117 research outputs found

    Trademark Valuation According to Laws and Regulations in Vietnam

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    Pricing and valuation may be confusingly interchangeable in various industries from manufacturing to commerce etc.. However, they are in fact different. Pricing can be simply understood as a process whereby the price is set by a seller or by an agreement between a seller and a buyer. On contrary, valuation analysis is normally conducted by experts. So, trademark valuation is a process whereby a trademark value is determined by means of diligent research, unbiased judgment, and some pretty simple arithmetic. In this study, we point out the drawbacks and obstacles in pricing in trademark transfer in our country in comparison with other countries/regions and then we will suggest some measures to improve the regime for pricing in trademark transfer in Vietnam. Authors also present Some Basic Concepts Related to Pricing And Valuation Of Trademark and valuation methods. Authors also use a construction case of LICOGI (general company in construction and infrastructure in Vietnam) as reference for pricing issues. Last but not least, in this study we could resolve some controversial issues in trademark pricing and transfer in various companies from production, manufacturing to construction, real estate and commerce sectors in developing countries such as Vietnam, at least from definitions, concepts and legal framework.Keywords: Intellectual Property Assets; Trademark Pricing Services; Law; Valuation Method; Vietnam Penilaian Merek Dagang Menurut Undang-Undang dan Peraturan di Vietnam Abstrak Penetapan harga dan penilaian mungkin membingungkan dan dapat dipertukarkan di berbagai industri mulai dari manufaktur hingga perdagangan, dll. Namun, sebenarnya keduanya berbeda. Penetapan harga secara sederhana dapat dipahami sebagai proses di mana harga ditetapkan oleh penjual atau dengan kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli. Sebaliknya, analisis penilaian biasanya dilakukan oleh para ahli. Jadi, penilaian merek dagang adalah proses di mana nilai merek dagang ditentukan melalui penelitian yang rajin, penilaian yang tidak bias, dan beberapa aritmatika yang cukup sederhana. Dalam studi ini, kami menunjukkan kelemahan dan hambatan dalam penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di negara kami dibandingkan dengan negara/kawasan lain dan kemudian kami akan menyarankan beberapa langkah untuk meningkatkan rezim penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di Vietnam. Penulis juga menyajikan Beberapa Konsep Dasar Terkait Penetapan Harga Dan Penilaian Merek Dagang dan metode penilaian. Penulis juga menggunakan kasus konstruksi LICOGI (perusahaan umum dalam konstruksi dan infrastruktur di Vietnam) sebagai referensi untuk masalah harga. Last but not least, dalam penelitian ini kita dapat menyelesaikan beberapa masalah kontroversial dalam penetapan harga dan transfer merek dagang di berbagai perusahaan mulai dari produksi, manufaktur hingga konstruksi, real estat dan sektor perdagangan di negara-negara berkembang seperti Vietnam, setidaknya dari definisi, konsep dan kerangka hukum. .Kata kunci: Aset Kekayaan Intelektual; Layanan Penetapan Harga Merek Dagang; Hukum; Metode Penilaian; VietnamОценка товарного знака в соответствии с законами и правилами Вьетнама АннотацияЦенообразование и оценка могут быть ошибочно взаимозаменяемы в различных отраслях, от производства до торговли, и т. д. Однако на самом деле это разные понятия. Ценообразование может быть просто понято как процесс, посредством которого цена устанавливается продавцом или соглашением между продавцом и покупателем. Напротив, оценочный анализ обычно проводится экспертами. Таким образом, оценка товарного знака — это процесс, в ходе которого стоимость товарного знака определяется посредством тщательного исследования, беспристрастного суждения и некоторых довольно простых арифметических действий. В этом исследовании мы указываем на недостатки и препятствия в ценообразовании при передаче товарных знаков в нашей стране по сравнению с другими странами/регионами, а затем предлагаем некоторые меры по улучшению режима ценообразования при передаче товарных знаков во Вьетнаме. Авторы также представляют некоторые основные концепции, связанные с ценообразованием и оценкой товарных знаков, и методы оценки. Авторы также используют случай строительства LICOGI (генеральная компания в области строительства и инфраструктуры во Вьетнаме) в качестве справочного материала по вопросам ценообразования. И последнее, но не менее важное: в этом исследовании мы смогли решить некоторые спорные вопросы, связанные с ценообразованием и передачей товарных знаков в различных компаниях из производственного сектора, изготовления в сектор строительства, недвижимости и торговли в развивающихся странах, таких как Вьетнам, по крайней мере, в отношении определений, концепций и правовой базы.Ключевые слова: Активы интеллектуальной собственности; Услуги по ценообразованию товарных знаков; Закон; Метод оценки; Вьетна


