2 research outputs found

    El adipocito en el laboratorio: historia, perspectivas y reporte de experiencia

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    Introduction: The human adipose tissue is composed of different cell types. It has been subject of several studies in the past years due to its role on diverse functions.Methods: A search in the PubMed, Scielo, Science direct and Google Scholars databases was performed and the authors experience was reported.Results: The first model used was rodent fat, which allowed a better comprehension on carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism and enhanced research in adipocyte cell biology in addition with histological studies and mature adipocyte isolation. Afterwards, learning about precursor cell (pre-adipocytes) promoted theisolation of murine 3T3-L1 cell line. In Latin America research has been conducted using cell lines and adipocyte precursor mesenchymal stem cells to describe effects of hormonesand perform DNA sequencing. In Colombia, studies in 3T3-L1 cell line aimed to stablish the effects of different compounds on these cells. In the Cell Physiology Laboratory of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, sample collection process has shown difficulties because the source was human tissue; nevertheless isolation and cell culture protocols were standardized throughout the last six years of experimentation. Pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes were isolated to study the effects of hormones,perform electrophysiological characterization and study calcium physiology.Conclusions: This is a relevant research field since these cells have important systemic metabolic functions and they have a clear relationship  with high-prevalence pathologies such asobesity and the metabolic syndrome.Introducción: el tejido adiposo humano está compuesto por diferentes tipos celulares, y ha sido objeto de múltiples estudios en los últimos años debido a su acción en diversas funciones.Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda bilbiográfica en PubMed, Scielo, Science Direct and Google Scholars y se reporta la experiencia de los autores.Resultados: los primeros modelos de estudio fueron con tejido de roedores, y permitieron la comprensión del metabolismo de carbohidratos y ácidos grasos y facilitaron el estudio de labiología del adipocito, junto a estudios histológicos y el aislamiento de adipocitos maduros. Posteriormente se realizaron estudios con células precursoras (preadipocitos) que propiciaron el aislamiento de la línea celular 3T3-1L murina. En  latinoamérica, se han realizado diversos estudios con líneas celulares y con células madre mesenquimales precursoras de adipocitos para estudiar el efecto de hormonas y otras sustancias y para genotipificación. En Colombia se han realizado estudios con adipocitos 3T3-L1 para determinar los efectos de medicamentos y sustancias en estas células. En el laboratorio de Fisiología Celular de la Universidad tecnológica de Pereira el proceso de obtención de muestrasha evidenciado dificultades por tratarse de tejido humano, pero el protocolo de aislamiento y cultivo pudo ser estandarizado a lo largo de seis años de experimentación; se aislaron preadipocitos y adipocitos maduros que permitieron estudiar los efectos de hormonas, realizar caracterización electrofisiológica y estudiar la fisiología del calcio.Conclusiones: este es un campo de investigación muy relevante debido a la implicación de este tipo celular en funciones metabólicas sistémicas y su relación con patologías de alta prevalencia como la obesidad y el síndrome metabólico. 

    Research, Innovation and Extension to the service to society, in the framework of the Sixth Conference on Social Appropriation of Knowledge (SAK)

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    Annually, the Technological University of Pereira has been carrying out some events in the line of Social Appropriation of Knowledge. This has been done through the research, innovation, and extension Vice Rectory, moreover, these sessions are framed within the institutional objective: “Define and direct the guidelines for the institutional research that strengthen the research groups and the Seedbeds, through the formation of researchers, the development of science, technology, and innovation projects or programs, as well as the generation of networks and strategic partnerships that contribute to the creation and appropriation of knowledge for the society”. Therefore, the 6th Social Appropriation of Knowledge event took place under the title of “The research, Innovation, and Extension at the service of society” which was constituted as an academic and institutional opportunity where the results of the research projects from the last 5 years were published. The results of this event revealed, once again, the high academic level in investigation development at the university. There were 11 articles divided into 6 fields: Health, Engineering, Technology, Education, Industrial Technology, and Art, in which the results obtained by the research projects from the investigation groups were shown, promoting a knowledge exchange from their authors whose intellectual formation is diverse. With this publication, as part of a permanent effort to socialize the knowledge, the university promotes the circulation of its professors, students, and general community voices, having in mind that knowledge must be transferred through different channels, strengthening the academy and society in general, according to the institutional mission that invites us to incentivize a research culture in the university community.Presentation........................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1. Health Teaching during the pandemic: what changes did professors implement? Results of a survey in a Colombian medical program. ........................................... 9 Germán Alberto Moreno Gómez ,Rodolfo Adrián Cabrales Vega, Jairo Franco Londoño, Samuel Eduardo Trujillo Henao, Víctor Manuel Patiño Suárez Evaluation of the effectiveness of a rat, rabbit and human intestine decellularization protocol...................................................................................... 19 Julio César Sánchez Naranjo, Laura Victoria Muñoz Rincón, Andrés Felipe Quiroz Ma zuera, Andrés Mauricio García Cuevas, Cristhian David Arroyave Durán, Fabián David Giraldo Castaño, Álvaro Guerra Solarte, Juliana Buitrago Jaramillo Exploration of the filtering functions of the intestine through a filtering loop model: an experimental approach towards a feasible renal replacement.............. 31 Julio César Sánchez Naranjo, Laura Victoria Muñoz Rincón, Andrés Mauricio García Cuevas, Álvaro Guerra Solarte y Juliana Buitrago Jaramillo Chapter 2. Engineering Identification of sociodemographic factors using multivariate analysis related to the dropout of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira undergraduate students.... 47 Nelcy N Atehortua-Sanchez, Paula Marcela Herrera, Julian D Echeverry Correa Design and Construction of an HVDC-MMC Terminal on a Low Scale to Interconnection of Windfarms to the Electrical Grid........................................ 61 Diego Alberto Montoya Acevedo, Andrés Escobar Mejía Chapter 3. Technologies Preliminary study of cytototoxic and bactericidal activities of nonpolar extracts from seeds and peel of Persea americana cv Lorena ............................................ 85 Gloria Edith Guerrero Alvarez, Daniel Steven Fernández, Daniela Londoño Ramirez Cytototoxic and bactericidal activities of nonpolar extracts from seeds and peel of Persea americana cv Hass..................................................................................... 95 Gloria Edith Guerrero Alvarez, Gustavo Alfonso Cifuentes Colorado, Paula Daniela Sandoval Mossos Chapter 4. Education Pedro Henríquez Ureña traveler and Cosmopolitan ........................................... 107 William Marín Osorio Reading and writing in the training of our teachers: a commitment of all ......... 133 María Gladis Agudelo Gil, Gloria Inés Correa Aristizábal Chapter 5. Industrial engineering Tasks design to promote metacognitive regulation in discrete event simulation ......................................................................................................... 151 María Elena Bernal Loaiza, Manuela Gómez Suta, Rosario Iodice CONTENIDO Chapter 6. Arts The media feuilleton, between fiction and reality............................................... 169 Teresita Vásquez Ramíre