12 research outputs found

    A compreensão verbal e a leitura em crianças com e sem retraso leitor

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    Objective. This study aims to describe differences between performance in reading tasks and the level of verbal comprehension in subjects, with and without reading delay, as the relationship between both measures. Method. For this purpose, the reading subtests of the Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI) and the verbal comprehension index of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) were used. The sample consisted of 40 children, aged from 7 to 9 years old, in 2nd to 4th grade, from a low socioeconomic strata school in Cali, and with an intelligence quotient (IQ) which averaged 86 Participants were divided into two groups; 20 with reading disabilities and 20 who were normal readers, according to the scores obtained in the ENI reading tasks. Results. The results showed differences between the perfomances of both groups of children, as well as a significant positive correlation between ICV and reading comprehension of the ENI. Conclusion. These results are in accordance with the hypothesis that states that oral language development is one of the most important facilitators of learning in reading acquisition, because while children understand what they say and what they are told, they will be able to make sense of what they read.Objetivo. Describir diferencias entre el desempeño en tareas de lectura y de comprensión verbal en niños con y sin retraso lector, así como la relación entre ambos tipos de desempeños. Método. Se utilizaron tareas de lectura de la Evaluación neuropsicológica infantil (ENI) y el Índice de Comprensión Verbal (ICV) de la escala de inteligencia Wechsler (WISC-IV) para niños. Los participantes fueron 40 niños de ambos sexos, entre 7 y 9 años de edad, quienes cursaban entre 2° y 4° grado de primaria en un colegio de estrato socioeconómico bajo de la ciudad de Cali, con un coeficiente intelectual (CI) promedio de 86. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos, 20 niños que presentaban retraso lector y 20 niños con un desarrollo lector típico, según los puntajes obtenidos en las tareas de lectura de la ENI. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias en el rendimiento de ambos grupos de niños evaluados, así como una correlación significativa entre el ICV y el subdominio de comprensión de la ENI. Conclusión. Estos resultados son acordes con la hipótesis de que el desarrollo del lenguaje oral es uno de los principales facilitadores en la adquisición del aprendizaje de la lectura, puesto que en la medida en que el niño comprende la semántica oral, estará con mejor preparación para dotar de significado lo leído.Escopo. Descrever as diferenças entre o desempenho em tarefas de leitura e compreensão verbal em crianças com e sem atraso, ea relação entre os dois tipos de performances. Metodologia. Foram utilizadas tarefas de leitura da Avaliação Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI por suas siglas em espanhol) e o índice de Compreensão Verbal (ICV) da escada de inteligência Wechsler (WISC-IV) para crianças. Os participantes foram 40 crianças de ambos sexos, entre 7 e 9 anos de idade, que cursavam entre 2 e 4 grado de primária em um colégio de baixa extração socioeconômica na cidade de Cali, com um coeficiente intelectual (CI) com 86 como média. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos, 20 crianças que presentavam retraso leitor e 20 crianças com um desenvolvimento leitor típico, segundo as pontuações obtidas nas tarefas de leitura da ENI . Resultados. em grupos Mabos, ICV e compreensão do IPD foram encontrados. correlações foram achadas diferenças significativas entre o desempenho de ambos grupos das crianças avaliadas, e uma correlação significativa entre o ICV e subdomínio de compreensão de leitura da ENI. Conclusão. Estes resultados estão acordes com a hipótese de que o desenvolvimento da linguagem oral é um dos principais facilitadores a aquisição da aprendizagem da leitura, posto que na medida em que a criança compreende a semântica oral estará melhor preparada para dotar de sentido o que lê

    New drilling of the early Aptian OAE1a : the Cau core (Prebetic Zone, south-eastern Spain)

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    The Cretaceous was punctuated by several episodes of accelerated global change, defined as Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs), that reflect abrupt changes in global carbon cycling. The Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a; 120 Ma) represents an excellent example, recorded in all major ocean basins, and associated with massive burial of organic matter in marine sediments. The OAE1a is concomitant with the "nannoconid crisis", which is characterized by a major biotic turnover, and a widespread demise of carbonate platforms. Many studies have been published over the last decades on OAE1a's from different sections in the world, and provide a detailed C-isotope stratigraphy for the event. Nevertheless, new high-resolution studies across the event are essential to shed light on the precise timing and rates of the multiple environmental and biotic changes that occurred during this critical period of Earth history. <br><br> Here we present a new drill core recovering an Aptian section spanning the OAE1a in southern Spain. The so-called Cau section was drilled in the last quarter of 2015. The Cau section is located in the easternmost part of the Prebetic Zone (Betic Cordillera), which represents platform deposits of the southern Iberian palaeomargin. The lower Aptian deposits of the Cau section belong to a hemipelagic unit (Almadich Formation), deposited in a highly subsident sector of the distal parts of the Prebetic Platform. Previous work on the early Aptian of the Cau succession has focused on stratigraphy, bioevents, C-isotope stratigraphy, and organic and elemental geochemistry. A more recent study based on biomarkers has presented a detailed record of the <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> evolution across the OAE1a (Naafs et al., 2016). All these studies reveal that the Cau section represents an excellent site to further investigate the OAE1a, based on its unusually high sedimentation rate and stratigraphic continuity, the quality and preservation of fossils, and the well-expressed geochemical signatures

    Datos quimico-oceanograficos de la ria de Pontevedra en invierno Parte 1

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Annuaire 2007-2008

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