6 research outputs found

    Synergistic Activity between Two Antifungal Proteins, the Plant Defensin NaD1 and the Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor

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    ABSTRACT Defensins are a large family of small, cationic, cysteine-rich proteins that are part of the defense arsenal that plants use for protection against potentially damaging fungal infections. The plant defensin NaD1 from Nicotiana alata is a potent antifungal protein that inhibits growth and kills a variety of fungal pathogens that affect both plant and animal (human) hosts. Some serine protease inhibitors have also been reported to be antifungal molecules, while others have no inhibitory activity against fungi. Here we describe the synergistic activity of the plant defensin NaD1 with a selection of serine protease inhibitors against the plant pathogens Fusarium graminearum and Colletotrichum graminicola and the animal pathogen Candida albicans. The synergistic activity was not related to the protease inhibitory activity of these molecules but may arise from activation of fungal stress response pathways. The bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) displayed the most synergy with NaD1. BPTI also acted synergistically with several other antifungal molecules. The observation that NaD1 acts synergistically with protease inhibitors provides the foundation for the design of transgenic plants with improved resistance to fungal disease. It also supports the possibility of naturally occurring accessory factors that function to enhance the activity of innate immunity peptides in biological systems. IMPORTANCE This work describes the increased activity of a natural antifungal peptide in the presence of another antifungal peptide from a different family. This is termed antifungal synergy. Synergy is important for decreasing the amount of antifungal molecule needed to control the disease. Traditionally, naturally occurring antifungal molecules are assayed in isolation. Identification of synergistic interactions between antifungal peptides means that their activities in a complex biological system are likely to be different from what we observe when examining them individually. This study identified synergy between an antifungal peptide and a group of peptides that do not affect fungal growth in vitro. This provides the foundation for generation of transgenic plants with increased resistance to fungal disease and identification of antifungal accessory factors that enhance the activity of innate immune molecules but do not have an antifungal effect on their own

    High-affinity cyclic peptide matriptase inhibitors

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    The type II transmembrane serine protease matriptase is a key activator of multiple signaling pathways associated with cell proliferation and modification of the extracellular matrix. Deregulated matriptase activity correlates with a number of diseases, including cancer and hence highly selective matriptase inhibitors may have therapeutic potential. The plant-derived cyclic peptide, sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), is a promising drug scaffold with potent matriptase inhibitory activity. In the current study we have analyzed the structure-activity relationships of SFTI-1 and Momordica cochinchinensis trypsin inhibitor-II (MCoTI-II), a structurally divergent trypsin inhibitor from Momordica cochinchinensis that also contains a cyclic backbone. We show that MCoTI-II is a significantly more potent matriptase inhibitor than SFTI-1 and that all alanine mutants of both peptides, generated using positional scanning mutagenesis, have decreased trypsin affinity, whereas several mutations either maintain or result in enhanced matriptase inhibitory activity. These intriguing results were used to design one of the most potent matriptase inhibitors known to date with a 290 pM equilibrium dissociation constant, and provide the first indication on how to modulate affinity for matriptase over trypsin in cyclic peptides. This information might be useful for the design of more selective and therapeutically relevant inhibitors of matriptase

    A suite of kinetically superior AEP ligases can cyclise an intrinsically disordered protein

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    Asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs) are a class of enzymes commonly associated with proteolysis in the maturation of seed storage proteins. However, a subset of AEPs work preferentially as peptide ligases, coupling release of a leaving group to formation of a new peptide bond. These “ligase-type” AEPs require only short recognition motifs to ligate a range of targets, making them useful tools in peptide and protein engineering for cyclisation of peptides or ligation of separate peptides into larger products. Here we report the recombinant expression, ligase activity and cyclisation kinetics of three new AEPs from the cyclotide producing plant Oldenlandia affinis with superior kinetics to the prototypical recombinant AEP ligase OaAEP1b. These AEPs work preferentially as ligases at both acidic and neutral pH and we term them “canonical AEP ligases” to distinguish them from other AEPs where activity preferences shift according to pH. We show that these ligases intrinsically favour ligation over hydrolysis, are highly efficient at cyclising two unrelated peptides and are compatible with organic co-solvents. Finally, we demonstrate the broad scope of recombinant AEPs in biotechnology by the backbone cyclisation of an intrinsically disordered protein, the 25 kDa malarial vaccine candidate Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2)

    Salt-tolerant antifungal and antibacterial activities of the corn defensin ZmD32

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    Pathogenic microbes are developing resistance to established antibiotics, making the development of novel antimicrobial molecules paramount. One major resource for discovery of antimicrobials is the arsenal of innate immunity molecules that are part of the first line of pathogen defense in many organisms. Gene encoded cationic antimicrobial peptides are a major constituent of innate immune arsenals. Many of these peptides exhibit potent antimicrobial activity in vitro. However, a major hurdle that has impeded their development for use in the clinic is the loss of activity at physiological salt concentrations, attributed to weakening of the electrostatic interactions between the cationic peptide and anionic surfaces of the microbial cells in the presence of salt. Using plant defensins we have investigated the relationship between the charge of an antimicrobial peptide and its activity in media with elevated salt concentrations. Plant defensins are a large class of antifungal peptides that have remarkable stability at extremes of pH and temperature as well as resistance to protease digestion. A search of a database of over 1200 plant defensins identified ZmD32, a defensin from Zea mays, with a predicted charge of +10.1 at pH 7, the highest of any defensin in the database. Recombinant ZmD32 retained activity against a range of fungal species in media containing elevated concentrations of salt. In addition, ZmD32 was active against Candida albicans biofilms as well as both Gram negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This broad spectrum antimicrobial activity, combined with a low toxicity on human cells make ZmD32 an attractive lead for development of future antimicrobial molecules

    The Plant Defensin Ppdef1 Is a Novel Topical Treatment for Onychomycosis

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    Onychomycosis, or fungal nail infection, causes not only pain and discomfort but can also have psychological and social consequences for the patient. Treatment of onychomycosis is complicated by the location of the infection under the nail plate, meaning that antifungal molecules must either penetrate the nail or be applied systemically. Currently, available treatments are limited by their poor nail penetration for topical products or their potential toxicity for systemic products. Plant defensins with potent antifungal activity have the potential to be safe and effective treatments for fungal infections in humans. The cystine-stabilized structure of plant defensins makes them stable to the extremes of pH and temperature as well as digestion by proteases. Here, we describe a novel plant defensin, Ppdef1, as a peptide for the treatment of fungal nail infections. Ppdef1 has potent, fungicidal activity against a range of human fungal pathogens, including Candida spp., Cryptococcus spp., dermatophytes, and non-dermatophytic moulds. In particular, Ppdef1 has excellent activity against dermatophytes that infect skin and nails, including the major etiological agent of onychomycosis Trichophyton rubrum. Ppdef1 also penetrates human nails rapidly and efficiently, making it an excellent candidate for a novel topical treatment of onychomycosis