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    The study is aimed at the evaluation of the influence of nucleating agent (t-butyl)benzoic aluminum (NA) in changing clarity, crystallization temperature (Tp) and radiation resistant properties of polypropylene copolymer, PP (co) with 6% of ethylene. It has been shown that crystallization temperature of PP (co)+NA did not change when the content of the NA less than 2%, but the super cooling temperature is a little bit increased when the content of the NA was 2 or higher than 2%. Clarity of the blend comprising of PP (co)+NA decreases with the addition of 2% or more NA (t-butyl)benzoic aluminum. However, the increase of the supercooling temperature makes possible to improve radiation resistance of the material

    Catalytic Dye Oxidation over CeO2 Nanoparticles Supported on Regenerated Cellulose Membrane

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    A novel regenerated cellulose (RC) membrane containing cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles is described in detail. In this work, CeO2 nanoparticles with high surface area and mesoporosity were prepared by a modified template-assisted precipitation method. Successful synthesis was achieved using cerium nitrate as a precursor, adjusting the final pH solution to around 11 by ammonium hydroxide and ethylene diamine, and annealing at 550 °C for 3 hours under a protective gas flow. This resulted in a surface area of 55.55 m².g–1 for the nanoparticles. The regenerated cellulose membrane containing CeO2 particles was synthesized by the novel and environmentally friendly method. The catalyst CeO2 and cellulose/CeO2 membrane were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) measurements. The g-value of 2.276 has confirmed the presence of the surface superoxide species of CeO2 nanoparticles in EPR. The photocatalytic activity of the catalyst and the membrane containing the catalyst was evaluated through the degradation of methylene blue under visible light irradiation by UV-VIS measurements. The cellulose/CeO2 membrane degraded 80% of the methylene blue solution in 120 minutes, showing a better photocatalytic activity than the CeO2 catalyst, which degraded approximately 62% in the same period. It has been proven that the RC membrane is not only a good transparent supporting material but also a good adsorption for high-performance of CeO2 catalyst. Copyright © 2022 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Using the best - worst scale to assess the relative impact of these behaviors on other passengers on the same flight: The disruptive passenger behavior

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    A method called the best-worst scaling method is proposed to overcome these problems by asking respondents to make tradeoffs among the variables being assessed. This paper raises issues in respect of supplementing and developing a block of disruptive behaviors exhibited by passengers during flights and assesses the impact of these behaviors on other passengers. To illustrate the proposed method and evaluate its performance, we surveyed 240 passengers, and data from 203 survey samples were analyzed. The data analysis results revealed three behaviors that were considered the most disruptive, including (1) Threatening and causing distress, (2) Harassment and disrupting public order, and (3) Creating unsanitary conditions. This can be considered a suitable explanation with the high safety requirements of the air transport service, and the context of high expectation of post-covid hygiene and epidemiology

    EfficientRec an unlimited user-item scale recommendation system based on clustering and users interaction embedding profile

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    Recommendation systems are highly interested in technology companies nowadays. The businesses are constantly growing users and products, causing the number of users and items to continuously increase over time, to very large numbers. Traditional recommendation algorithms with complexity dependent on the number of users and items make them difficult to adapt to the industrial environment. In this paper, we introduce a new method applying graph neural networks with a contrastive learning framework in extracting user preferences. We incorporate a soft clustering architecture that significantly reduces the computational cost of the inference process. Experiments show that the model is able to learn user preferences with low computational cost in both training and prediction phases. At the same time, the model gives a very good accuracy. We call this architecture EfficientRec with the implication of model compactness and the ability to scale to unlimited users and products.Comment: Published in 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS), 202


