21 research outputs found


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    O principal objetivo deste artigo é prover um quadro geral das chamadas IDEs (Infraestruturas de Dados Espaciais) Acadêmicas ou Universitárias e a inclusão de IDEs Acadêmicas Locais como nós em uma infraestrutura de dados espaciais mais geral e abrangente (acadêmica ou não). O artigo foi elaborado a partir das proposições da Dr.ª Claire Ellul (University College of London - UCL) e do Dr. Clodoveu Davis Jr (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG) e do trabalho de Castelein et al. (2010). Conclui-se que há um entendimento comum sobre a diferença de qualidade dos dados gerados e dos metadados referentes a dados espaciais produzidos na academia. Propõe-se também, que as entradas para uma IDE Acadêmica devam ser tratadas essencialmente como informação voluntária e a criação de um projeto amplo, objetivando o estabelecimento de uma IDE Acadêmica de modo a permitir a sua integração em uma plataforma SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas)

    Challenges and barriers to connecting World Class Manufacturing and continuous improvement processes to Industry 4.0 paradigms

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    This paper exposes the difficulties in integrating “Industry 4.0 Practices” and “World- Class Manufacturing” due to the rapid expansion of production systems and the increasingly complex data monitoring. The applied methodology was to study multiple cases with the aid of a semi-structured questionnaire. The analysis comprised responses of 15 large companies with different expertise from five countries and three continents. The results show that when a company’s strategy is linked to Industry 4.0 practices and the World-Class Manufacturing method, they boost productivity by monitoring the shop floor, applying analytical tools, and spreading the organisational culture aimed at improving processes. The results also indicate that human resources are essential in this integration. The conclusion indicates robust barriers to the increasing progress of these procedures, such as the costs associated with the use of technologies, the lack of knowledge of the applied methods and tools, the lack of trained and qualified human resources, and the resistance of people to the use and application of the newly adopted practices. The continuous improvement practices do not keep up with the speed of development that the Industry 4.0 practices propose, requiring studies directed to “World-Class Manufacturing” and “Industry 4.0 practices”. Although there is a coexistence of improvement and innovation in world-class manufacturers, the literature has not yet provided a complete understanding of how this coexistence can be achieved at the manufacturing level. Therefore, the paper presents the main actions to overcome these barriers

    Creation of a Multimodal Urban Transportation Network through Spatial Data Integration from Authoritative and Crowdsourced Data

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    One of the most significant challenges in cities concerns urban mobility. Urban mobility involves the use of different modes of transport, which can be individual or collective, and different organizations can produce their respective datasets that, usually, are used isolated from each other. The lack of an integrated view of the entire multimodal urban transportation network (MUTN) brings difficulties to citizens and urban planning. However, obtaining reliable and up-to-date spatial data is not an easy task. To address this problem, we propose a framework for creating a multimodal urban transportation network by integrating spatial data from heterogeneous sources. The framework standardizes the representation of different datasets through a common conceptual model for spatial data (schema matching), uses topological, geometric, and semantic information to find matches among objects from different datasets (data matching), and consolidated them into a single representation using data fusion techniques in a complementary, redundant and cooperative way. Spatial data integration makes it possible to use reliable data from official sources (possibly outdated and expensive to produce) and crowdsourced data (continuously updated and low cost to use). To evaluate the framework, a MUTN for the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte was built integrating authoritative and crowdsourced data (OpenStreetMap, Foursquare, Facebook Places, Google Places, and Yelp), and then it was used to compute routes among eighty locations using four transportation possibilities: walk, drive, transit, and drive–walk. The time and distance of each route were compared against their equivalent from Google Maps, and the results point to a great potential for using the framework in urban computing applications that require an integrated view of the entire multimodal urban transportation network

    Big Data for Natural Disasters in an Urban Railroad Neighborhood: A Systematic Review

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    Landslides and floods are among the most common disasters in Brazil and are responsible for losses on social, environmental, and economic scales, even resulting in deaths. Floods can negatively affect the structure and operations of a railway network, causing travel delays, train service cancellations, and major fines for the railway. The objective of this article is to conduct a bibliographic review of what is available in publications on natural disasters, particularly landslides and floods, big data techniques, and railroads, at international and national levels. A bibliometric analysis was carried out according to the “PRISMA Flow Diagram” guidelines. The analysis in this study was conducted through searches of the following reference databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, and Google Scholar. After the keyword search was completed, the absence of available data and references relating to Brazil was verified. This justified the development of this and other related papers, and the efforts necessary to turn these data into useful information for the managers of cities and environmental institutions. The aim of this study is to fill the gap in the research, focusing on Brazil, related to big data, smart cities, and natural disasters (particularly, landslides and floods), and to propose other papers that can be developed in this subject area

