Ca)

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    We investigate the influence of a well-defined reversible biaxial strain <=0.12 % on the magnetization (M) of epitaxial ferromagnetic manganite films. M has been recorded depending on temperature, strain and magnetic field in 20 - 50 nm thick films. This is accomplished by reversibly compressing the isotropic in-plane lattice parameter of the rhombohedral piezoelectric 0.72PMN-0.28PT (001) substrates by application of an electric field E <= 12 kV cm-1. The magnitude of the total variable in-plane strain has been derived. Strain-induced shifts of the ferromagnetic Curie temperature (Tc) of up to 19 K were found in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films and are quantitatively analysed for LSMO within a cubic model. The observed large magnetoelectric coupling coefficient alpha=mu0 dM/dE <= 6 10-8 s m-1 at ambient temperature results from the strain-induced M change in the magnetic-film-ferroelectric-substrate system. It corresponds to an enhancement of mu0 DeltaM <= 19 mT upon biaxial compression of 0.1 %. The extraordinary large alpha originates from the combination of three crucial properties: (i) the strong strain dependence of M in the ferromagnetic manganites, (ii) large piezo-strain of the PMN-PT substrates and (iii) effective elastic coupling at the film-substrate interface.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Ergodicity reflected in macroscopic and microscopic field-dependent behavior of BNT-based relaxors

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    The effect of heterovalent B-site doping on ergodicity of relaxor ferroelectrics is studied using (1 - y)(0.81Bi(1/2)Na(1/2)TiO(3)-0.19Bi(1/2)K(1/2)TiO(3))-yBiZn(1/2)Ti(1/2)O(3) (BNT-BKT-BZT) with y - {0.02;0.03;0.04} as a model system. Both the large- and small-signal parameters are studied as a function of electric field. The crystal structure is assessed by means of neutron diffraction in the initial state and after exposure to a high electric field. In order to measure ferroelastic domain textures, diffraction patterns of the poled samples are collected as a function of sample rotation angle. Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) is employed to probe the microstructure for polar regions at a nanoscopic scale. For low electric fields E < 2 kV.mm(-1), large- and small-signal constitutive behavior do not change with composition. At high electric fields, however, drastic differences are observed due to a field-induced phase transition into a long-range ordered state. It is hypothesized that increasing BZT content decreases the degree of non-ergodicity; thus, the formation of long-range order is impeded. It is suggested that frozen and dynamic polar nano regions exist to a different degree, depending on the BZT content. This image is supported by PFM measurements. Moreover, PFM measurements suggest that the relaxation mechanism after removal of the bias field is influenced by surface chargesopen2

    In situ electric field induced domain evolution in Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.3(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3ferroelectrics

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    In this work, the lead-free Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.3(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3piezoelectric ceramic was investigated in situ under an applied electric field by transmission electron microscopy. Significant changes in domain morphology of the studied material have been observed under an applied electric field. During the poling process, the domain configurations disappeared, forming a single-domain state. This multi- to single-domain state transition occurred with the formation of an intermediate nanodomain state. After removing the electric field, domain configurations reappeared. Selected area electron diffraction during electrical poling gave no indication of any structural changes as for example reflection splitting. Rather, a contribution of the extrinsic effect to the piezoelectric response of the Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.3(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3was found to be dominant.open2

    Electric-field-induced phase transformation at a lead-free morphotropic phase boundary: Case study in a 93%(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-7% BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramic

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    The electric-field-induced strain in 93%(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-7%BaTiO3 polycrystalline ceramic is shown to be the result of an electric-field-induced phase transformation from a pseudocubic to tetragonal symmetry. High-energy x-ray diffraction is used to illustrate the microstructural nature of the transformation. A combination of induced unit cell volumetric changes, domain texture, and anisotropic lattice strains are responsible for the observed macroscopic strain. This strain mechanism is not analogous to the high electric-field-induced strains observed in lead-based morphotropic phase boundary systems. Thus, systems which appear cubic under zero field should not be excluded from the search for lead-free piezoelectric compositions.open1127

    First High‐Resolution Benthic Habitat Map From the Greenland Shelf (Disko Bay Pilot Study)

