298 research outputs found

    A Robust Transformation-Based Learning Approach Using Ripple Down Rules for Part-of-Speech Tagging

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to construct a system of transformation rules for the Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging task. Our approach is based on an incremental knowledge acquisition method where rules are stored in an exception structure and new rules are only added to correct the errors of existing rules; thus allowing systematic control of the interaction between the rules. Experimental results on 13 languages show that our approach is fast in terms of training time and tagging speed. Furthermore, our approach obtains very competitive accuracy in comparison to state-of-the-art POS and morphological taggers.Comment: Version 1: 13 pages. Version 2: Submitted to AI Communications - the European Journal on Artificial Intelligence. Version 3: Resubmitted after major revisions. Version 4: Resubmitted after minor revisions. Version 5: to appear in AI Communications (accepted for publication on 3/12/2015

    The Current Status of Historical Preservation Law in Regularory Takings Jurisprudence: Has the Lucas Missile Dismantled Preservation Programs?

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    This paper describes our NIHRIO system for SemEval-2018 Task 3 "Irony detection in English tweets". We propose to use a simple neural network architecture of Multilayer Perceptron with various types of input features including: lexical, syntactic, semantic and polarity features.  Our system achieves very high performance in both subtasks of binary and multi-class irony detection in tweets. In particular, we rank at fifth in terms of the accuracy metric and the F1 metric. Our code is available at: https://github.com/NIHRIO/IronyDetectionInTwitte

    Ripple Down Rules for Question Answering

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    Recent years have witnessed a new trend of building ontology-based question answering systems. These systems use semantic web information to produce more precise answers to users' queries. However, these systems are mostly designed for English. In this paper, we introduce an ontology-based question answering system named KbQAS which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first one made for Vietnamese. KbQAS employs our question analysis approach that systematically constructs a knowledge base of grammar rules to convert each input question into an intermediate representation element. KbQAS then takes the intermediate representation element with respect to a target ontology and applies concept-matching techniques to return an answer. On a wide range of Vietnamese questions, experimental results show that the performance of KbQAS is promising with accuracies of 84.1% and 82.4% for analyzing input questions and retrieving output answers, respectively. Furthermore, our question analysis approach can easily be applied to new domains and new languages, thus saving time and human effort.Comment: V1: 21 pages, 7 figures, 10 tables. V2: 8 figures, 10 tables; shorten section 2; change sections 4.3 and 5.1.2. V3: Accepted for publication in the Semantic Web journal. V4 (Author's manuscript): camera ready version, available from the Semantic Web journal at http://www.semantic-web-journal.ne

    Single-Sentence Reader: A Novel Approach for Addressing Answer Position Bias

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    Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) models tend to take advantage of spurious correlations (also known as dataset bias or annotation artifacts in the research community). Consequently, these models may perform the MRC task without fully comprehending the given context and question, which is undesirable since it may result in low robustness against distribution shift. This paper delves into the concept of answer-position bias, where a significant percentage of training questions have answers located solely in the first sentence of the context. We propose a Single-Sentence Reader as a new approach for addressing answer position bias in MRC. We implement this approach using six different models and thoroughly analyze their performance. Remarkably, our proposed Single-Sentence Readers achieve results that nearly match those of models trained on conventional training sets, proving their effectiveness. Our study also discusses several challenges our Single-Sentence Readers encounter and proposes a potential solution.Comment: 11 pages, 5 tables, 2 figure

    A quasi-static stability analysis for Biot’s equation and standard dissipative systems

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    In this paper, an extended version of Biot's differential equation is considered in order to discuss the quasi-static stability of a response for a solid in the framework of generalized standard materials. The same equation also holds for gradient theories since the gradients of arbitrary order of the state variables and of their rates can be introduced in the expression of the energy and of the dissipation potentials. The stability of a quasi-static response of a system governed by Biot's equations is discussed. Two approaches are considered, by direct estimates and by linearizations. The approach by direct estimates can be applied in visco-plasticity as well as in plasticity. A sufficient condition of stability is proposed and based upon the positivity of the second variation of energy along the considered response. This is an extension of the criterion of second variation, well known in elastic buckling, into the study of the stability of a response. The linearization approach is available only for smooth dissipation potentials, i.e. for the study of visco-elastic solids and leads to a result on asymptotic stability. The paper is illustrated by a simple example

