17,224 research outputs found

    Modelling and evaluation of pulsed and pulse phase thermography through application of composite and metallic case studies

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    A transient thermal finite element model has been created of the pulsed thermography (PT) and pulse phase thermography (PPT) experimental procedure. The model has been experimentally validated through the application of four case studies of varying geometries and materials. Materials used include aluminium, carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) and adhesively bonded joints. The same four case studies have also formed a basis for comparison between three experimental techniques: PT, PPT and the more established ultrasonic (UT) c-scan.Results show PPT to be advantageous over PT due to its deeper probing as it is less influenced by surface features. Whilst UT is able to reveal all the defects in these case studies, the time consuming nature of the process is a significant disadvantage compared to the full field thermography methods.Overall, the model has achieved good correlation for the case studies considered and it was found that the main limiting factor of the PT model accuracy was knowledge of thermal material properties such as conductivity and specific heat. Where these properties were accurately known the model performed very well in comparison with experimental results. PPT modelling performed less well due to the method of processing the PT data which aims to emphasise small differences. Hence inaccuracies in inputted values such as material properties have a much greater influence on the modelled PPT data. The model enables a better understanding of PT and PPT and provides a means of establishing the experimental set-up parameters required for different components, allowing the experimental technique to be appropriately tailored to more complex situations including bonded joints or structures where several materials are present.The paper ends with a section on defect detectability based on thermal diffusivity contrast between the defect and the bulk material. It shows that in aluminium, because of its higher conductivity, greater thermal contrast is achieved for small differences in diffusivity. Regions where the diffusivity ratio between defect and bulk materials was insufficient to provide thermal contrast for defect identification were found. PPT phase data is shown to reduce the extent of such regions increasing the detectability of defects. Effusivity is introduced as a means of determining the thermal contrast between the defect and non-defective areas and hence establishing the defect detectability

    Effects of Extreme Obliquity Variations on the Habitability of Exoplanets

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    We explore the impact of obliquity variations on planetary habitability in hypothetical systems with high mutual inclination. We show that large amplitude, high frequency obliquity oscillations on Earth-like exoplanets can suppress the ice-albedo feedback, increasing the outer edge of the habitable zone. We restrict our exploration to hypothetical systems consisting of a solar-mass star, an Earth-mass planet at 1 AU, and 1 or 2 larger planets. We verify that these systems are stable for 10810^8 years with N-body simulations, and calculate the obliquity variations induced by the orbital evolution of the Earth-mass planet and a torque from the host star. We run a simplified energy balance model on the terrestrial planet to assess surface temperature and ice coverage on the planet's surface, and we calculate differences in the outer edge of the habitable zone for planets with rapid obliquity variations. For each hypothetical system, we calculate the outer edge of habitability for two conditions: 1) the full evolution of the planetary spin and orbit, and 2) the eccentricity and obliquity fixed at their average values. We recover previous results that higher values of fixed obliquity and eccentricity expand the habitable zone, but also find that obliquity oscillations further expand habitable orbits in all cases. Terrestrial planets near the outer edge of the habitable zone may be more likely to support life in systems that induce rapid obliquity oscillations as opposed to fixed-spin planets. Such planets may be the easiest to directly characterize with space-borne telescopes.Comment: 46 pages, 12 Figures, 5 Table

    Orbital Decay of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Clumpy Multiphase Merger Remnants

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    We simulate an equal-mass merger of two Milky Way-size galaxy discs with moderate gas fractions at parsec-scale resolution including a new model for radiative cooling and heating in a multi-phase medium, as well as star formation and feedback from supernovae. The two discs initially have a 2.6×106 M⊙2.6\times10^6\mathrm{~M_{\odot}} supermassive black hole (SMBH) embedded in their centers. As the merger completes and the two galactic cores merge, the SMBHs form a a pair with a separation of a few hundred pc that gradually decays. Due to the stochastic nature of the system immediately following the merger, the orbital plane of the binary is significantly perturbed. Furthermore, owing to the strong starburst the gas from the central region is completely evacuated, requiring ∼10\sim10~Myr for a nuclear disc to rebuild. Most importantly, the clumpy nature of the interstellar medium has a major impact on the the dynamical evolution of the SMBH pair, which undergo gravitational encounters with massive gas clouds and stochastic torquing by both clouds and spiral modes in the disk. These effects combine to greatly delay the decay of the two SMBHs to separations of a few parsecs by nearly two orders of magnitude, ∼108\sim 10^8 yr, compared to previous work. In mergers of more gas-rich, clumpier galaxies at high redshift stochastic torques will be even more pronounced and potentially lead to stronger modulation of the orbital decay. This suggests that SMBH pairs at separations of several tens of parsecs should be relatively common at any redshift.Comment: submitted to MNRAS; Comments very welcom

    Capacitive pressure transducer system

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    Closed loop capacitive pressure transducer with extended frequency response for very low pressure measurement

    Asteroids Observed by The Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We announce the first public release of the SDSS Moving Object Catalog, with SDSS observations for 58,117 asteroids. The catalog lists astrometric and photometric data for moving objects observed prior to Dec 15, 2001, and also includes orbital elements for 10,592 previously known objects. We analyze the correlation between the orbital parameters and optical colors for the known objects, and confirm that asteroid dynamical families, defined as clusters in orbital parameter space, also strongly segregate in color space. Their distinctive optical colors indicate that the variations in chemical composition within a family are much smaller than the compositional differences between families, and strongly support earlier suggestions that asteroids belonging to a particular family have a common origin.Comment: 6 pages, 1 color figure, to be presented at "Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation", SPIE 200

    Single-Molecule Junction Conductance through Diaminoacenes

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    The study of electron transport through single molecules is essential to the development of molecular electronics. Indeed, trends in electronic conductance through organic nanowires have emerged with the increasing reliability of electron transport measurements at the single-molecule level. Experimental and theoretical work has shown that tunneling distance, HOMO-LUMO gap and molecular conformation influence electron transport in both saturated and pi-conjugated nanowires. However, there is relatively little experimental data on electron transport through fused aromatic rings. Here we show using diaminoacenes that conductivity depends not only on the number of fused aromatic rings in the molecule, which defines the molecular HOMO-LUMO gap, but also on the position of the amino groups on the rings. Specifically, we find that conductance is highest with minimal disruption of aromaticity in fused aromatic nanowires.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Galaxy Formation with local photoionisation feedback I. Methods

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    We present a first study of the effect of local photoionising radiation on gas cooling in smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of galaxy formation. We explore the combined effect of ionising radiation from young and old stellar populations. The method computes the effect of multiple radiative sources using the same tree algorithm used for gravity, so it is computationally efficient and well resolved. The method foregoes calculating absorption and scattering in favour of a constant escape fraction for young stars to keep the calculation efficient enough to simulate the entire evolution of a galaxy in a cosmological context to the present day. This allows us to quantify the effect of the local photoionisation feedback through the whole history of a galaxy`s formation. The simulation of a Milky Way like galaxy using the local photoionisation model forms ~ 40 % less stars than a simulation that only includes a standard uniform background UV field. The local photoionisation model decreases star formation by increasing the cooling time of the gas in the halo and increasing the equilibrium temperature of dense gas in the disc. Coupling the local radiation field to gas cooling from the halo provides a preventive feedback mechanism which keeps the central disc light and produces slowly rising rotation curves without resorting to extreme feedback mechanisms. These preliminary results indicate that the effect of local photoionising sources is significant and should not be ignored in models of galaxy formation.Comment: Accepted for Publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 13 figure
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