5 research outputs found


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    A conservatorship is a legal arrangement in which one person is responsible for the affairs of another, presumably because that person cannot manage alone. Britney was one of the estimated three million adults in the United States who cannot make decisions about their own lives. Instead, the court transfers the decision-making role to another person, known as a conservator. This drastically reduces the legal status of the person under conservatorship, known as a conservatee. Britney’s case is a prime example of the difficulties associated with conservatorships. Since Britney’s conservatorship ended, California amended the law to address some of the concerning provisions

    Criticism, confusion over California’s Proposition 19 property tax amendments

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    Proposition 19, the California measure narrowly approved by voters last November, created a tax break for some and tax hikes for others. Proponents of the measure tout the new tax revenue stream for the state as well as benefits for some of its vulnerable residents. In contrast, those opposed argue it disproportionately benefits wealthy, white residents while hurting people of color and low-income Californians. The measure amended the California constitution by adding new sections to Article XIII A, which relates to tax limitations. As of April 1, 2021, Proposition 19 removes certain restrictions for eligible homeowners who transfer their home’s property tax bill to a new home. Starting February 16, 2021, the amendment also requires certain inherited family homes and farms to be reassessed at current market value, which may significantly increase property taxes for the inheritor and thus produce a new revenue stream for state and local governments


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    A conservatorship is a legal arrangement in which one person is responsible for the affairs of another, presumably because that person cannot manage alone. Britney was one of the estimated three million adults in the United States who cannot make decisions about their own lives. Instead, the court transfers the decision-making role to another person, known as a conservator. This drastically reduces the legal status of the person under conservatorship, known as a conservatee. Britney’s case is a prime example of the difficulties associated with conservatorships. Since Britney’s conservatorship ended, California amended the law to address some of the concerning provisions

    Criticism, confusion over California’s Proposition 19 property tax amendments

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    Proposition 19, the California measure narrowly approved by voters last November, created a tax break for some and tax hikes for others. Proponents of the measure tout the new tax revenue stream for the state as well as benefits for some of its vulnerable residents. In contrast, those opposed argue it disproportionately benefits wealthy, white residents while hurting people of color and low-income Californians. The measure amended the California constitution by adding new sections to Article XIII A, which relates to tax limitations. As of April 1, 2021, Proposition 19 removes certain restrictions for eligible homeowners who transfer their home’s property tax bill to a new home. Starting February 16, 2021, the amendment also requires certain inherited family homes and farms to be reassessed at current market value, which may significantly increase property taxes for the inheritor and thus produce a new revenue stream for state and local governments

    Estimativas de Herdabilidade e Correlação Genética para Características de Crescimento na Fase de Pré-desmama e Medidas de Perímetro Escrotal ao Sobreano em Bovinos Angus-Nelore Heritability Estimates and Genetic Correlation of Growth Characteristics in the Preweaning Period and Scrotal Circumference Measurement at Yearling for Angus-Nelore Beef Cattle

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    Os dados utilizados neste estudo são originários de 53.938 bovinos puros e cruzados (Angus x Nelore), coletados em várias regiões do Brasil e da Argentina nascidos entre 1987 e 1998. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar as herdabilidades e as correlações existentes entre as características de crescimento e as medidas de perímetro escrotal (PE). As variáveis estudadas foram ganho médio diário do nascimento à desmama (GMDND), dias para ganhar 160 kg do nascimento à desmama (D160), peso à desmama (PD) e perímetro escrotal ao sobreano (PE). Foi utilizado o método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita, com o programa computacional MTDFREML e um modelo animal bi-caráter. Para as características de crescimento, foram incluídos, como efeitos fixos, o grupo contemporâneo de desmama, a interação das composições raciais dos pais do produto; como covariável, a idade da mãe ao parto; e como aleatórios, os efeitos direto e materno. Para a característica PE, no modelo utilizado, consideraram-se os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade ao sobreano e o peso ao sobreano, a interação das proporções raciais, maternas e paternas e o grupo contemporâneo de sobreano foram introduzidos no modelo como efeitos fixos e o efeito direto do animal como aleatório. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram 0,25, 0,13, 0,23 e 0,21 para GMDND, D160, PD e PE respectivamente. As estimativas de correlações com PE foram 0,17, -0,17 e 0,16 para GMDND, D160 e PD, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que as características analisadas podem ser selecionadas conjuntamente em programas de seleção.<br>The data utilized in this work were originated from 53.938 pure and crossbred (Angus x Nelore), collected in different regions of Brazil and Argentina born from 1987 to 1998 were analyzed. The objectives of this work were to verity the heritabilities and correlation among the growing and scrotal circumference traits. The variables analyzed were the average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADGBW), days to reach 160 kg from birth to weaning (D160), weaning weight (WW) and scrotal circumference at yearling (CP). The method of restricted Maximum Likelihood and computational program MTDFREML were used with a multitrait animal model. For the growing trait, the model included the fixed effects of contemporary groups at weaning, the interaction of breeds parents of animal, the age of dam at parturition and age at weaning as covariable and the direct and maternal as random effects. For the SP the fixed effects included in the model were the linear and quadratic effects of age at yearling and weight, contemporary group at yearling and interaction composite breed sire and dam a direct animal effect as random effect. The heritability estimates were .25, .13, .23 and .21 for ADGBW, D160, WW and CP, respectively. The correlation estimates with SP were:.0,17, -.17 and .16 for ADGBW, D160, and WW respectively. These results suggest that the trait analyzed can be chosen together at the selection programs