38 research outputs found

    Methodological aspects of research on tourist activity – new concepts

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    Research on tourist activity is considered to be particularly troublesome. Due to the lack of one, coherent definition of tourism there occur considerable problems the results of studies carried out in various research centres are compared. Theintensity of the problem increases in the case of the research on tourist activity in physical culture, sociology and psychology. In this study a new, so far not applied, definition of tourist activity is presented. It could be helpful in research on tourism, based on criteria of distinguishing between tourists. A subjective criterion allows us to distinguish between people who feel they are tourists, and who subjectively feel that what they do can be regarded as the phenomenon of tourism

    Geotourism and industrial tourism as the modern forms of tourism

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    Geotourism and industrial tourism are the newest developments of tourism industry. Recent world seeks the new offers, the new ideas of free time activities. People are used to have a choice and to look for new destinations. Monotonous, uniform schedules of standard tourism entertainments are over. Diversity brings attractiveness and makes the new products more competitive at the tough tourism market. Geotourism and industrial tourism attractions, the latter commonly related to the closure of factories, perfectly fit to diversification of the offers, so much appreciated by modern tourists

    Podstawy rozwoju geoturystyki na Wyspach Kanaryjskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Lanzarote

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    The purpose of the paper is to analyze the development of geotourism on the Canary Islands, a region already focused on tourism in general, but also ideal for the pursuit of geotourism. Other issues analyzed in the paper include tourist volume and reasons for visiting the islands, which are often associated with recreational travel with their sunshine and beaches. Both goals are readily achieved in this region, and tourists flock to the islands in large numbers – more than 12 million in 2013. Visitors pursue sightseeing and other recreational opportunities available thanks to the Atlantic Ocean and local beaches. Some visitors also value sites and processes associated with the islands’ unique geology.The effects of the volcanic past of the Canary Islands can be observed everywhere. Tenerife Island is particularly valuable in this regard, with its highest peak, Pico del Teide (elevation: 3,718 m). Lanzarote Island is also quite valuable, with its Timanfaya National Park. While the island is attractive to tourists, it is also interesting from a purely scientific point of view for individuals studying volcanology. One indicator of how important the island is to geotourism is the planned creation of the Lanzarote and Chinijno Islands Geopark. The establishment of this park will likely make Lanzarote Island even more attractive to tourists, and will be a sign that the island is taking steps to develop sustainable tourism options

    Benefit tourism – a new concept of the phenomenon and terminology issues

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    Benefit tourism is a disputable term. This follows from the fact that the definition of tourism even by UNWTO somehow excludes activities whose aim is to gain financial profit from tourist activities. In the fast changing world we are forced to pose a question whether tourism should still be considered as a relatively narrow concept. While leaving their country for work people also get to know the culture of a visited place since they go sightseeing and, most importantly, they mingle with the natives, and through this they get to know the visited country better. Traditional tourism, especially for those unprepared, does not give a chance to experience the real aspects of the visited country. In commercialized tourism a tourist often gets a distorted picture of the region he/she is visiting. Therefore, a proper preparation (education) together with a right attitude of a person leaving his/her country for work, may be a chance to get to know a different culture, gain a new experience and make a network of contacts. Despite numerous dysfunctions resulting from e.g. separation from a family, the phenomenon has also positive aspects because except from getting to know different regions of the world an economical aim is also accomplished and owing to it, people interested in tourism may either in the future or during weekends pursue their tourist hobbies

    Turystyka przemysłowa w Tarnowskich Górach

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    W artykule dokonano analizy rozwoju turystyki przemysłowej i geoturystki w oparciu o istniejące walory znajdujące się na terenie Tarnowskich Gór. Jest to jedno z najciekawszych miast w Polsce, posiadających walory, które stanowią dziedzictwo narodowe związane z rozwojem górnictwa i przemysłu. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwości rozwoju tych form turystyki, które mogą stać się szansą rozwoju miasta przez turystykę. Powiązania przemysłu, geologii i turystyki są w Tarnowskich Górach aż nadto widoczne. Autorzy artykułu starali się to wyeksponować.//The state of development of attractions, basing on the product of industrial tourism and geotourism in Tarnowskie Góry, has been analysed in the article. Tarnowskie Góry is one of the most fascinating cities in Poland possessing great value that constitute national heritage as far as development of mining and industry is concerned. Considerable attention has been given to the possibility of development of these forms of tourism which can become a chance for the city’s development via tourism. The interrelations between industry, geology and tourism are clearly visible in Tarnowskie Góry. Thus the authors of this paper have aimed at highlighting that very fact