9 research outputs found
A Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca lelőhely avar kori embertani leletei
At Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca site skeletal remains of 22 individuals from the Avar period were unearthed. Metrical and pathological analysis were carried out on the badly preserved material. Despite of its few cases and bad preservation the sample from Nagyvenyim is an important contribution to the Avar period population on Mezőföld, as there is only one anthropological review from this period in the region by this time (Wenger’s report about the sample from Előszállás-Bajcsihegy in 1966 and 1967).
Comparing the sample of Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca with Előszállás-Bajcsihegy there is a notable difference in their stature, and this fact is very interesting as the two sites are closed to each other. The fragmented small sample from Nagyvenyim does not allow us considerable conclusions, but examination of further samples will give more reliable information about the Avar period population of Mezőföld
Csákvár késő római kori népességének embertani vázlata
Anthropological sketch of the Late Roman Period population from Csákvár:
At Csákvár-Széchenyi úti kertek site (Hungary, Fejér county) there was excavated a part of a huge Late Roman Period cemetery. 1911 graves came to light, from which 1656 skeletons could be examined. There were 593 infant, 101 juvenile, 454 male and 508 female skeletons. In the adultus age group the mortality rate of the males were higher than that of the females. The traumatic alterations show as well that men were exposed rather to physical stress. The population belonged to the Europoid great race mainly with a dolichocranic skull and tall stature, and shows similarity with the series from Esztergom-Bánomi-dűlő, Tác-Margittelep and Pécs-István-tér. There were 17 artifically deformed skull in the material. In a double grave two decapitated men were buried. No archaeological analysis was accomplished by this time
The novel technique of vapor pressure analysis to monitor the enzymatic degradation of PHB by HPLC chromatography
A novel method was introduced for the quantitative determination of substances in aqueous solutions by using the evaporative light scattering (ELS) detector of a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). The principle of the measurement is the different equilibrium vapor pressure of the solvent and the analyte resulting in decreasing evaporation rate, larger droplets and stronger signal with increasing concentration. The new technique based on vapor pressure analysis was validated with traditional UV-Vis detection carried out with a diode array detector (DAD). The new technique was used for monitoring the concentration of solutions obtained during the enzymatic degradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) yielding the 3-hydroxybutyrate monomer as the product. The accuracy of the measurement allowed the determination of degradation kinetics as well. The results obtained with the two techniques showed excellent agreement at small concentrations. Deviations at larger concentrations were explained with the non-linear correlation between analyte concentration and detector signal and the linear regression used for calibration. Mathematical analysis of the method made possible the determination of the evaporation enthalpy of the analyte as well. The new approach is especially suitable for the quantitative analysis of compounds, which do not absorb in the detection range of the DAD detector or if their characteristic absorbance is close to the lower end of its wavelength range
A varixeredetű gastrointestinalis vérzés ellátásának változása osztályunkon = Changes in the management of variceal gastrointestinal haemorrhage in our department
Bevezetés: A nyelőcső-varixruptura a portalis hypertensio életet veszélyeztető szövődménye. A 6 hetes mortalitás kb. 20%.
Célkitűzés: Annak elemzése, hogy a varixeredetű gastrointestinalis vérzés ellátásában a 2015-ben osztályunkon bevezetett változások hatással voltak-e ezen betegek kórházi halálozására. Módszer: Retrospektív módszerrel hasonlítottuk össze a 2014-ben és 2015-ben ellátott varixvérző betegek adatait. 2015-ben a varixvérző betegek ellátásában két változtatás történt: szubintenzív ellátóegységben láttunk el minden beteget, és minden, varixvérzésre gyanús betegnél alkalmaztunk terlipresszint. A vérzéscsillapítás sclerotherapiával és/vagy ligatióval történt. A szignifikanciát Student-féle t-próbával számoltuk. A betegek adatai 2014 vs. 2015: betegszám: 24 vs. 30, átlagéletkor: 59,8 vs. 57,6 év, férfi (%): 70,8 vs. 66,7. A Child–Pugh-stádiumokban nem volt szignifikáns különbség a két év között, p = 0,53. A betegeket úgy is csoportosítottuk az elemzéskor, hogy az ellátás évétől függetlenül kaptak-e terlipresszint vagy sem. Ekkor az adatok: betegszám: 22 vs. 32, átlagéletkor: 60,4 vs. 57,4, férfi (%): 63,6 vs. 70,6. Eredmények: A mortalitás 2015-ben 23%, 2014-ben 33% volt! A terlipresszint kapó és nem kapó betegek halálozása:
18,2% vs. 34,4%, p = 0,09. A kórházi mortalitást a legerősebben befolyásoló tényező a beteg felvételkori Child–Pughstádiuma (A vs. B-stádium p = 0,05, A- vs. C-stádium p = 0,02). A Child-Pugh-féle C-stádiumú betegeknél alkalmazott terlipresszinterápia mortalitáscsökkentő hatása a szignifikancia határán volt (p = 0,055). Következtetés: Osztályunkon az elmúlt évben a varixeredetű gastrointestinalis vérzések ellátásában bevezetett változások a viszonylag kis esetszámok mellett is lényeges mortalitáscsökkenéshez vezettek.
Introduction: Variceal bleeding is a life-threatening complication of portal hypertension with a six-week mortality rate of approximately 20%. Aim: To analyse whether the changes introduced in the treatment of variceal gastrointestinal haemorrhage in our department affected the mortality rate of these patients. Method: A retrospective method was used to compare the data of patients treated with variceal bleeding in 2014 and 2015. In 2015, two changes were made in the treatment of patients with variceal bleeding: all patients were treated in the subintensive care unit and terlipressin was administered to all patients susceptible to variceal haemorrhage. Bleeding was mitigated by means of sclerotherapy and/or ligation. Significance was calculated using Student’s t-test, then we performed logistic regression to find out what treatment factors affect mortality rate. Patients: 2014 vs. 2015 figures – number of patients: 24 vs. 30, average age: 59.8 vs. 57.6 years, male (%): 70.8 vs. 66.7. There were no significant differences between the Child–Pugh stages of the two years, p = 0.53. For the analysis we also grouped patients based on whether irrespective of the year of treatment they were administered terlipressin or not. Number of patients: 22 vs. 32, average age: 60.4 vs. 57.4, male (%): 63.6 vs. 70.6. Results: Mortality in 2015 and 2014: 23% and 33%, respectively. Mortality of patients treated with terlipressin: 18.2 vs. 34.4, p = 0.09. Child–Pugh stages had the strongest influence on mortality (stage A vs. B p = 0.05, stage A vs. C p = 0.02). Terlipressin administered in Child–Pugh stage C reduced mortality at a rate bordering on significance (p = 0.055). Conclusion: Despite the comparatively small number of cases, the changes introduced in our department in 2015 in the treatment of variceal gastrointestinal haemorrhages resulted in a significant reduction of hospital mortality rates