28 research outputs found

    Consequences of PPARα Invalidation on Glutathione Synthesis: Interactions with Dietary Fatty Acids

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    Glutathione (GSH) derives from cysteine and plays a key role in redox status. GSH synthesis is determined mainly by cysteine availability and Îł-glutamate cysteine ligase (ÎłGCL) activity. Because PPARα activation is known to control the metabolism of certain amino acids, GSH synthesis from cysteine and related metabolisms were explored in wild-type (WT) and PPARα-null (KO) mice, fed diets containing either saturated (COCO diet) or 18 : 3 n-3, LIN diet. In mice fed the COCO diet, but not in those fed the LIN diet, PPARα deficiency enhanced hepatic GSH content and ÎłGCL activity, superoxide dismutase 2 mRNA levels, and plasma uric acid concentration, suggesting an oxidative stress. In addition, in WT mice, the LIN diet increased the hepatic GSH pool, without effect on ÎłGCL activity, or change in target gene expression, which rules out a direct effect of PPARα. This suggests that dietary 18 : 3 n-3 may regulate GSH metabolism and thus mitigate the deleterious effects of PPARα deficiency on redox status, without direct PPARα activation

    Consequences of PPARα Invalidation on Glutathione Synthesis: Interactions with Dietary Fatty Acids

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    Glutathione (GSH) derives from cysteine and plays a key role in redox status. GSH synthesis is determined mainly by cysteine availability and γ-glutamate cysteine ligase (γGCL) activity. Because PPARα activation is known to control the metabolism of certain amino acids, GSH synthesis from cysteine and related metabolisms were explored in wild-type (WT) and PPARα-null (KO) mice, fed diets containing either saturated (COCO diet) or 18 : 3 n-3, LIN diet. In mice fed the COCO diet, but not in those fed the LIN diet, PPARα deficiency enhanced hepatic GSH content and γGCL activity, superoxide dismutase 2 mRNA levels, and plasma uric acid concentration, suggesting an oxidative stress. In addition, in WT mice, the LIN diet increased the hepatic GSH pool, without effect on γGCL activity, or change in target gene expression, which rules out a direct effect of PPARα. This suggests that dietary 18 : 3 n-3 may regulate GSH metabolism and thus mitigate the deleterious effects of PPARα deficiency on redox status, without direct PPARα activation

    Effets des acides gras conjugués sur les composantes de la dépense énergétique chez la souris et le hamster

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    We measured the effects of feeding conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) on the various components of energy expenditure in two species known to react differently to CLA treatments, the hamster and the mouse. We measured in particular resting energy expenditure, and the metabolic responses to feeding and treadmill exercise. Our results confirmed the poor responsivenes of hamsters and the high sensibility of mice. In agreement with the lack of effects of CLAs on body weight and body composition in hamsters, we did not find any significant effects on the various components of energy expenditure. Mice responded to CLA feeding by a complete inhibition in the development of the white adipose tissue, but we observed only marginal effects of the components of energy expenditure, and it was difficult to separate the metabolic alterations that resulted from the energy deficit and those that could be specifically attributed to CLAs feeding. However, the possibility that a high spontaneous activity together with the progressive development of a form of insulin resistance participate in the lipoatrophy observed in mice

    Dietary magnesium intake alters age-related changes in rat adipose tissue cellularity

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    Obesity and related metabolic diseases are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We have previously shown the beneficial effects of dietary magnesium (Mg) supplementation on cardiovascular disease in rats. Therefore, we aimed to examine the effect of an Mg-deficient or supplemented diet on adipose tissue cellularity changes during aging, and on blood pressure (BP), in rats. Male rats received for one (young adult) or 22 months (old), an Mg-deficient (Def) (150 mg/kg), standard (Std) (800 mg/kg) or Mg-supplemented (Sup) (3200 mg/kg) diet. Adipose tissue development and cellularity, BP and leptinemia were evaluated. In rats fed a standard diet, the large increase in adipose tissue weight observed during aging was related to an increase in both size and number of adipocytes. In young adult rats, although adiposity was unchanged, Mg supplementation resulted in a shift of the frequency distribution of adipocytes toward greater sizes, adipose cell weight increasing by 62%. Mg deficiency did not modify adipocyte size, but increased their number (30% more than for the standard or Sup-diet). In old rats, the Def-diet led to relative adipocyte hypotrophy, which was counterbalanced by an increase in the number of adipocyte. Conversely, adipocyte size and number were similar in the Sup-diet and standard diet-fed rats. BP was modified in old rats according to dietary Mg, whereas it remained unchanged young adult rats regardless of the diet received. This study suggests that Mg intake may affect age-related changes in rat adipose tissue lipid storage capacity

