23 research outputs found

    Extragalactic fast X-ray transient candidates discovered by Chandra (2000–2014)

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    Context. Extragalactic fast X-ray transients (FXRTs) are short flashes of X-ray photons of unknown origin that last a few seconds to hours. Aims. Our ignorance about their physical mechanisms and progenitor systems is due in part to the lack of clear multiwavelength counterparts in most cases, because FXRTs have only been identified serendipitously. Methods. We develop a systematic search for FXRTs in the Chandra Source Catalog (Data Release 2.0; 169.6 Ms over 592.4 deg2, using only observations with |b|> 10° and before 2015), using a straightforward X-ray flare search algorithm and incorporating various multiwavelength constraints to rule out Galactic contamination and characterize the candidates. Results. We report the detection of 14 FXRT candidates from a parent sample of 214 701 sources. Candidates have peak 0.5–7 keV fluxes between 1 × 10−13 and 2 × 10−10 erg cm−2 s−1 and T90 values from 4 to 48 ks. The sample can be subdivided into two groups: six “nearby” FXRTs that occurred within d  ≲  100 Mpc and eight “distant” FXRTs with likely redshifts ≳0.1. Three distant FXRT candidates exhibit light curves with a plateau (≈1–3 ks duration) followed by a power-law decay and X-ray spectral softening, similar to what was observed for the previously reported FXRT CDF-S XT2, a proposed magnetar-powered binary neutron star merger event. After applying completeness corrections, we calculate event rates for the nearby and distant samples of 53.7−15.1+22.6 and 28.2−6.9+9.8 deg−2 yr−1, respectively. Conclusions. This novel sample of Chandra-detected extragalactic FXRT candidates, although modest in size, breaks new ground in terms of characterizing the diverse properties, nature, and possible progenitors of these enigmatic events

    The fast X-Ray transient XRT 210423 and its host galaxy

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    Fast X-ray Transients (FXTs) are X-ray flares with durations ranging from a few hundred seconds to a few hours. Possible origins include the tidal disruption of a white dwarf by an intermediate-mass black hole, a supernova shock breakout, or a binary neutron star merger. We present the X-ray light curve and spectrum as well as deep optical imaging of the FXT XRT 210423, which has been suggested to be powered by a magnetar produced in a binary neutron star merger. Our Very Large Telescope and Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) observations began on 2021 May 6, thirteen days after the onset of the flare. No transient optical counterpart is found in the 1.″ (3σ) X-ray uncertainty region of the source to a depth g s = 27.0 AB mag. (We use the word “counterpart” for any transient light in a wave band other than the original X-ray detection wave band, whereas the word “host” refers to the host galaxy.) A candidate host lies within the 1.″ X-ray uncertainty region with a magnitude of 25.9 ± 0.1 in the GTC/HiPERCAM g s filter. Due to its faintness, it was not detected in other bands, precluding a photometric redshift determination. We detect two additional candidate host galaxies: one with z spec = 1.5082 ± 0.0001 and an offset of 4.″2 ± 1.″ (37 ± 9 kpc) from the FXT, and another one with zphot=1.04−0.14+0.22 and an offset of 3.″6 ± 1.″ (30 ± 8 kpc). Based on the properties of all the prospective hosts, we favor a binary neutron star merger, as previously suggested in the literature, as the explanation for XRT 210423

    Extragalactic fast X-ray transient candidates discovered by Chandra (2014–2022)

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    Context. Extragalactic fast X-ray transients (FXTs) are short flashes of X-ray photons of unknown origin that last a few minutes to hours. Aims. We extend the previous search for extragalactic FXTs (based on sources in the Chandra Source Catalog 2.0, CSC2) to further Chandra archival data between 2014 and 2022. Methods. We extracted X-ray data using a method similar to that employed by CSC2 and applied identical search criteria as in previous work. Results. We report the detection of eight FXT candidates, with peak 0.3–10 keV fluxes between 1 × 10−13 to 1 × 10−11 erg cm−2 s−1 and T90 values from 0.3 to 12.1 ks. This sample of FXTs likely has redshifts between 0.7 and 1.8. Three FXT candidates exhibit light curves with a plateau (≈1−3 ks duration) followed by a power-law decay and X-ray spectral softening, similar to what was observed for a few before-reported FXTs. In light of the new, expanded source lists (eight FXTs with known redshifts from a previous paper and this work), we have updated the event sky rates derived previously, finding 36.9−8.3+9.7 deg−2 yr−1 for the extragalactic samples for a limiting flux of ≳1 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1, calculated the first FXT X-ray luminosity function, and compared the volumetric density rate between FXTs and other transient classes. Conclusions. Our latest Chandra-detected extragalactic FXT candidates boost the total Chandra sample by ∼50%, and appear to have a similar diversity of possible progenitors

