103 research outputs found

    How do perceptions of the importance of service-quality determinants differ across key stakeholder groups in the Pakistan higher education sector

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    Quality is critical to organizations as it strongly influences organizational performance. It can be defined in various ways depending upon the organizational type, but it is generally easier to define the concept in a manufacturing setting. However, the concept of quality is much more difficult and complex to define in service sector, in which it is generally referred to as Service-Quality. In this study Service-Quality has been defined, operationalized and conceptualized as multi-dimensional construct based around the Service-Quality determinants approach derived from a number of existing Service-Quality models. As well as developing and utilising a novel, multi-dimensional conceptualisation of Service-Quality, incorporating thirteen distinct determinants, which have been explicitly tailored to the higher education context, this study also breaks new ground in a number of other ways. For example, whilst most prior studies are based upon the more common disconfirmation paradigm, this study argues that in a higher education the perception paradigm is more appropriate, and consequently the study adopts this less common perspective. This study is also unusual in that it explicitly adopts a multiple stakeholder perspective, which helps to deliver a more holistic picture of the determinants of Service-Quality. Finally, although there have been some prior studies of Service-Quality in an higher education, none have been found which explicitly focus upon the provision of MBA education, and none have focussed on the provision of Service-Quality in HE, from the perspective of the developing country. The study has used a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, to exploring and evaluating the perceptions of a variety of stakeholder groups. Based upon a thorough analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data-sets, it has been found that the three most important determinants of Service-Quality, in a business school context, are: curriculum and programme design, faculty profile and the teaching methods

    The diploma in family medicine examination; a scientific exercise

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    The Diploma in Family Medicine (DFM) Examination Is a new certification offered by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan, and its Department of Medical Education designed a scientific examination. First, the Expert Advisory Committee for Family Medicine was formed, relevant training objectives Were determined, a training programme to achieve the objectives was designed and a valid syllabus was chosen. Then the examination was designed, where the candidates must pass the objective theory papers before taking the clinical examination. The clinical examination consisted of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and traditional case presentations. The candidates had to pass each of the components, and attain an overall aggregate of 60%. In the first six examinations, 752 candidates sat for the theory examinations, 332(44.14%) were eligible for the clinical examination, and 170 (23%) passed. If 60% marks obtained in case presentations is taken as the gold standard which is the current CPSP policy and compared to OSCE marks, then 75% marks in OSCE had a sensitivity of 67% and a specificity of 79

    Morphometric analysis of soldier cast of Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) and Microtermes obesi (Holmgren) (Blattodea: Termitidae; Macrotermitinae) from three localities of Potohar region, Pakistan

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    A great diversity of termite species is found all over the world, among these 53 species are identified from Pakistan. The knowledge about morphological features in soldier cast of termites is proved to be a technical tool for taxonomy and identification. In the present studies, the morphometric variations of external morphology in soldier caste of Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) and Microtermes obesi (Holmgren) from three different areas i.e. Gujar Khan (A), Rawalpindi (B) and Islamabad (C) were studied. About 36 characters like body, thorax, abdomen, from head to mandible tip, head, pronotum, postmentum, mandible, antenna (scape, pedicle, flagellum), and legs parts were used for morphometric measurements. The data were statistically analyzed for significant differences in their mean, standard deviation, standard error, 95% confidence interval, coefficient of variability and analysis of variance. “Student t-test” was used for the comparison of mean values using Minitab version 16. The results of the present study revealed no significant differences among the population samples collected from various localities. However little variations were observed in a few characters like antennal segments (pedicle, scape) and legs (trochanter, tibia) among the soldier cast which are adaptive in nature to survive in the environment

    Synthesis of novel cyanoacetamides derivatives and their urease inhibition studies

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    The present study reports a convenient approach for the synthesis of cyanoacetamide based derivatives (7-27) via two-step process involving Knoevenagel reaction, followed by three component reaction to avail desired compounds. All the synthesized compounds were obtained in good to excellent yield and extensively characterized employing 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass spectrometry and physical parameters. Further, these compounds were screened for urease inhibition. All of the synthesized compounds exhibited good to excellent urease activity notably compound 15 and 19 showed excellent urease inhibition activity with IC50 value ~17.34 μg/mL and 36.75 μg/mL in comparison to thiourea (used as standard) having IC50 value ~27.5 μg/mL

    Pneumonia perceptions and management: an ethnographic study in urban squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan

