7 research outputs found

    What factors of the teaching and learning environment support the learning of generic skills? First-year students’ perceptions in medicine, dentistry and psychology

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    Future health professions need generic skills in their working lives, such as knowledge analysis, collaboration, communication and problem-solving skills. The teaching and learning environment is crucial in the development of generic skills when studying at university. The aim of this research was to examine students’ perceptions of learning generic skills during their first study year and how the teaching and learning environment related to their learning perceptions. The data were collected from first-year students (medicine n = 215, dentistry n = 70 and psychology n = 89) who completed a questionnaire at the end of their first study year. Two cohorts of first-year students from 2020 and 2021 were combined. The teaching and learning environments in medicine, dentistry and psychology differed from each other. The results showed that learning of problem-solving, communication and collaboration skills were emphasized more among medical and dental students, whereas analytical skills more among psychology students. There were no statistically significant differences in perceptions of the teaching and learning environment. Perceptions of generic skills and the teaching and learning environment were positively related to each other. In medicine, the strongest predictors of generic skills were peer support and feedback and in dentistry, peer support, interest and relevance. In psychology, the strongest predictors were interest and relevance. The results emphasize the relevance of the teaching and learning environment in learning generic skills.Peer reviewe

    Study-related exhaustion : First-year students’ use of self-regulation of learning and peer learning and perceived value of peer support

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    This study examines the profiles of self-regulation of learning, peer learning and peer support among students. The study investigates whether the profiles differ in terms of reported study-related exhaustion. Students completed a questionnaire regarding their use of self-regulation of learning and peer learning and perceived peer support and study-related exhaustion. Four different student profiles were found. The profiles differed in terms of self-reported study-related exhaustion. Self-regulated students with a low level of peer learning and low perceived value of peer support reported the lowest levels of study-related exhaustion, whereas students with self-regulation problems, a high level of peer learning and high perceived value of peer support reported the highest levels of study-related exhaustion. The results showed that problems in self-regulation were positively related to self-reported study-related exhaustion. Identifying different student profiles helps to recognise students who may need more support in studying.Peer reviewe

    The interaction between self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during university studies