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    Whiteleg shrimp (size of 0.55 ± 0.1 g) were fed basic diets either without or with supplementation of recombinant LvCTL3 protein at concentrations of 100; 200 and 500 µg/mL equivalent to 2; 4 and 10 mg/kg. After a 30-day feeding trial, shrimp were collected to measure growth parameters and survival rate, and shrimp hemolymph was also collected for analysis of immune parameters. Then, the shrimp were challenged with Vibrio parahaemolyticus at a concentration of 1 105 CFU/mL for 15-day. The results indicated that the growth performance, feed conversion ratio, immune parameters such as total hemocyte count, phenoloxidase, superoxide dismutase, lysozyme enzyme activity, and phagocytic activity of shrimp in the treated groups were significantly higher than those in the control (p < 0.05). Specifically, the dietary supplementation with recombinant LvCTL3 protein at 4 or 10 mg/kg showed better results than the other treatments. After a 15-day bacterial challenged test, the cumulative mortality rate of shrimp in the treated ranged from 20.0 to 36.67% which was significantly lower than that of the control group (63.66%) (p < 0.05).Tôm thẻ chân trắng có khối lượng 0,55 ± 0,1 g/con được cho ăn với khẩu phần cơ bản có hoặc không bổ sung protein LvCTL3 tái tổ hợp với các nồng độ lần lượt 100; 200 và 500 µg/mL tương ứng với hàm lượng 2; 4 và 10 mg/kg thức ăn. Sau 30 ngày thí nghiệm tôm được thu thập để xác định các chỉ tiêu tăng trưởng, tỷ lệ sống và máu tôm được lấy để phân tích các chỉ tiêu miễn dịch. Sau đó, tôm được thí nghiệm cảm nhiễm với vi khuẩn V. parahaemolyticus (nồng độ 1  105 CFU/mL). Kết quả các chỉ tiêu tăng trưởng, hệ số chuyển đổi thức ăn và các chỉ tiêu miễn dịch: tổng số tế bào máu, hoạt tính các enzyme: phenoloxidase, Superoxide dismutase (SOD), lysozyme và hoạt động thực bào của máu tôm ở các nghiệm thức thí nghiệm ăn thức ăn có bổ sung protein LvCTL3 tái tổ hợp cao hơn đáng kể so với đối chứng (p < 0,05). Trong đó, tôm được cho ăn chế độ ăn có bổ sung 4 hoặc 10 mg/kg thức ăn có tổng số tế bào máu và SOD được ghi nhận cao hơn so với các nghiệm thức còn lại. Sau 15 ngày cảm nhiễm, tỷ lệ chết tích lũy của tôm ở các nghiệm thức từ  20,0­–36,67%, là thấp hơn đáng kể so với đối chứng (63,66%).

    Development of a diagnostic scar marker for Vibrio shilonii caused acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease in whiteleg shrimp

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    Background: In a previous report, we showed that Vibrio shilonii was found on whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. This study was performed to develop a diagnostic molecular marker generated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for V. shilonii rapid detection.Methods: Pathogen Vibrio spp. were isolated from shrimps and fishes, and were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. Genetic diversity of Vibrio strains was analysis by RAPD technique. Specific PCR product for V. shilonii was cloned and sequenced. SCAR marker was developed from specific PCR product.Result: Twenty random primers were evaluated for RAPD to identify DNA polymorphisms between Vibrio species. The random primer OPN-06 generated a 468-bp DNA fragment specific for V. shilonii. This was then converted into a sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker designated N6-441.Conclusion: Specific primers (Vshi-441F/Vshi-441R) amplified a unique DNA fragment in all V. shilonii isolates but not in the other Vibrio spp. This PCR assay showed significantly sensitive to the target DNA and reliably for the amplification the V. shilonii genome.Keywords: AHPND; RAPD; SCAR; Vibrio shilonii; Vietna

    Isolation and selection of Bacillus strains with high potential probiotic that used in catfish farming (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

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    In this study, we isolated 28 strains of Bacillus spp. from water samples, catfish pond mud samples and earthworm manure (Perionyx excavates). By the cross-streak agar methods, 22 Bacillus strains showed the inhibition ability to Edwardsiella ictaluri, which caused Bacillary Necrosis Pangasius (BNP) in catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). Both Bacillus sp. Q16 and Q111 strains showed the highest inhibition to E. ictaluri by the double-layer agar methods. Finally, two Bacillus strains (Q16, Q111) were selected as a source of potential probiotic because of the ability of extracellular enzyme secretion (protease, amylase, cellulose) strong growth at 0,1-1% salt concentrations, survival within the pH range 6-8, resistance to low pH and low bile salts, inability to produce haemolysin enzyme, sensitivity to eight antibiotics in the three impacting groups (inhibition of wall synthesis, inhibition mechanism of protein synthesis, inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis). Two Bacillus strains (Q16, Q111) were identified that they belong to Bacillus subtilis by biochemical method and 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. This study indicated that two Bacillus strains (Q16, Q111) isolated from catfish pond can be applied as high potential probiotics that used to farm catfish