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    Childhood pneumonia continues to be the second highest contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality in all ethnic groups in Pakistan. Information on community perceptions and management is largely limited to the Punjabi populace. In this study, ethno-specific illness terminologies, recognition and severity indicators and resort to treatment options for childhood pneumonia are explored among the two main ethnic groups in Sindh. Results are based on focus group discussions with 90 caretakers and 16 case history interviews. The findings indicate that pneumonia recognition is almost universal. The main recognition and severity indicator was pasli chalna (chest indrawing) followed by signs and symptoms relating to the quality of breathing and presence of high fever, lethargy and anorexia. Recognition of rapid breathing was low and mostly associated with fever. Exposure to thand (cold) through a variety of mechanisms was perceived to be the dominant causal model. The concept of contagion was virtually non-existent. Despite this, belief in efficacy of allopathic care was very high. Most caretakers reported seeking outside care within one to three days of the onset of symptoms. However, unrealistic expectations of cure often led to change in physicians and treatment regimen, if no improvement was observed by the second day. On the other hand, the quality of care provided by the physicians (both licensed and unlicensed) left much to be desired. Female autonomy and mobility did not appear to be a major constraint in seeking outside care other than for hospitalisation. Implications of these findings for the national acute respiratory infections control programme and future research are discusse

    Family medicine postgraduate training in Pakistan

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    There is no organized system of postgraduate training for family medicine or general practice in Pakistan. This paper describes the status of primary health care delivery in Pakistan and the growth of family medicine throughout the world. It stresses the need for organized postgraduate training relevant to the needs of primary health care in Pakistan and describes efforts currently under-way in this regard at the Aga Khan University Medical Center (AKUMC) in collaboration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakista

    Prevalence of malaria, typhoid and co-infection in District DIR (lower), Pakistan

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    Malaria and typhoid fever are among the most endemic diseases in the tropical and developing countries. Both diseases share similar transmission factor and often have the similar symptom. Based on this reason, much medical personnel try to cure both malaria and typhoid instantaneously in each case of suspected Salmonella infection and vice versa. The District Dir (Lower) is a favorable location for the protozoan nourishment and secondly mostly reported cases of malaria and typhoid co-infections. The main objective of this study was to find out the prevalence of malaria and typhoid co-infection in the District Dir (Lower), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. The blood samples of 1889 patients were examined from September 2012 to April 2013, out of which 311 (16.46%) were positive for malaria and typhoid. Out of these infected, 117 (38%) sample was positive for malaria, 183 (58%) sample were positive for typhoid while co-infected cases were only 11 (4%). The current results indicate that this area is endemic for malaria and typhoid and co-infection. Its infection is prevalent in both the genders at varying degrees

    Does malaria during pregnancy affect the newborn?

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of malarial infection during pregnancy on the newborn.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted at The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), Karachi, using in-patient hospital records over an 11-year period from 1988 to 1999. The incidence of preterm delivery, low birth weight (LBW) and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in 29 pregnant women with malaria, was compared with that in 66 selected pregnant women without malaria, who delivered at the AKUH during the same time period.Results: Pregnant women with malaria had a 3.1 times greater risk of preterm labor (p=0.14). They were more likely to be anaemic compared to women without malaria (RR=2.9, 95% CI=1.6-5.4) and had a significantly lower mean haemoglobin level (p=0.0001). Maternal malaria was significantly associated with LBW babies (p=0.001). The mean birth weight of infants born to pregnant women with malaria was 461 g less (p=0.0005). No significant association was, however, found between malarial infection during pregnancy and IUGR (p=0.33).CONCLUSION: Malarial infection during pregnancy is associated with poor maternal and fetal outcome. It is significantly associated with maternal anaemia and LBW infants. Appropriate measures must, therefore, be taken to prevent malaria during pregnancy, especially in endemic areas

    Analisis penerapan prinsip 5C pada produk pembiayaan iB Griya Bank Jateng Syariah : studi kasus pada Bank Jateng Syariah Cabang Semarang

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    Kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan Bank Jateng Syariah terutama dalam kegiatan usaha lending (pembiayaan) dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup masyarakat berupa penyediaan modal usaha untuk pembelian barang-barang produksi, modal kerja, pengembangan bisnis, pembangunan atau pembelian rumah, dan pembelian barang-barang konsumtif. Dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat berupa hunian Bank Jateng Syariah hadir dengan produk pembiayaan berupa iB Griya Bank Jateng Syariah. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat tidak serta merta Bank Jateng Syariah merealisasikannya, terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan. Untuk itu Bank Jateng Syariah menerapkan prinsip 5C untuk menjadi tolak ukur dari realisasi pembiayaan yang diajukan nasabah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan prinsip 5C yang dilakukan Bank Jateng Syariah Cabang Semarang terhadap penilaian produk pembiayaan iB Griya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dimana penelitian tersebut di dapat dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi terkait dengan objek yang diteliti. Selain itu penelitian ini ditunjang dengan adanya data primer dan sekunder dari beberapa literatur. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dalam menilai seluruh pembiayaan yang diajukan debitur terutama dalam penilaian pembiayaan iB Griya Bank Jateng Syariah menggunakan dan mengaplikasikan alat analisis 5C tersebut dan disesuaikan dengan ketentuan yang dimiliki Bank Jateng Syariah dalam hal penilaian pembiayaan