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    A healthy ocean where marine habitats and ecosystems are mapped and protected is one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to sustainably use marine resources. Our study presents the first high-resolution benthic habitat map from Greenland integrating analyses of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data, and ground-truth data including video sled, drop camera and day grab. The pilot area of 30 × 20 km is located on the continental shelf in central Disko Bay, West Greenland and all data were collected in a single, 10-day survey. Multibeam bathymetry data were gridded to a 10 × 10 m resolution, whereas backscatter mosaic was built from a 1 × 1 m grid cell to obtain higher resolution manifestation of seafloor properties. Ground-truth data consisted of 14 video transects, 17 drop camera deployments, and 17 sediment samples. Our results were verified with the published shallow seismic and vibrocore data from the Disko Bay region to link the geological background with the sedimentary environment. We distinguished five physical habitats in the area, based on the distribution of sediment types, water depth with general water masses and morphology. In addition, numerous gas seeps alongside pockmarks were observed in the area, as well as recent iceberg ploughmarks. The identified habitats were associated with two basic communities of benthic fauna, linked primarily to the distribution of sediments and representing hard bottom habitats (sessile fauna) and soft bottom habitats (shrimp/polychaetes). Our study is the first step toward mapping the entire seafloor of Disko Bay to provide a scientific context for the management of seafloor and marine resources

    Local structure change evidenced by temperature-dependent elastic measurements: Case study on Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-based lead-free relaxor piezoceramics

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    The temperature-dependent Young's modulus Y(T) of the lead-free piezoceramics of 0.8Bi(1/2)Na(1/2)TiO(3)-0.2Bi(1/2)K(1/2)TiO(3) (20BKT) and 0.96(0.8Bi(1/2)Na(1/2)TiO(3)-0.2Bi(1/2)K(1/2)TiO(3))-0.04 BiZn1/2Ti1/2O3 (4BZT) is measured with the impulse excitation technique and contrasted with corresponding dielectric and structural data. While the dielectric properties suggest a phase transition, the high resolution XRD patterns remain virtually unchanged from room temperature up to high temperatures, confirming no change in their long-range order. In contrast, the elastic properties indicate a broad and diffuse ferroelastic transition denoted by a minimum in Y(T). By analogy to the elastic and dielectric data of PbZrxTi1-xO3 and PLZT, it is concluded that 20BKT and 4BZT are relaxors with polar nanoregions embedded in a metrically cubic matrix. Interestingly, no indication for the freezing temperature was reflected in any of the employed measurement techniques. From the saturation of Y(T), it is suggested that the Burns temperature may be approximated as 700 degrees C. Moreover, it is found that the modification with the ternary end-member BiZn1/2Ti1/2O3 results in an increase in Young's modulus. A comparison with the Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-BaTiO3-K0.5Na0.5NbO3 yields the same results.open0

    Intra-abdominal dilation of artificial bowel sphincter pressure-regulating balloon: a case report

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    # The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Introduction Fecal incontinence is a debilitating condition with considerable impact on quality of life. The artificial bowel sphincter may be used as a treatment option in severe cases in which no less invasive form of therapy is sufficient

    Successful application of ancient DNA extraction and library construction protocols to museum wet collection specimens

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    Millions of scientific specimens are housed in museum collections, a large part of which are fluid preserved. The use of formaldehyde as fixative and subsequent storage in ethanol is especially common in ichthyology and herpetology. This type of preservation damages DNA and reduces the chance of successful retrieval of genetic data. We applied ancient DNA extraction and single stranded library construction protocols to a variety of vertebrate samples obtained from wet collections and of different ages. Our results show that almost all samples tested yielded endogenous DNA. Archival DNA extraction was successful across different tissue types as well as using small amounts of tissue. Conversion of archival DNA fragments into single-stranded libraries resulted in usable data even for samples with initially undetectable DNA amounts. Subsequent target capture approaches for mitochondrial DNA using homemade baits on a subset of 30 samples resulted in almost complete mitochondrial genome sequences in several instances. Thus, application of ancient DNA methodology makes wet collection specimens, including type material as well as rare, old or extinct species, accessible for genetic and genomic analyses. Our results, accompanied by detailed step-by-step protocols, are a large step forward to open the DNA archive of museum wet collections for scientific studies.publishedVersio