Criticism, confusion over California’s Proposition 19 property tax amendments


Proposition 19, the California measure narrowly approved by voters last November, created a tax break for some and tax hikes for others. Proponents of the measure tout the new tax revenue stream for the state as well as benefits for some of its vulnerable residents. In contrast, those opposed argue it disproportionately benefits wealthy, white residents while hurting people of color and low-income Californians. The measure amended the California constitution by adding new sections to Article XIII A, which relates to tax limitations. As of April 1, 2021, Proposition 19 removes certain restrictions for eligible homeowners who transfer their home’s property tax bill to a new home. Starting February 16, 2021, the amendment also requires certain inherited family homes and farms to be reassessed at current market value, which may significantly increase property taxes for the inheritor and thus produce a new revenue stream for state and local governments

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