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    Research advances in Risaralda. An overview of 8 experiences

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    I am honored to present to you this remarkable book, a testament to the invaluable research conducted in the fields of Health, Law, Engineering, and Administrative Sciences. Each chapter within these pages represents the culmination of extensive investigations carried out by dedicated scholars affiliated with the Red Universitaria de Risaralda (RUN), a network comprising 15 esteemed higher education institutions. Risaralda has emerged as a thriving hub for higher education, bolstered by its strategic geographical location, high quality of life, rich biodiversity, and competitive development. Today, Pereira ranks third in the index of university cities, with a student enrollment rate exceeding 63%. Close to 50,000 students pursue academic programs within the department. Notably, three institutions have achieved accreditation for their excellence in education, positioning Risaralda among the most competitive regions in terms of accredited academic programs. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Red Universitaria de Risaralda in 2023, it is with great pride that we reflect on its pivotal role in fostering collaboration among public and private higher education institutions. Our mission has been twofold: attracting students to our region and supporting sustainable development and quality of life for our community. The mesa de investigación (research committee) has diligently coordinated the necessary actions to unite our researchers, facilitating an integrated approach to various disciplines and themes associated with the challenges faced in our region.CONTENT Introduction...................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER ONE. Tobacco Use and Social Skills in Children from Two Schools in Pereira, Colombia .......................................................................................................9 Angélica María Blanco Vanegas, Natalia Jeaneth Carmona Valencia and Ángela Liceth Pérez Rendón CHAPTER TWO. Lesbian visibility: between control and family silence.................................................35 Mireya Ospina Botero and Carolina Carmona Castilla CHAPTER THREE. New centralities in the city of Pereira, 1990-2019 .......................................................65 Cesar Augusto Castaño Galvis CHAPTER FOUR. Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on the effect of roots on slope stability ...........................................................................................................95 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Raúl Alberto Gaviria Valencia, César Augusto Peñuela Meneses, Carlos Alberto Ospina Parra CHAPTER FIVE. Sustainability of local agri-food systems in a municipality of the Eje Cafetero, Colombia...............................................................................................131 Jaime Cardona Ocampo, Orlando Ospina Salazar and Julia Arredondo Botero CHAPTER SIX. Organizational strategies aimed at the Emberá Chamí unified indigenous reservation, Inamurcito community located in the municipality of Pueblo Rico, Risaralda............................................................................................................163 Carla Johana Martínez García and Yenny Marcela Vélez Herrera CHAPTER SEVEN. Psychomotor profile of children between 4 and 5 years old in the city of Pereira, Colombia ...................................................................................................199 Jhonatan Gonzalez-Santamaría and Claudia Jimena Lopez-Garcia CHAPTER EIGHT. Analysis of assembly tasks without the use of vision: an opportunity for the design of support technologies in manufacturing environments.....................217 Gustavo Adolfo Peña Marín, Carlos Andrés Quintero Diaztagle and Juan Diego Gallego Góme

    Proceso metodológico y proyectual para el diseño de producto en el proyecto SAVELIGHT

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    This article is part of the research project "SAVE LIGHT" Design and development of new product related to green energy and energy saving products. The project is carried out within the Young Researches and innovators program  at COLCIENCIAS 566 in 2012. In conjunction with the company Greenlogy, in order to develop a product that extends the user interaction with automation lighting systems that can be marketed whitin the product portfolio of the company. It arises under the exploratory methodology throught the design, with an applied qualitative and project type, defining different characteristics (aesthetic, production usability, etc.) with the aim of developing indoor lighting products whitin a multidisciplinary project approach.Este artículo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación "SAVE LIGHT. Diseño y desarrollo de nuevos productos relacionado con energías verdes y ahorro energético". El proyecto se adelanta dentro del programa Jóvenes Investigadores e Innvadores, en la convocatoria 566 de COLCIENCIAS, 2012, en conjunto con la empresa Greenlogy, con el propósito de desarrollar un producto que amplíe la interacción de los usuarios con los sistemas de iluminación domóticos, que puedan ser comercializados dentro del protafolio de productos de la empresa. Se plantea bajo la metodología exploratoria a través del diseño, con un abordaje aplicado de tipo cualitativo y proyectual, definiendo diferentes características (estéticas, producción, usabilidad, entre otros), con el objetivo de desarrollar productos de iluminación interior dentro de un proyecto multidisciplinar

    Sistema de bipedestación para niños con parálisis cerebral espástica

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    Spastic cerebral palsy, like many diseases that affect motor skills, possess complex characteristics that condition the lives of those who suffer it and their families. This article deals with the design of a bipedestator for the improvement of the quality of life of patients affected with PCE, from the budgets of the triad design centered on the user. It is required in a timely manner, an intervention from design, with ergonomic alternatives that keep in mind the human being as an integral subject, composed bymultiple interrelated areas that determine its welfare.La parálisis cerebral espástica (PCE), como muchas enfermedades que afectan la motricidad, posee características complejas que condicionan de diversas maneras la vida de quienes la padecen y de su entorno familiar. En este artículo se aborda el diseño de un bipedestador para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados con PCE, desde los presupuestos de la triada del diseño centrado en el usuario. Se requiere, de manera oportuna, la intervención desde el diseño con alternativas ergonómicas que tengan en cuenta al ser humano como sujeto integral, compuesto por múltiples esferas interrelacionadas que determinan su bienestar

    Implementación del factor humano en el sector automotriz como modelo de cooperación entre universidad y empresa

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    In this article the results of a study carried out with 155 university students are collected, during different academic periods, in which their performance was analyzed when facing the professional demand which involves the use of a problem-based learning methodology (PBL). Within the framework that promotes the implementation of alternatives to traditional teaching methods, the project that has linked university and company has been studied, through specific cooperation between the Industrial Design program of Universidad Católica de Pereira and the local industry, specifically the company Busscar de Colombia. Through the systematic development of joint activities, developed in different school periods, it can be concluded that the application of the methodology PBL has achieved a high success rate, since at the end of the process, the students had presented ninety-two (92) design proposals adjusted to the needs and interests of use of the prototypical users.En este artículo se recogen los resultados de un estudio realizado con 155 estudiantes universitarios, durante diferentes periodos académicos, con una metodología de Aprendizaje Basada en Problemas. Dentro del marco que promueve la implantación de alternativas a los tradicionales métodos docentes, se presenta el proyecto que ha vinculado universidad y empresa mediante la cooperación específica entre el programa de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Católica de Pereira y la compañía BUSSCAR de Colombia. Mediante el desarrollo sistemático de actividades conjuntas, desarrolladas en distintos periodos lectivos, se concluye que la aplicación de la metodología propuesta ha logrado una alta tasa de éxito puesto que, al finalizar el proceso, los estudiantes habían presentado 92 propuestas de diseño ajustadas a los intereses de los usuarios prototípicos