    Analyse de stabilité des évolutions quasi-statiques de systèmes standard dissipatifs

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    Cette étude est consacrée à la stabilité de la réponse quasi-statique de systèmes standard dissipatifs (visco-élastiques, visco-plastiques ou élasto-plastiques). Dans le cas de solides visqueux (visco-élastiques ou visco-plastiques), pour lesquels la réponse à une sollicitation est en partie différée dans le temps, l’absence d’équilibre nous suggère naturellement d’étudier la stabilité de leurs évolutions quasi-statiques. Dans le cas de solides élasto-plastiques, cette approche est motivée par le fait que, bien souvent, nous sommes en présence d’une réponse quasi-statique pour un trajet de chargement donné ; même si cette évolution représente une succession d’états d’équilibres. Cette notion de stabilité au sens des trajectoires est donc plus générale que celle d’un équilibre, plus communément étudiée en mécanique. Elle généralise d’ailleurs l’étude de stabilité d’un état d’équilibre, qui peut être vu comme un cas particulier de trajectoires. La principale difficulté rencontrée dans l’analyse de stabilité de solutions non-stationnaires vient du caractère non autonome des équations différentielles gouvernant leur évolution. Quelques résultats partiels, mais beaucoup moins généraux que le théorème de stabilité de Lyapunov pour un équilibre, peuvent être trouvés pour des systèmes linéaires non autonomes. Ainsi, l’application de la méthode de linéarisation de Lyapunov ne donne qu’une réponse partielle, car elle ne s’applique que pour des systèmes suffisamment réguliers, d’une part, et conduit à des équations non autonomes, d’autre part. Pour les solides visco-élastiques, nous appliquons cette méthode de linéarisation qui nous donne une condition de stabilité asymptotique basée sur la définie positivité de la seconde variation de l’énergie. Pour des solides à potentiel de dissipation moins régulier, élasto-plastiques ou visco-plastiques, une approche par estimations directes est appliquée et nous donne une condition suffisante de stabilité basée sur la positivité de la seconde variation de l’énergie le long de la réponse considérée. Ce critère unifié représente une extension du critère de seconde variation, bien connu en théorie de stabilité élastique, au cas de stabilité d’évolutions quasi-statiques. Plus récemment, une version étendue de l’équation d’évolution de Biot a été considérée pour discuter la stabilité d’une réponse quasi-statique dans le cadre de matériaux standard généralisés. On montre également que pour les théories à gradients cette équation reste valide, puisque les gradients d’ordres supérieurs peuvent être introduits dans les expressions des deux potentiels (énergie libre et dissipation). Ainsi, l’étude de stabilité d’une évolution quasi-statique gouvernée par l’équation de Biot étendue a été discutée, nous permettant de faire une généralisation du critère de stabilité de seconde variation de l’énergie

    Standard gradient models and crack simulation

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    The standard gradient models have been intensively studied in the literature, cf. Fremond (1985) or Gurtin (1991) for various applications in plasticity, damage mechanics and phase change analysis. The governing equations for a solid have been introduced essentially from an extended version of the virtual equation. It is shown here first that these equations can also be derived from the formalism of energy and dissipation potentials and appear as a generalized Biot equation for the solid. In this spirit, the governing equations for higher gradient models can be straightforwardly given. The interest of gradient models is then discussed in the context of damage mechanics and crack simulation. The phenomenon of strain localization in a time-dependent or time-independent process of damage is explored as a convenient numerical method to simulate the propagation of cracks, in relation with some recent works of theliterature, cf. Bourdin Marigo [3], Lorentz al  [5], Henry al [12]
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