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    The overall aim of the doctoral dissertation was to examine the interaction between students’ experiences of self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during university studies. The first aim was to examine the interaction between self- and co-regulation of learning at the early stages of university studies. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate what kind of individual combinations can be identified among students based on their experiences of self- and co-regulation of learning. The second aim was to examine students’ experiences of study-related exhaustion and the interaction between self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion at the early stages of their studies. Third, the aim was to investigate the stability and change in students’ experiences of self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during university studies and how these were related to each other during studies. The dissertation consists of three original studies. The dissertation applied a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods, a variable- and a person-oriented approach as well as cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Studies I and II examined students’ experiences of self- and co-regulation of learning at the early phases of studies. In addition, Study II explored the differences among the profiles in terms of self-reported study-related exhaustion. Study III investigated students’ experiences of the stability and change in self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during university studies. In Study I, applying a person-oriented approach, three different profiles related to self- and co-regulation of learning were identified through qualitative methods: 1) self-regulated students not using co-regulation; 2) actively co-regulating students with average self-regulation skills and 3) students with self-regulation problems relying on co-regulation. To achieve a more comprehensive picture of different combinations of self- and co-regulation of learning, Study II explored the individual combinations related to self- and co-regulation of learning through quantitative methods. In Study II, four different profiles were identified: 1) self-regulated students with a low level of peer learning and low perceived value of peer support; 2) self-regulated students with a high level of peer learning and high perceived value of peer support; 3) students with self-regulation problems, a high level of peer learning and high perceived value of peer support and 4) students with self-regulation problems, a low level of peer learning and average perceived value of peer support. Studies I and II showed similarities among the profiles. Study II further indicated that the profiles differed in terms of self-reported study-related exhaustion. Self-regulated students with a low level of peer learning and low perceived value of peer support reported the lowest levels of study-related exhaustion. Students with self-regulation problems, a high level of peer learning and high perceived value of peer support reported the highest levels of study-related exhaustion. The results showed that problems in self-regulation explained self-reported study-related exhaustion. Study III showed that experienced study-related exhaustion increased during studies. However, the results also showed a large individual variation in study-related exhaustion. The students whose exhaustion decreased described that they had been able to develop their self-regulation skills through other students’ support. Students whose study-related exhaustion remained low evaluated their self-regulation skills as good. They experienced that they did not need other students’ support in the regulation of learning. The students whose study-related exhaustion remained average, high or increased described more problems in self-regulation. Most students emphasised that other students' support had an important role in their studying because of problems in self-regulation. However, not all students took an advantage of other students’ support in the regulation of learning despite of problems in self-regulation. In conclusion, this doctoral dissertation provides new knowledge on the interaction between self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during university studies. The dissertation showed individual differences in self- and co-regulation of learning by identifying different student profiles related to self- and co-regulation of learning. The study showed that the profiles differed in terms of experienced study-related exhaustion. The dissertation demonstrated that regulation skills have an important role in experienced study-related exhaustion during university studies. The dissertation showed the importance of using a mixed-methods approach in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of the interaction between self- and co-regulation of learning and study-related exhaustion during studies. Keywords: self-regulation of learning, co-regulation of learning, study-related exhaustion, higher educationTämä väitöstutkimus tarkasteli oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn sekä opiskelu-uupumuksen välistä yhteyttä yliopisto-opintojen aikana. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli tarkastella oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn välistä yhteyttä yliopisto-opintojen alkuvaiheessa ja tunnistaa erilaisia opiskelijaprofiileja oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyyn liittyen. Toinen tavoite oli tutkia opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opiskelu-uupumuksesta sekä oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn ja opiskelu-uupumuksen välistä yhteyttä opintojen alkuvaiheessa. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli tutkia opiskelijoiden oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyyn sekä opiskelu-uupumukseen liittyvien kokemusten pysyvyyttä ja muutosta yliopisto-opintojen aikana. Väitöstutkimus perustuu kolmeen osatutkimukseen, joissa yhdistettiin kvalitatiivisia ja kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä, muuttuja- ja henkilösuuntautunutta lähestymistapaa sekä poikkileikkaus- ja pitkittäistutkimusasetelmaa. Osatutkimukset I ja II tutkivat opiskelijoiden kokemuksia oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelystä opintojen alkuvaiheessa. Lisäksi osatutkimus II tarkasteli profiilien välisiä eroja koetun opiskelu-uupumuksen suhteen. Osatutkimus III tutki oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn ja koetun opiskelu-uupumuksen pysyvyyttä ja muutosta opintojen aikana. Osatutkimuksessa I tunnistettiin henkilösuuntautuneen lähestymistavan ja kvalitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien avulla kolme erilaista profiilia opiskelijoiden oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn perusteella: 1) hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja kuvaavat opiskelijat, jotka eivät korostaneet oppimisen yhteissäätelyä; 2) aktiivisesti oppimisen yhteissäätelyä hyödyntävät opiskelijat, jotka kuvasivat suhteellisen hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja ja 3) itsesäätelyn ongelmia kuvaavat opiskelijat, jotka tukeutuivat oppimisen yhteissäätelyyn. Osatutkimuksessa II tunnistettiin neljä erilaista profiilia oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn perusteella kvantitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien avulla: 1) hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja raportoivat opiskelijat, jotka opiskelivat vähän muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja eivät kokeneet muiden opiskelijoiden tukea tärkeäksi opiskelussa; 2) hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja raportoivat opiskelijat, joilla korostuivat opiskelu muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja muiden opiskelijoiden tuen tärkeys opiskelussa; 3) itsesäätelyn ongelmia raportoivat opiskelijat, joilla korostuivat muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa opiskelu ja muiden opiskelijoiden tuen tärkeys opiskelussa ja 4) itsesäätelyn ongelmia raportoivat opiskelijat, jotka opiskelivat vähän muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa mutta korostivat muiden opiskelijoiden tuen tärkeyttä opiskelussa. Osatutkimuksissa I ja II tunnistettiin samankaltaisia opiskelijaprofiileja. Osatutkimus II osoitti, että profiilien välillä oli eroja koetun opiskelu-uupumuksen suhteen. Hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja raportoivat opiskelijat, jotka opiskelivat vähän muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja eivät kokeneet muiden opiskelijoiden tukea tärkeäksi opiskelussa, kokivat vähiten opiskelu-uupumusta. Eniten opiskelu-uupumusta kokivat oppimisen itsesäätelyn ongelmia raportoivat opiskelijat, joilla korostuivat muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa opiskelu ja muiden opiskelijoiden tuen tärkeys opiskelussa. Tulokset osoittivat, että ongelmat oppimisen itsesäätelyssä olivat yhteydessä koettuun opiskelu-uupumukseen. Osatutkimus III osoitti, että koettu opiskelu-uupumus lisääntyi opintojen aikana. Tulokset osoittivat kuitenkin suurta yksilöllistä vaihtelua opiskelu-uupumuksen suhteen. Opiskelijat, joiden uupumus väheni opintojen aikana, kuvasivat pystyneensä kehittämään itsesäätelytaitoja muiden opiskelijoiden tuen avulla. Opiskelijat, joiden uupumus pysyi vähäisenä, kuvasivat hyviä itsesäätelytaitoja. He kokivat, että he eivät tarvinneet muiden opiskelijoiden tukea oppimisen säätelyssä. Opiskelijat, joiden uupumus pysyi suhteellisen korkeana, korkeana tai lisääntyi opintojen aikana, kuvasivat enemmän ongelmia oppimisen itsesäätelyssä. Suurin osa heistä kuvasi tarvitsevansa muiden opiskelijoiden tukea opiskelussa oppimisen säätelyn ongelmien vuoksi. Kaikki opiskelijat eivät kuitenkaan hyödyntäneet muiden opiskelijoiden tukea oppimisen säätelyssä itsesäätelyn ongelmista huolimatta. Tämä väitöstutkimus tuottaa uutta tietoa opiskelijoiden oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn sekä opiskelu-uupumuksen välisestä yhteydestä yliopisto-opintojen aikana. Väitöstutkimus osoitti yksilöllisiä eroja opiskelijoiden oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyssä tunnistamalla erilaisia opiskelijaprofiileja. Tutkimus osoitti, että profiilien välillä oli eroja koetussa opiskelu-uupumuksessa. Väitöstutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että oppimisen säätelytaidoilla on tärkeä merkitys opiskelu-uupumuksen kannalta. Tutkimus osoitti, että monimenetelmällisen lähestymistavan avulla oli mahdollista saada syvällisempi käsitys oppimisen itse- ja yhteissäätelyn sekä opiskelu-uupumuksen välisestä yhteydestä opintojen aikana. Avainsanat: Oppimisen itsesäätely, oppimisen yhteissäätely, opiskelu-uupumus, yliopisto-opinno

