9 research outputs found

    Optimization of ISSI Stock Portfolio using Single Index Models in 2013-2017

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    Dampak Keberadaan Industri terhadap Budaya Santri di Kabupaten Gresik

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    The development of the industrial sector in Gresik Regency has experienced significant developments, regional statistical data states that during 2012 there were 512 new companies. The development of the industrial sector in Gresik Regency as part of the national development process in increasing economic growth has brought changes to people's lives. Changes due to industrial development, in addition to bringing prosperity to the Gresik community, also have an impact on the socio-economic and cultural aspects of the santri who grow and live with the community. The objective achieved in this study is to determine the impact of the existence of the industry in Gresik Regency on the socio-economic and cultural aspects of the santri. The study on the impact of the existence of the industry on the culture of santri in Gresik Regency was carried out using descriptive analysis research methods based on observations and studies of the cultural lethality of students in the Gresik community. Data collection (primary and secondary) is carried out by selecting, reading, studying, and researching books as well as conducting interviews with other reliable sources. The results of this research are that industrial development and development have led to socio-economic and socio-cultural changes for students in the Gresik community which have positive and negative impacts, namely; a) Socio-economic changes in the community include: changes in livelihoods, changes in the number of job opportunities, changes in income levels, and changes in the number of public facilities and infrastructure. b). The socio-cultural changes of the santri in the community include: the erosion of the santri culture in the Gresik community due to the new industrial culture. The positive impact on society is the creation of business and employment opportunities, namely the creation of wider business and employment opportunities for the community. Meanwhile, the negative impact on society is the erosion of the local Gresik culture, especially the santri culture which is replaced by a new industrial culture, due to the influence of the culture of industrial workers from outside Gresik and the dominance of industrial cultur

    Peran Bmt dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi (Studi Kasus pada Pembiayaan Bmt Padi Bersinar Utama Surabaya)

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    For those who have entered the productive age and are able to work, without high education and business capital, the possible work will be to open employment opportunities in the micro business sector. The role of the small business in practice is constrained by several things, one of which is the problem of capital. This research aims to find out how the role of Baitul Maal Wat Tamt BMT Pinar Bersinar Utama Surabaya towards the economic empowerment of small traders in the Pucang Market Surabaya. The research method used is a qualitative case study approach using data collection techniques carried out by interviews and direct observation to the object of research. The results of this study are Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil has played a role in increasing the business of small traders in the Pucang Market in Surabaya. Business improvement from small traders can be seen from BMT members who trade in the Pucang Market experiencing increased revenue and smooth business from time to time

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Manajemen (Planning, Organizing, Actualling, Controlling) pada Manajmeen Masjid Al-Akbar Surabaya

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    The purpose of this research is to knowing the role of asset management in an attempt to managing financial independence and optimizing economic activities in Masjid Al-Akbar Surabaya. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive case study, while collecting the data uses purposive technique to specify the informan. The data used in this research isobtained by semi-structured interview, observation, and documentation. This research also uses triangulation techinique in checking the data validation. Triangulation is an examination technique which enables to use one or two another sources for validation or verification. The result of this research showing that asset management of Masjid Al-Akbar has been operated in accordance with asset management's functions which is including planning, organizing, implementing, and controling which then result in financial indepedence of Masjid Al-Akbar Surabaya

    Identifikasi Pengelolaan Wakaf Produktif pada Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Lumajang

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    This study aims to describe management of productive endowments managed by the Regional Leadership Muhammadiyah Lumajang where in this case a nazhir appointed by the United Muhammadiyah to manage the productive endowments. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach by using case study strategy. Analytical techniques based on theoretical prepositions follow theoretical prepositions that guide case studies. Data validity technique using triangulation technique, that is test the credibility of data that have been obtained by correcting through some technique, like interview, observation, and documentations. The results show that Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders have managed their assets or productively in order to achieve the benefit of Moeslims in Lumajang District. Endowments management conducted by PDM Lumajang is divided into four business charities, namely religion, education, health, social and economic. In the management of productive endowments PDM Lumajang can do several things, namely to perform management functions in the implementation of productive endowments and create jobs for local communities

    Optimization of ISSI Stock Portfolio Using Single Index Models in 2013-2017

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