18 research outputs found

    Current fluctuations in stochastic systems with long-range memory

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    We propose a method to calculate the large deviations of current fluctuations in a class of stochastic particle systems with history-dependent rates. Long-range temporal correlations are seen to alter the speed of the large deviation function in analogy with long-range spatial correlations in equilibrium systems. We give some illuminating examples and discuss the applicability of the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. v2: Minor alterations. v3: Very minor alterations for consistency with published version appearing at http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/42/34200

    Entropy production and fluctuation relations for a KPZ interface

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    We study entropy production and fluctuation relations in the restricted solid-on-solid growth model, which is a microscopic realization of the KPZ equation. Solving the one dimensional model exactly on a particular line of the phase diagram we demonstrate that entropy production quantifies the distance from equilibrium. Moreover, as an example of a physically relevant current different from the entropy, we study the symmetry of the large deviation function associated with the interface height. In a special case of a system of length L=4 we find that the probability distribution of the variation of height has a symmetric large deviation function, displaying a symmetry different from the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    On the range of validity of the fluctuation theorem for stochastic Markovian dynamics

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    We consider the fluctuations of generalized currents in stochastic Markovian dynamics. The large deviations of current fluctuations are shown to obey a Gallavotti-Cohen (GC) type symmetry in systems with a finite state space. However, this symmetry is not guaranteed to hold in systems with an infinite state space. A simple example of such a case is the Zero-Range Process (ZRP). Here we discuss in more detail the already reported breakdown of the GC symmetry in the context of the ZRP with open boundaries and we give a physical interpretation of the phases that appear. Furthermore, the earlier analytical results for the single-site case are extended to cover multiple-site systems. We also use our exact results to test an efficient numerical algorithm of Giardina, Kurchan and Peliti, which was developed to measure the current large deviation function directly. We find that this method breaks down in some phases which we associate with the gapless spectrum of an effective Hamiltonian.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures. Minor alterations, fixed typos (as appeared in JSTAT

    The statistics of diffusive flux

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    We calculate the explicit probability distribution function for the flux between sites in a simple discrete time diffusive system composed of independent random walkers. We highlight some of the features of the distribution and we discuss its relation to the local instantaneous entropy production in the system. Our results are applicable both to equilibrium and non-equilibrium steady states as well as for certain time dependent situations.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Relevance of initial and final conditions for the Fluctuation Relation in Markov processes

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    Numerical observations on a Markov chain and on the continuous Markov process performed by a granular tracer show that the ``usual'' fluctuation relation for a given observable is not verified for finite (but arbitrarily large) times. This suggests that some terms which are usually expected to be negligible, i.e. ``border terms'' dependent only on initial and final states, in fact cannot be neglected. Furthermore, the Markov chain and the granular tracer behave in a quite similar fashion.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Fluctuation theorems for stochastic dynamics

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    Fluctuation theorems make use of time reversal to make predictions about entropy production in many-body systems far from thermal equilibrium. Here we review the wide variety of distinct, but interconnected, relations that have been derived and investigated theoretically and experimentally. Significantly, we demonstrate, in the context of Markovian stochastic dynamics, how these different fluctuation theorems arise from a simple fundamental time-reversal symmetry of a certain class of observables. Appealing to the notion of Gibbs entropy allows for a microscopic definition of entropy production in terms of these observables. We work with the master equation approach, which leads to a mathematically straightforward proof and provides direct insight into the probabilistic meaning of the quantities involved. Finally, we point to some experiments that elucidate the practical significance of fluctuation relations.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor changes for consistency with published versio

    Inequivalence of nonequilibrium path ensembles: the example of stochastic bridges

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    We study stochastic processes in which the trajectories are constrained so that the process realises a large deviation of the unconstrained process. In particular we consider stochastic bridges and the question of inequivalence of path ensembles between the microcanonical ensemble, in which the end points of the trajectory are constrained, and the canonical or s ensemble in which a bias or tilt is introduced into the process. We show how ensemble inequivalence can be manifested by the phenomenon of temporal condensation in which the large deviation is realised in a vanishing fraction of the duration (for long durations). For diffusion processes we find that condensation happens whenever the process is subject to a confining potential, such as for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, but not in the borderline case of dry friction in which there is partial ensemble equivalence. We also discuss continuous-space, discrete-time random walks for which in the case of a heavy tailed step-size distribution it is known that the large deviation may be achieved in a single step of the walk. Finally we consider possible effects of several constraints on the process and in particular give an alternative explanation of the interaction-driven condensation in terms of constrained Brownian excursions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, minor revisio

    Current Fluctuations and Statistics During a Large Deviation Event in an Exactly-Solvable Transport Model

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    We study the distribution of the time-integrated current in an exactly-solvable toy model of heat conduction, both analytically and numerically. The simplicity of the model allows us to derive the full current large deviation function and the system statistics during a large deviation event. In this way we unveil a relation between system statistics at the end of a large deviation event and for intermediate times. Midtime statistics is independent of the sign of the current, a reflection of the time-reversal symmetry of microscopic dynamics, while endtime statistics do depend on the current sign, and also on its microscopic definition. We compare our exact results with simulations based on the direct evaluation of large deviation functions, analyzing the finite-size corrections of this simulation method and deriving detailed bounds for its applicability. We also show how the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem can be used to determine the range of validity of simulation results.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Current Fluctuations of the One Dimensional Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process with Step Initial Condition

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    For the symmetric simple exclusion process on an infinite line, we calculate exactly the fluctuations of the integrated current QtQ_t during time tt through the origin when, in the initial condition, the sites are occupied with density ρa\rho_a on the negative axis and with density ρb\rho_b on the positive axis. All the cumulants of QtQ_t grow like t\sqrt{t}. In the range where QttQ_t \sim \sqrt{t}, the decay exp[Qt3/t]\exp [-Q_t^3/t] of the distribution of QtQ_t is non-Gaussian. Our results are obtained using the Bethe ansatz and several identities recently derived by Tracy and Widom for exclusion processes on the infinite line.Comment: 2 figure