    L'inflammation postprandiale Ă  bas bruit n'implique pas la voie TLR4 chez le rat

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    International audiencedu syndrome mĂ©tabolique, en particulier par l'installation d'une inflammation Ă  bas bruit. Au plan expĂ©rimental, un repasriche en AGS et en sucre induit transitoirement un ensemble de rĂ©actions inflammatoires postprandiales vasculaires etsystĂ©miques (ERIPP). L’ERIPP est associĂ© Ă  une activation de la voie inflammatoire NF-kB dans le tissu adipeux (TA)viscĂ©ral. Le rĂ©cepteur TLR4, connu pour ĂȘtre activĂ© par les AGS, pourrait jouer un rĂŽle important dans cette activation,mais il n’existe pas Ă  ce jour de preuve directe en pĂ©riode postprandiale (PP). Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©terminer l'implicationde l’activation de TLR4 dans la survenue de l’ERIPP.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes: Etude 1. CinĂ©tique PP plasmatique. Selon un dispositif croisĂ©, 12 rats mĂąles Ă  jeun ont reçu pari.v. soit un inhibiteur spĂ©cifique de TLR4 (INH) soit le vĂ©hicule de l'inhibiteur comme tĂ©moin (VEH), puis un repas decharge gras et sucrĂ© par gavage 5 min aprĂšs. Du sang a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ© Ă  jeun, puis 1, 2, 3, 4 et 6 h aprĂšs gavage. Unesemaine a sĂ©parĂ© les deux explorations sur chaque rat. Les marqueurs plasmatiques mĂ©taboliques (glucose,triglycĂ©rides), inflammatoires systĂ©miques (IL-6, IL-1ÎČ, MCP-1, PAI-1) et vasculaires (ICAM-1, E-sĂ©lectine) ont Ă©tĂ©mesurĂ©s Ă  chaque temps. Statistiques : modĂšle mixte pour donnĂ©es rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es.Etude 2. Inflammation PP tissulaire. Selon un dispositif en parallĂšle, 20 rats mĂąles Ă  jeun ont reçu l'INH ou le VEH par i.v.(10 rats par groupe), puis le mĂȘme repas de charge. Du sang a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ© avant et 3h aprĂšs le repas, puis le foie et leTA Ă©pididymaire ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s. L'activation de NF-kB a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e dans le TA, et l'expression gĂ©nique (IL-6, IL-1ÎČ,TNFα, PAI-1, MCP-1, TLR4 et TLR2) a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e dans le TA et le foie. Statistiques : test t de Student aprĂšsnormalisation.RĂ©sultats et Analyse statistique: Etude 1. CinĂ©tique PP plasmatique. Le pic de glycĂ©mie est atteint 1h aprĂšs gavage, etles triglycĂ©rides atteignent un plateau au bout de 3h. Les marqueurs inflammatoires augmentent significativement pour IL-6 (x5) et PAI-1 (x4), avec des maximums 3-4h aprĂšs gavage, mais pas pour les autres marqueurs. ComparĂ© au VEH,l'INH ne modifie aucune des cinĂ©tiques PP. Les prĂ©lĂšvements de l'Etude 2, ont donc Ă©tĂ© faits 3 heures aprĂšs gavage.Etude 2. Inflammation PP tissulaire. Trois heures aprĂšs gavage, le taux d'ARNm dans le TA est beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©dans le groupe INH vs VEH pour IL-1ÎČ (x130), IL-6 (x55), TNFα (x45), MCP-1 (x25) et PAI-1 (x2). L’INH n’a pas eu d’effetsur TLR4, mais a accru l’expression de TLR2 (x9) avec une tendance Ă  l’augmentation de la translocation de NF-kB (x3,NS). Dans le foie, l'INH a accru l'expression de IL-1ÎČ (x3), TNFα (x3), et MCP-1 (x3) et TLR2 (x2), mais pas d’IL-6 ou dePAI-1, et sans effet significatif sur les TLR. Cette augmentation paradoxale de la transcription de gĂšnes-ciblesinflammatoires pourrait donc s’expliquer par une activation compensatoire de TLR2.Conclusion: Dans nos conditions, en rĂ©ponse Ă  un inhibiteur spĂ©cifique de TLR4, l'inflammation postprandiale Ă  basbruit, mesurĂ©e au niveau circulant, se maintient au niveau de celui du groupe tĂ©moin. Elle reposerait donc sur desmĂ©canismes autres que l’activation de TLR4