170 research outputs found

    Maximal curves from subcovers of the GK-curve

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    For every q=n3q=n^3 with nn a prime power greater than 22, the GK-curve is an Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-maximal curve that is not Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-covered by the Hermitian curve. In this paper some Galois subcovers of the GK curve are investigated. We describe explicit equations for some families of quotients of the GK-curve. New values in the spectrum of genera of Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-maximal curves are obtained. Finally, infinitely many further examples of maximal curves that cannot be Galois covered by the Hermitian curve are provided

    On the difference between permutation polynomials over finite fields

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    The well-known Chowla and Zassenhaus conjecture, proven by Cohen in 1990, states that if p>(d23d+4)2p>(d^2-3d+4)^2, then there is no complete mapping polynomial ff in \Fp[x] of degree d2d\ge 2. For arbitrary finite fields \Fq, a similar non-existence result is obtained recently by I\c s\i k, Topuzo\u glu and Winterhof in terms of the Carlitz rank of ff. Cohen, Mullen and Shiue generalized the Chowla-Zassenhaus-Cohen Theorem significantly in 1995, by considering differences of permutation polynomials. More precisely, they showed that if ff and f+gf+g are both permutation polynomials of degree d2d\ge 2 over \Fp, with p>(d23d+4)2p>(d^2-3d+4)^2, then the degree kk of gg satisfies k3d/5k \geq 3d/5, unless gg is constant. In this article, assuming ff and f+gf+g are permutation polynomials in \Fq[x], we give lower bounds for kk %=\mathrm{deg(h)} in terms of the Carlitz rank of ff and qq. Our results generalize the above mentioned result of I\c s\i k et al. We also show for a special class of polynomials ff of Carlitz rank n1n \geq 1 that if f+xkf+x^k is a permutation of \Fq, with gcd(k+1,q1)=1\gcd(k+1, q-1)=1, then k(qn)/(n+3)k\geq (q-n)/(n+3)

    Cyclotomic function fields over finite fields with irreducible quadratic modulus

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be the finite field of order qq and F=Fq(x)F=\mathbb{F}_q(x) the rational function field. In this paper, we give a characterization of the cyclotomic function fields F(ΛM)F(\Lambda_M) with modulus MM, where MFq[T]M \in \mathbb{F}_q[T] is a monic and irreducible polynomial of degree two. We also provide the full automorphism group of F(ΛM)F(\Lambda_M) in odd characteristic, extending results of \cite{MXY2016} where the automorphism group of F(ΛM)F(\Lambda_M) over Fq\mathbb{F}_q was computed

    Locally recoverable codes from automorphism groups of function fields of genus g1g \geq 1

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    A Locally Recoverable Code is a code such that the value of any single coordinate of a codeword can be recovered from the values of a small subset of other coordinates. When we have δ\delta non overlapping subsets of cardinality rir_i that can be used to recover the missing coordinate we say that a linear code C\mathcal{C} with length nn, dimension kk, minimum distance dd has (r1,,rδ)(r_1,\ldots, r_\delta)-locality and denote it by [n,k,d;r1,r2,,rδ].[n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]. In this paper we provide a new upper bound for the minimum distance of these codes. Working with a finite number of subgroups of cardinality ri+1r_i+1 of the automorphism group of a function field FFq\mathcal{F}| \mathbb{F}_q of genus g1g \geq 1, we propose a construction of [n,k,d;r1,r2,,rδ][n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]-codes and apply the results to some well known families of function fields

    Construction of sequences with high Nonlinear Complexity from the Hermitian Function Field

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    We provide a sequence with high nonlinear complexity from the Hermitian function field H\mathcal{H} over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}. This sequence was obtained using a rational function with pole divisor in certain \ell collinear rational places on H\mathcal{H}, where 2q2 \leq \ell \leq q. In particular we improve the lower bounds on the kkth-order nonlinear complexity obtained by H. Niederreiter and C. Xing; and O. Geil, F. \"Ozbudak and D. Ruano