    An Overview of Shared Mobility

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    In a wider understanding, shared mobility can be defined as trip alternatives that aim to maximize the utilization of the mobility resources that a society can pragmatically afford, disconnecting their usage from ownership. Then, shared mobility is the short-term access to shared vehicles according to the user’s needs and convenience. The contributions and added value of this paper are to provide an up-to-date and well-structured review on the area of shared mobility to researchers and practitioners of the transport sector. Hence, this paper presents a bibliographical review of shared mobility and its diverse modalities, as an alternative to individual transportation, especially in cases of individual automobiles or short trips restricted to an urban city. The present literature review on shared modes of transportation has discovered that the introduction of these modes alone will not solve transportation problems in large cities, with elevated and growing motorization rates. However, it can among the strategies employed to help alleviate the problems caused by traffic jams and pollution by reducing the number of vehicles in circulation, congestions, and the urban emission of polluting gases. Thus, the implementation of shared mobility schemes offers the potential to enhance the efficiency, competitiveness, social equity, and quality of life in cities. This paper covers the fundamental aspects of vehicle and/or ride sharing in urban centers, and provides an overview of current shared mobility systems

    Characterization of Black Spot Zones for Vulnerable Road Users in São Paulo (Brazil) and Rome (Italy)

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    Non-motorized transportation modes, especially cycling and walking, offer numerous benefits, including improvements in the livability of cities, healthy physical activity, efficient urban transportation systems, less traffic congestion, less noise pollution, clean air, less impact on climate change and decreases in the incidence of diseases related to vehicular emissions. Considering the substantial number of short-distance trips, the time consumed in traffic jams, the higher costs for parking vehicles and restrictions in central business districts, many commuters have found that non-motorized modes of transportation serve as viable and economical transport alternatives. Thus, local governments should encourage and stimulate non-motorized modes of transportation. In return, governments must provide safe conditions for these forms of transportation, and motorized vehicle users must respect and coexist with pedestrians and cyclists, which are the most vulnerable users of the transportation system. Although current trends in sustainable transport aim to encourage and stimulate non-motorized modes of transportation that are socially more efficient than motorized transportation, few to no safety policies have been implemented regarding vulnerable road users (VRU), mainly in large urban centers. Due to the spatial nature of the data used in transport-related studies, geospatial technologies provide a powerful analytical method for studying VRU safety frameworks through the use of spatial analysis. In this article, spatial analysis is used to determine the locations of regions that are characterized by a concentration of traffic accidents (black zones) involving VRU (injuries and casualties) in São Paulo, Brazil (developing country), and Rome, Italy (developed country). The black zones are investigated to obtain spatial patterns that can cause multiple accidents. A method based on kernel density estimation (KDE) is used to compare the two cities and show economic, social, cultural, demographic and geographic differences and/or similarities and how these factors are linked to the locations of VRU traffic accidents. Multivariate regression analyses (ordinary least squares (OLS) models and spatial regression models) are performed to investigate spatial correlations, to understand the dynamics of VRU road accidents in São Paulo and Rome and to detect factors (variables) that contribute to the occurrences of these events, such as the presence of trip generator hubs (TGH), the number of generated urban trips and demographic data. The adopted methodology presents satisfactory results for identifying and delimiting black spots and establishing a link between VRU traffic accident rates and TGH (hospitals, universities and retail shopping centers) and demographic and transport-related data

    An Analysis of Geospatial Technologies for Risk and Natural Disaster Management

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    This paper discusses the use of spatial data for risk and natural disaster management. The importance of remote-sensing (RS), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data is stressed by comparing studies of the use of these technologies for natural disaster management. Spatial data sharing is discussed in the context of the establishment of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) for natural disasters. Some examples of SDI application in disaster management are analyzed, and the need for participation from organizations and governments to facilitate the exchange of information and to improve preventive and emergency plans is reinforced. Additionally, the potential involvement of citizens in the risk and disaster management process by providing voluntary data collected from volunteered geographic information (VGI) applications is explored. A model relating all of the spatial data-sharing aspects discussed in the article was suggested to elucidate the importance of the issues raised

    Foliar mycoendophytome of an endemic plant of the Mediterranean biome (Myrtus communis) reveals the dominance of basidiomycete woody saprotrophs

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    The true myrtle, Myrtus communis, is a small perennial evergreen tree that occurs in Europe, Africa, and Asia with a circum-Mediterranean geographic distribution. Unfortunately, the Mediterranean Forests, where M. communis occurs, are critically endangered and are currently restricted to small fragmented areas in protected conservation units. In the present work, we performed, for the first time, a metabarcoding study on the spatial variation of fungal community structure in the foliar endophytome of this endemic plant of the Mediterranean biome, using bipartite network analysis as a model. The local bipartite network of Myrtus communis individuals and their foliar endophytic fungi is very low connected, with low nestedness, and moderately high specialization and modularity. Similar network patterns were also retrieved in both culture-dependent and amplicon metagenomics of foliar endophytes in distinct arboreal hosts in varied biomes. Furthermore, the majority of putative fungal endophytes species were basidiomycete woody saprotrophs of the orders Polyporales, Agaricales, and Hymenochaetales. Altogether, these findings suggest a possible adaptation of these wood-decaying fungi to cope with moisture limitation and spatial scarcity of their primary substrate (dead wood), which are totally consistent with the predictions of the viaphytism hypothesis that wood-decomposing fungi inhabit the internal leaf tissue of forest trees in order to enhance dispersal to substrates on the forest floor, by using leaves as vectors and as refugia, during periods of environmental stress.Comissión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT): AGL2008-00572. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior: 2330-10-5/CAPES. CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico of Brazil). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the European Social Funds