813 research outputs found

    Бромирование высоко-деактивированных ароматических систем с применением тетрафторобромата бария

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    It has been shown that Ba(BrF[4])[2] acted as a highly-active brominating agent. In case of interaction with nitrobenzene, the pure 3-bromo-nitrobenzene is formed. It has been shown that typical electrophilic bromination of the aromatic compound with electron donating and electron-accepting substituents occurred without any catalysts or hard conditions

    Управление денежными потоками на предприятии

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    Цель работы - разработка предложений по улучшению механизма управления денежными потоками, на основе проведенного анализа деятельности предприятия ООО «ПМК-Томь». Предмет исследования – финансовые процессы на предприятии ООО «ПМК-Томь», связанные с формированием и движением денежных потоков. Объектом исследования является финансово-хозяйственная деятельность предприятия ООО «ПМК-Томь». В процессе исследования проводился анализ теоретических аспектов управления денежными потоками; анализ финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятия; анализ денежных потоков предприятия. В результате исследования были разработаны предложения по повышению эффективности управления денежными потоками.The work purpose - development of offers on improvement of the mechanism of cash flow management, on the basis of the conducted analysis of activity. Subject of research – financial processes at the company, associated with the formation and movement of cash flows. The object of study is the financial-economic activity. In the process of investigation the analysis of theoretical aspects of the management of cash flows; analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise; the analysis of cash flows of the company. The study proposals have been developed for improving the effectiveness of cash flow management

    Анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на тепловой электростанции

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 55 с., 8 рис., 7 табл., 32 источника, приложений нет. Ключевые слова: электростанция, паротурбинная установка (ПТУ), бинарный цикл, низкопотенциальное рабочее тело (НРТ), эффективность. Объектом исследования является двухконтурная ПТУ с НРТ. Цель работы – провести анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на тепловой электростанции (ТЭС). В работе представлен анализ эффективности использования бинарного цикла ПТУ на ТЭС на основе расчета термического коэффициента полезного действия (КПД) двухконтурной ПТУ с НРТ. В результате исследования выявлено, что термический КПД двухконтурной ПТУ с НРТ больше термического КПД одноконтурной ПТУ на 29,5 %.Graduate qualification work 55 p., 8 pic., 7 tab., 32 references, no appendices. Keywords: power plant, steam tubine plant (STP), binary cycle, low-potential working fluid (LWF), efficiency. Object of investigation is two-curcuit STP with LWF. Work purpose - analyze the efficiency of use binary cycle STP on thermal power plant (TPP). The paper presents the analysis of the effeciency of use binary cycle STP on TPP on the basis of calculation thermal coefficient of performance (COP) two-curcuit STP with LWF. The study revealed that thermal COP two-curcuit STP with LWF more than thermal COP of one-curcuit STP at 29,5 %

    Piezoresistive 3D graphene-PDMS spongy pressure sensors for IoT enabled wearables and smart products

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    Recently, 3D porous graphene-polymer composite-based piezoresistive sensors have drawn great interest of researchers in the field of flexible electronics owing to their ultralightweight nature, compressability, robustness, and excellent electromechanical properties. In this work, we present a facile recipe for developing repeatable, reliable, and linear 3D graphene-PDMS spongy sensors for internet-of-things (IoT)-enabled wearable systems and smart consumer products. Fundamental morphological characterization and sensing performance assessment of the piezoresistive 3D graphene-polymer sensors were conducted to establish its suitability for the development of squeezable, flexible, and skin-mountable human motion sensors. The density and porosity of the sponges were determined to be 250 mgcm-3 and 74% respectively. Mechanical compressive loading tests conducted on the sensors showed an average elastic modulus as low as ~56.7 kPa. Dynamic compressive force-resistance change response tests conducted on four identical sensors revealed a linear piezoresistive response (in the compressive load range 0.42–3.90 N) with an average force sensitivity of 0.209±0.027 N-1. In addition, an accelerated lifetime test comprising 1500 compressive loading cycles (at 3.90 N uniaxial compressive loading) was conducted to demonstrate the long-term reliability of the sensor. To test the applicability of the sensors in smart wearables, four identical graphene-PDMS sponges were configured on the fingertip regions of a soft nitrile glove to develop a pressure sensing smart glove for real-time haptic pressure monitoring. The sensors were also integrated into Philips electronic shaver to realize smart shaving applications with the ability to monitor shaving motions. Furthermore, the readiness of our system for next-generation IoT-enabled applications was demonstrated by integrating the smart glove with an embedded system software utilizing the Arduino-Uno platform. The system was capable of identifying real-time qualitative pressure distribution across the fingertips while grasping daily life objects, thus establishing the suitability of such sensors for next-generation wearables for prosthetics, consumer devices, and personalized healthcare monitoring devices

    Design Principles for Plasmonic Nanoparticle Devices

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    For all applications of plasmonics to technology it is required to tailor the resonance to the optical system in question. This chapter gives an understanding of the design considerations for nanoparticles needed to tune the resonance. First the basic concepts of plasmonics are reviewed with a focus on the physics of nanoparticles. An introduction to the finite element method is given with emphasis on the suitability of the method to nanoplasmonic device simulation. The effects of nanoparticle shape on the spectral position and lineshape of the plasmonic resonance are discussed including retardation and surface curvature effects. The most technologically important plasmonic materials are assessed for device applicability and the importance of substrates in light scattering is explained. Finally the application of plasmonic nanoparticles to photovoltaic devices is discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, part of an edited book: "Linear and Non-Linear Nanoplasmonics

    Missense-depleted regions in population exomes implicate ras superfamily nucleotide-binding protein alteration in patients with brain malformation.

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    Genomic sequence interpretation can miss clinically relevant missense variants for several reasons. Rare missense variants are numerous in the exome and difficult to prioritise. Affected genes may also not have existing disease association. To improve variant prioritisation, we leverage population exome data to identify intragenic missense-depleted regions (MDRs) genome-wide that may be important in disease. We then use missense depletion analyses to help prioritise undiagnosed disease exome variants. We demonstrate application of this strategy to identify a novel gene association for human brain malformation. We identified de novo missense variants that affect the GDP/GTP-binding site of ARF1 in three unrelated patients. Corresponding functional analysis suggests ARF1 GDP/GTP-activation is affected by the specific missense mutations associated with heterotopia. These findings expand the genetic pathway underpinning neurologic disease that classically includes FLNA. ARF1 along with ARFGEF2 add further evidence implicating ARF/GEFs in the brain. Using functional ontology, top MDR-containing genes were highly enriched for nucleotide-binding function, suggesting these may be candidates for human disease. Routine consideration of MDR in the interpretation of exome data for rare diseases may help identify strong genetic factors for many severe conditions, infertility/reduction in reproductive capability, and embryonic conditions contributing to preterm loss

    Coherent magnetic plasmon modes in a contacting gold nano-sphere chain on a gold Slab

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    A coupled magnetic resonator waveguide, composed of a contacting gold nanosphere chain on a gold slab, is proposed and investigated. A broadband coherent magnetic plasmon mode can be excited in this one dimensional nanostructure. By employing the Lagrangian formalism and the Fourier transform method, the dispersion properties of the wave vector and group velocity of the magnetic plasmon mode are investigated. Small group velocity can be obtained from this system which can be applied as subwavelength slow wave waveguides.Comment: 11pages, 5 figures, This work is published at Optics Express 19, 23782 (2011