19 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Factors in 40^{40}Ca and 208^{208}Pb from (e,ep)(e,e'p): Fully Relativistic Analysis

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    We present results for spectroscopic factors of the outermost shells in 40^{40}Ca and 208^{208}Pb, which have been derived from the comparison between the available quasielastic (e,epe,e'p) data from NIKHEF-K and the corresponding calculated cross-sections obtained within a fully relativistic formalism. We include exactly the effect of Coulomb distortion on the electron wave functions and discuss its role in the extraction of the spectroscopic factors from experiment. Without any adjustable parameter, we find spectroscopic factors of about 70\%, consistent with theoretical predictions. We compare our results with previous relativistic and nonrelativistic analyses of (e,epe,e'p) data. In addition to Coulomb distortion effects we discuss different choices of the nucleon current operator and also analyze the effects due to the relativistic treatment of the outgoing-distorted and bound nucleon wave functions.Comment: 9 pages RevTeX, 5 figures can be obtained from the author

    3s Proton Holes in the Ground State of 208-Pb

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Marketing concept management of development projects

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    Diplomová práca analyzuje a podáva ucelený pohľad na marketing a marketingové aktivity developerskej spoločnosti pri už realizovanom developerskom projekte Panorama City v Bratislave. Marketingové atribúty sú neodmysliteľnou súčasťou developerského projektu v orientácii na svojich zákazníkov, budovania svojho imidžu, nadobúdanie trhového podielu a výhody na konkurenčnom trhu nehnuteľností. Daná tematika a spomenuté skutočnosti sú témou tejto záverečnej práce. Výsledkom diplomovej práce je zhodnotenie stratégie pri danom developerskom projekte a pohľade na princípy riadenia a smerovania stratégie aj pri realizovaní iných developerských projektov. Snahou práce je na základe získaných skutočností formou jednotlivých analýz, konštatovať ich správny alebo nesprávny výber respektíve nájsť najlepšiu možnú variantu riadenia pre spoločnosť na trhu, ktorý sa vyvíja spolu s potencionálnym zákazníkom. Práca je rozdelená na dve časti. Prvá teoretická časť je zameraná na oboznámenie sa so základnými pojmami a procesmi v oblasti stavebného trhu, developerského procesu, analýzami marketingového prostredia a marketingovými stratégiami používanými v oblasti stavebníctva s využitím odbornej a vedeckej literatúry. V druhej časti-praktickej analyzuje konkrétnu slovenskú developerskú spoločnosť a jej už realizovaný developerský projekt a koncipovanie stratégie v oblasti marketingu. Aplikáciou viacerých analýz, ktorými sú SLEPT, Porter a SWOT analýza, poukázať na výsledky a zistenia po ktorých je možné konštatovať prípadné riešenie novej varianty smeru riadenia využiteľný aj pri ostatných projektochThe diploma thesis provides a comprehensive view of marketing activities of development company with already implemented development project Panorama City in Bratislava. Marketing attributes are important part of development projects with orientation of their customers, build their image, acquisition of market share and competitive advantage in the real estate market. All the above mentioned facts are analysed within my project The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the strategy of the development project and looking at managing principles and strategy direction of other already implemented development projects. The main aim of is based on the facts from particular analyses to consider right or wrong seepage respectively find the best possible option for the management of the company on the market that develops along with potential customers. My project is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part is focused on familiarization with the basic concepts and processes in the area of construction the development process, analyze marketing environment and marketing strategies used in the construction using technical and scientific literature. In the second part-practical one focuses on analysis of specific Slovak development company and its already implemented a development project, and drafting strategies for marketing in the project. By applying a number of analyzes, which are blind, Porter and SWOT analysis highlight the results and findings after which it can be concluded any new variant of solution management direction and useful for other projects.

    High-resolution (e,e'p) study of the 1/2+ state at 6.79 MeV in 11B

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    The spectral function for the reaction 12C(e,e′p) 11B leading to the 1/2+ state at 6.79 MeV in 11B has been measured. The excitation of this non-normal parity state indicates the presence of wave function components beyond the 1p shell. A shell-model calculation, performed in a large configuration space, yields a fair description of the shape of the momentum distribution