    Students’ experiences of study-related exhaustion, regulation of learning, peer learning and peer support during university studies

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    The present mixed-method longitudinal study examines students’ experiences of study-related exhaustion, regulation of learning, peer learning and peer support during university studies. At the first measurement point, 188 first-year students completed the questionnaire. At the second measurement point, 91 of the 188 students participated in the follow-up study at their fourth study year and completed the same questionnaire again. Of these, twelve students were interviewed. The results showed that experienced study-related exhaustion and self-regulation of content increased during studies. However, the results also showed a large individual variation in experienced study-related exhaustion. The students whose exhaustion decreased described experiences of peer support that helped them to develop their self-regulation skills. Students whose study-related exhaustion remained low evaluated their self-regulation skills as good. They experienced that they did not need other students’ support in the regulation of learning. The students whose study-related exhaustion increased or remained high described more problems in self-regulation. Most students relied on peer support because of self-regulation problems. However, not all students used other students’ support despite of problems in studying. It can be concluded that regulation skills have a key role in experienced study-related exhaustion during studies.Peer reviewe

    How do self-regulation and self-efficacy beliefs associate with law students’ experiences of teaching and learning?

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    Self-regulation and self-efficacy beliefs are essential factors for university students’ performance and academic success. Surprisingly, little is known about how these aspects are related to students’ experiences of the teaching-learning environment. This study examines the relationship between self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs, experiences of the teaching and learning among master’s level law students (n=103) at a new course of legal methodologies (3 ECTS). Three different student groups with remarkable differences in self-regulation were detected. The groups differed in terms of their experiences of the teaching and learning environment, such as the relevance of this master’s level course, as well as their descriptions of learning outcomes. Self-regulated students saw the teaching-learning environment in a mostly positive way, and they were able to elaborate their learning outcomes. However, there were no connections between the groups and self-efficacy beliefs. This study suggests that students’ self-regulation should be taken into account when considering student-centred learning and teaching in higher education. Once there is an awareness of differences between students, pedagogical practices can be modified to suit the needs of those students who may or may not already have a more developed ability to regulate their learning processes.Peer reviewe