    Probing a magnetar origin for the population of extragalactic fast X-ray transients detected by Chandra

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    Context. Twenty-two extragalactic fast X-ray transients (FXTs) have now been discovered from two decades of Chandra data (analyzing ∼259 Ms of data), with 17 associated with distant galaxies (≳100 Mpc). Different mechanisms and progenitors have been proposed to explain their properties; nevertheless, after analyzing their timing, spectral parameters, host-galaxy properties, luminosity function, and volumetric rates, their nature remains uncertain. Aims. We interpret a sub-sample of nine FXTs that show a plateau or a fast-rise light curve within the framework of a binary neutron star (BNS) merger magnetar model. Methods. We fit their light curves and derive magnetar (magnetic field and initial rotational period) and ejecta (ejecta mass and opacity) parameters. This model predicts two zones: an orientation-dependent free zone (where the magnetar spin-down X-ray photons escape freely to the observer) and a trapped zone (where the X-ray photons are initially obscured and only escape freely once the ejecta material becomes optically thin). We argue that six FXTs show properties consistent with the free zone and three FXTs with the trapped zone. Results. This sub-sample of FXTs has a similar distribution of magnetic fields and initial rotation periods to those inferred for short gamma-ray bursts, suggesting a possible association. We compare the predicted ejecta emission fed by the magnetar emission (called merger-nova) to the optical and near-infrared upper limits of two FXTs, XRT 141001 and XRT 210423 where contemporaneous optical observations are available. The non-detections place lower limits on the redshifts of XRT 141001 and XRT 210423 of z ≳ 1.5 and ≳0.1, respectively. Conclusions. If the magnetar remnants lose energy via gravitational waves (GWs), it should be possible to detect similar objects with the current advanced LIGO detectors out to a redshift z ≲ 0.03, while future GW detectors will be able to detect them out to z ≈ 0.5

    Probing for the host galaxies of the fast X-ray transients XRT 000519 and XRT 110103

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    Over the past few years, ∼30 extragalactic fast X-ray transients (FXRTs) have been discovered, mainly in Chandra and XMM-Newton data. Their nature remains unclear, with proposed origins, including a double neutron star merger, a tidal disruption event involving an intermediate-mass black hole and a white dwarf, or a supernova shock breakout. A decisive differentiation between these three promising mechanisms for their origin requires an understanding of the FXRT energetics, environments, and/or host properties. We present optical observations obtained with the Very Large Telescope for the FXRTs XRT 000519 and XRT 110103 and Gran Telescopio Canarias observations for XRT 000519 designed to search for host galaxies of these FXRTs. In the gs, rs, and R-band images, we detect an extended source on the north-west side of the ∼1′′ (68 per cent confidence) error circle of the X-ray position of XRT 000519 with a Kron magnitude of gs = 26.29 ± 0.09 (AB magnitude). We discuss the XRT 000519 association with the probable host candidate for various possible distances, and we conclude that if XRT 000519 is associated with the host candidate a supernova shock breakout scenario is likely excluded. No host galaxy is found near XRT 110103 down to a limiting magnitude of R > 25.8

    A DESGW Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart to the LIGO/Virgo Gravitational-wave Binary Neutron Star Merger Candidate S190510g

