3,085 research outputs found

    China as a factor in the evolution of “China-U.S.-(Soviet Union) Russian Strategic Triangle”

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    The study objectives of this research work is to survey the China’s diplomacy in the evolution of trilateral relations between China, the U.S. and Russia (the Soviet Union). The research methodology is based on a complex combination of scientific methods in a chronological order, mainly analytical, empirical, systematic, comparative, situational, narrative, and descriptive. The scientific novelty of this article is to provide the general observation of the key period of the historical evolution process of the existing strategic triangle in a large-scale timeline, meanwhile reveal the significant connection between domestic politics of single factor and trilateral relations within this triangle. The obtained conclusions can be applied in managing more stable and positive trilateral relations in complexity of international relations and comtemporary global politics, by defining the features of the modern strategic triangle and each countries’ role inside, indicating rising China’s new role and foreign policy direction in a new era

    Model of English Teaching for Future Employees in China’s Petroleum Production Industry

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    Model of English teaching in non-native English speaking countries are very important in English Education, especially in the discipline of teaching English as a second language. Therefore English teaching design requires more specificity, especially for special purposes such as teaching English for industrial workers. Experience indicates that the “1+1 model”(one year for acquiring basic knowledge plus one year for site training and practices in oil fields)is an effective approach for teaching future oil field workers. The model follows four basic principles: establishing a target, cultivating standards, designing and following a process, and effective evaluation. Additionally, cooperative teaching and effective learning are encouraged in this model. Transitioning to the “1+1 model” requires not only a change in teaching methods or means, but also a philosophical shift in the concept of English instruction, that is, a move toward the realization of a “student-centered” approach, emphasizing self-study and the acquisition of practical skills. The method we used includes experimental method and interview. The result indicates that English teaching “1+1 model” can supply more qualified future employees for the petroleum production industry


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    In the title compound, C21H18Cl3NO3, the cyclo­hexane ring is in a chair conformation. The five-membered ring forms a dihedral angle of 69.89 (2)° with the benzene ring. The dihedral angle between the benzene and pyridine rings is 14.03 (7)°

    3,6-Dimethyl-N 1,N 4-bis­(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4,5-tetra­zine-1,4-dicarboxamide

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    In the title mol­ecule, C16H16N8O2, four atoms of the tetra­zine ring are coplanar, with the largest deviation from the plane being 0.0236 (12) Å; the other two atoms of the tetra­zine ring deviate on the same side from this plane by 0.320 (4) and 0.335 (4) Å. Therefore, the central tetra­zine ring exhibits a boat conformation. The dihedral angles between the mean plane of the four coplanar atoms of the tetrazine ring and the two pyridine rings are 26.22 (10) and 6.97 (5)°. The two pyridine rings form a dihedral angle of 31.27 (8)°. In the molecule, there are a number of short C—H⋯O interactions. In the crystal, molecules are linked via a C—H⋯O interaction to form zigzag chains propagating along the [010] direction

    A Study on the Effect of Metaphor Awareness Raising on Chinese EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention

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    The research investigates the vocabulary acquisition and retention effect of raising learners’ metaphor awareness on EFL learners (non-English majors) of intermediate-low English proficiency level. The subjects are first-year non-English college students in a vocational college. The pre-test, immediate post-test and delayed post-test experiment lasted for a whole semester and the data collected at the tests were processed with SPSS Windows 13.0. The result shows that in EFL class, organizing metaphorical expressions along their metaphorical theme is more effective in enhancing EFL learners’ vocabulary retention. Accordingly, efforts to raise learners’ metaphor awareness should be made in classroom-based EFL teaching and the considerations should be given in teaching treatment to achieve a better effect in EFL vocabulary teaching and learning.Keywords: metaphorical theme/source; domain metaphor awareness; Vocabulary acquisition; vocabulary retention   Résumé:  La recherche étudie l'effet  de la sensibilisation à la métaphore sur l'acquisition et la mémorisation de vocabulaire chez les étudiants chinois EFL (spécialité non-anglais) qui ont un niveau d'anglais intermédiaire-faible. Les sujets d'études sont des étudiants en première année dans une école professionnelle non-anglaise. Le pré-test, le post-test immédiat et le post-test différé ont duré un semestre entier et les données recueillies lors des tests ont été traitées avec SPSS Windows 13.0. Le résultat montre que dans la classe EFL, l'organisation des expressions métaphoriques le long de leur thème métaphorique est plus efficace dans l'amélioration de la mémorisation de vocabulaire chez les apprenants EFL. En conséquence, les efforts visant à sensibiliser la conscience des apprenants sur la métaphore doivent être réalisés dans l'enseignement EFL basé sur des cours en salle de classe et les considérations devraient être y accordées pour atteindre un meilleur effet dans l'enseignement et dans l'apprentissage de vocabulaire anglais .Mots-Clés:  Thème métaphorique ; sensibilisation à la métaphore ; domaine source; acquisition de vocabulaire; mémorisation de vocabulair