1,282 research outputs found

    Seeking Further Education: A Rubric for Evaluating Organizational Behavior PhD Programs

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    Statement of Objective The objective of this study is to first understand the origins and history of organizational behavior. In addition, this study will analyze five organizational behavior programs at the following schools: Harvard, Stanford, Purdue, Cornell, and University of Utah. These schools have highly publicized marketing programs and range in their business school rankings. The rubric will serve many functions but will primarily use as a guide for acquiring a greater understanding of said programs. There is a plethora of information available and this study will organize and simplify such information from five universities. Looking at programs side by side will help those seeking future PhDā€™s distinguish between schools that offer that which is of most importance to them. ā€œIn terms of competitive market structure three broad factors stand out: (a) price, (b) institutional quality, prestige or reputation, and (c) convenience or geographic locationā€ (Webb et al., 1997). All three of these factors will be addressed in the rubric system. The rubric will assess each of the six Academic institutions according to the following Criteria: 1. areas of research interest, 2. tuition costs/stipends, 3. faculty, 4. admissions, 5. requirements, 6. location/cost of living, 7. current students, 8. rankings, 9. teaching vs. research institutions, 10. job placement

    Utilizing Mental Practice to Combat Performance Anxiety in Performing Musicians

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    Performance anxiety is a crippling problem for many performing musicians. Success in dealing with such a problem can make or break a performance; therefore, it becomes necessary for musicians to learn ways to cope with debilitating nerves. As a performing pianist myself, I am interested in investigating ways current performance anxiety research can be best applied to ease musiciansā€™ stage fright. As there is a gap between current academic research on this subject and pedagogical practice, many teachers lack good advice to give students suffering stage fright. My thesis paper incorporates my personal experiences in mental practice with current academic literature in the fields of music as well as sports psychology and surgical medicine. Drawing from these resources, I will suggest a more structured pedagogy to help students and musicians develop a mental practice routine to combat performance anxiety. Practice techniques such as mental awareness and visualization can provide musicians with tools to alleviate performance anxiety and achieve a better performanc

    Age Estimation of Burbot Using Pectoral Fin Rays, Branchiostegal Rays and Otoliths

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    Throughout much of its native distribution, burbot (Lota lota) is a species of conservation concern.Ā  Understanding dynamic rate functions is critical for the effective management of sensitive burbot populations, which necessitates accurate and precise age estimates.Ā  Managing sensitive burbot populations requires an accurate and precise non-lethal alternative.Ā  In an effort to identify a non-lethal ageing structure, we compared the precision of age estimates obtained from otoliths, pectoral fin rays, dorsal fin rays and branchiostegal rays from 208 burbot collected from the Green River drainage, Wyoming.Ā  Additionally, we compared the accuracy of age estimates from pectoral fin rays, dorsal fin rays and branchiostegal rays to those of otoliths.Ā  Dorsal fin rays were immediately deemed a poor ageing structure and removed from further analysis.Ā  Age-bias plots of consensus ages derived from branchiostegal rays and pectoral fin rays were appreciably different from those obtained from otoliths.Ā  Exact agreement between readers and reader confidence was highest for otoliths and lowest for branchiostegal rays.Ā  Age-bias plots indicated that age estimates obtained from branchiostegal rays and pectoral fin rays were substantially different from age estimates obtained from otoliths.Ā  Our results indicate that otoliths provide the most precise age estimates for burbot

    Anthropogenic Disturbance and Environmental Associations with Fish Assemblage Structure in Two Nonwadeable Rivers

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    Nonwadeable rivers are unique ecosystems that support high levels of aquatic biodiversity, yet they have been greatly altered by human activities. Although riverine fish assemblages have been studied in the past, we still have an incomplete understanding of how fish assemblages respond to both natural and anthropogenic influences in large rivers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate associations between fish assemblage structure and reach-scale habitat, dam, and watershed land use characteristics. In the summers of 2011 and 2012, comprehensive fish and environmental data were collected from 33 reaches in the Iowa and Cedar rivers of eastern-central Iowa. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to evaluate environmental relationships with species relative abundance, functional trait abundance (e.g. catch rate of tolerant species), and functional trait composition (e.g. percentage of tolerant species). On the basis of partial CCAs, reach-scale habitat, dam characteristics, and watershed land use features explained 25.0ā€“81.1%, 6.2ā€“25.1%, and 5.8ā€“47.2% of fish assemblage variation, respectively. Although reach-scale, dam, and land use factors contributed to overall assemblage structure, the majority of fish assemblage variation was constrained by reach-scale habitat factors. Specifically, mean annual discharge was consistently selected in nine of the 11 CCA models and accounted for the majority of explained fish assemblage variance by reach-scale habitat. This study provides important insight on the influence of anthropogenic disturbances across multiple spatial scales on fish assemblages in large river systems

    The Interfollicular Epidermis of Adult Mouse Tail Comprises Two Distinct Cell Lineages that Are Differentially Regulated by Wnt, Edaradd, and Lrig1

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    Current models of how mouse tail interfollicular epidermis (IFE) is maintained overlook the coexistence of two distinct terminal differentiation programs: parakeratotic (scale) and orthokeratotic (interscale). Lineage tracing and clonal analysis revealed that scale and interscale are maintained by unipotent cells in the underlying basal layer, with scale progenitors dividing more rapidly than interscale progenitors. Although scales are pigmented and precisely aligned with hair follicles, melanocytes and follicles were not necessary for scale differentiation. Epidermal Wnt signaling was required for scale enlargement during development and for postnatal maintenance of scale-interscale boundaries. Loss of Edaradd inhibited ventral scale formation, whereas loss of Lrig1 led to scale enlargement and fusion. In wild-type skin, Lrig1 was not expressed in IFE but was selectively upregulated in dermal fibroblasts underlying the interscale. We conclude that the different IFE differentiation compartments are maintained by distinct stem cell populations and are regulated by epidermal and dermal signals

    Tears in your beer: Gender differences in coping drinking motives, depressive symptoms and drinking

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    This study evaluates associations between coping drinking motives (CDM; drinking to regulate negative affect), depressive symptoms, and drinking behavior and extends the literature by also taking into account gender differences. Two hundred forty-three college students (Mean age = 22.93, SD = 6.29, 82% female) participated. Based on previous research, we expected that CDM would be positively associated with drinking and problems, particularly among those higher in depressive symptoms, as individuals experiencing higher levels of negative affect (i.e. depressive symptoms) and who drink to cope are likely to drink more and experience more alcohol-related problems. Lastly, based on established gender differences, we expected that CDM would be positively associated with drinking and problems, especially among females higher in depressive symptoms. Unexpectedly, findings suggested that CDMs were positively related to peak drinking, especially among those lower in depressive symptoms. Results further revealed a significant three-way interaction between CDM, depressive symptoms, and gender when predicting alcohol-related problems and drinking frequency. Specifically, we found that CDM were more strongly associated with problems among women who were lower in depressive symptoms; whereas CDM were more strongly associated with problems among men who were higher in depressive symptoms. These findings offer a more comprehensive depiction of the relationship between depressive symptoms, CDM, and drinking behavior by taking into account the importance of gender differences. These results provide additional support for considering gender when designing and implementing alcohol intervention strategies
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