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    We present the results from a search for the electromagnetic counterpart of the LIGO/Virgo event S190510g using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). S190510g is a binary neutron star (BNS) merger candidate of moderate significance detected at a distance of 227 ± 92 Mpc and localized within an area of 31 (1166) square degrees at 50% (90%) confidence. While this event was later classified as likely nonastrophysical in nature within 30 hours of the event, our short latency search and discovery pipeline identified 11 counterpart candidates, all of which appear consistent with supernovae following offline analysis and spectroscopy by other instruments. Later reprocessing of the images enabled the recovery of six more candidates. Additionally, we implement our candidate selection procedure on simulated kilonovae and supernovae under DECam observing conditions (e.g., seeing and exposure time) with the intent of quantifying our search efficiency and making informed decisions on observing strategy for future similar events. This is the first BNS counterpart search to employ a comprehensive simulation-based efficiency study. We find that using the current follow-up strategy, there would need to be 19 events similar to S190510g for us to have a 99% chance of detecting an optical counterpart, assuming a GW170817-like kilonova. We further conclude that optimization of observing plans, which should include preference for deeper images over multiple color information, could result in up to a factor of 1.5 reduction in the total number of follow-ups needed for discovery

    Constraints on the Physical Properties of GW190814 through Simulations Based on DECam Follow-up Observations by the Dark Energy Survey

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    On 2019 August 14, the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations detected gravitational waves from a black hole and a 2.6 solar mass compact object, possibly the first neutron star–black hole merger. In search of an optical counterpart, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) obtained deep imaging of the entire 90% confidence level localization area with Blanco/DECam 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 16 nights after the merger. Objects with varying brightness were detected by the DES Pipeline, and we systematically reduced the candidate counterparts through catalog matching, light-curve properties, host-galaxy photometric redshifts, Southern Astrophysical Research spectroscopic follow-up observations, and machine-learning-based photometric classification. All candidates were rejected as counterparts to the merger. To quantify the sensitivity of our search, we applied our selection criteria to full light-curve simulations of supernovae and kilonovae as they would appear in the DECam observations. Because the source class of the merger was uncertain, we utilized an agnostic, three-component kilonova model based on tidally disrupted neutron star (NS) ejecta properties to quantify our detection efficiency of a counterpart if the merger included an NS. We find that, if a kilonova occurred during this merger, configurations where the ejected matter is greater than 0.07 solar masses, has lanthanide abundance less than 10−8.56, and has a velocity between 0.18c and 0.21c are disfavored at the 2σ level. Furthermore, we estimate that our background reduction methods are capable of associating gravitational wave signals with a detected electromagnetic counterpart at the 4σ level in 95% of future follow-up observations

    Panning for gold, but finding helium: discovery of the ultra-stripped supernova SN2019wxt from gravitational-wave follow-up observations

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    We present the results from multi-wavelength observations of a transient discovered during the follow-up of S191213g, a gravitational wave (GW) event reported by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration as a possible binary neutron star merger in a low latency search. This search yielded SN2019wxt, a young transient in a galaxy whose sky position (in the 80\% GW contour) and distance (\sim150\,Mpc) were plausibly compatible with the localisation uncertainty of the GW event. Initially, the transient's tightly constrained age, its relatively faint peak magnitude (Mi16.7M_i \sim -16.7\,mag) and the rr-band decline rate of 1\sim 1\,mag per 5\,days appeared suggestive of a compact binary merger. However, SN2019wxt spectroscopically resembled a type Ib supernova, and analysis of the optical-near-infrared evolution rapidly led to the conclusion that while it could not be associated with S191213g, it nevertheless represented an extreme outcome of stellar evolution. By modelling the light curve, we estimated an ejecta mass of 0.1M\sim 0.1\,M_\odot, with 56^{56}Ni comprising 20%\sim 20\% of this. We were broadly able to reproduce its spectral evolution with a composition dominated by helium and oxygen, with trace amounts of calcium. We considered various progenitors that could give rise to the observed properties of SN2019wxt, and concluded that an ultra-stripped origin in a binary system is the most likely explanation. Disentangling electromagnetic counterparts to GW events from transients such as SN2019wxt is challenging: in a bid to characterise the level of contamination, we estimated the rate of events with properties comparable to those of SN2019wxt and found that 1\sim 1 such event per week can occur within the typical GW localisation area of O4 alerts out to a luminosity distance of 500\,Mpc, beyond which it would become fainter than the typical depth of current electromagnetic follow-up campaigns.Comment: By the ENGRAVE collaboration (engrave-eso.org). 35 pages, 20 figures, final version accepted by A&

    Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger candidate S190814bv

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