94 research outputs found

    Subtle interactions for distress regulation: efficiency of a haptic wearable according to personality

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    The incorporation of empathic systems in everyday life draws a lot of attention from society. Specifically, the use of wearables to perform stress regulation is a growing field of research. Among techniques explored, the haptic emulation of lowered physiological signals has been suggested to be promising. However, some discrepancies remain in empirical research focusing on such biofeedback (BF) regarding their efficacy, and the mechanisms underlying the effects of these wearables remains unclear. Moreover, the influence of individual traits on the efficiency of BF has been marginally studied, while it has been shown that personality could impact both stress and its regulation. The aim of this study is to investigate the outcome of interactions with these technologies from a psycho-physiological standpoint, but also to explore whether personality may influence its efficiency when other interaction devices are present. Participants had to play a challenging game while a lowered haptic BF of their heart rate was induced on their wrist. Results showed variable efficiency of the wearable among the participants: a subjective relaxation was evident for the participants exhibiting the highest neurotic and extraverted traits score. Our results highlight the plurality of the modes of action of these techniques, depending on the individual and on the level of stress to regulate. This study also suggests that tailoring these regulation methods to individual characteristics, such as personality traits, is important to consider, and proposes perspectives regarding the investigation of stress and regulation systems embedded in wearables

    A reference bacterial genome dataset generated on the MinIONâ„¢ portable single-molecule nanopore sequencer

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    BACKGROUND: The MinIONâ„¢ is a new, portable single-molecule sequencer developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. It measures four inches in length and is powered from the USB 3.0 port of a laptop computer. The MinIONâ„¢ measures the change in current resulting from DNA strands interacting with a charged protein nanopore. These measurements can then be used to deduce the underlying nucleotide sequence. FINDINGS: We present a read dataset from whole-genome shotgun sequencing of the model organism Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 generated on a MinIONâ„¢ device during the early-access MinIONâ„¢ Access Program (MAP). Sequencing runs of the MinIONâ„¢ are presented, one generated using R7 chemistry (released in July 2014) and one using R7.3 (released in September 2014). CONCLUSIONS: Base-called sequence data are provided to demonstrate the nature of data produced by the MinIONâ„¢ platform and to encourage the development of customised methods for alignment, consensus and variant calling, de novo assembly and scaffolding. FAST5 files containing event data within the HDF5 container format are provided to assist with the development of improved base-calling methods

    Complete Closed Genome Sequence of Nontoxigenic Invasive Corynebacterium diphtheriae bv. mitis Strain ISS 3319

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    The genome sequence of the human pathogen Corynebacterium diphtheriae bv. mitis strain ISS 3319 was determined and closed in this study. The genome is estimated to have 2,404,936 bp encoding 2,257 proteins. This strain also possesses a plasmid of 1,960 bp

    Tracking arboviruses, their transmission vectors and potential hosts by nanopore sequencing of mosquitoes

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    The risk to human health from mosquito-borne viruses such as dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever is increasing due to increased human expansion, deforestation and climate change. To anticipate and predict the spread and transmission of mosquito-borne viruses, a better understanding of the transmission cycle in mosquito populations is needed. We present a pathogen-agnostic combined sequencing protocol for identifying vectors, viral pathogens and their hosts or reservoirs using portable Oxford Nanopore sequencing. Using mosquitoes collected in São Paulo, Brazil, we extracted RNA for virus identification and DNA for blood meal and mosquito identification. Mosquitoes and blood meals were identified by comparing cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences against a curated Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). Viruses were identified using the SMART-9N protocol, which allows amplified DNA to be prepared with native barcoding for nanopore sequencing. Kraken 2 was employed to detect viral pathogens and Minimap2 and BOLD identified the contents of the blood meal. Due to the high similarity of some species, mosquito identification was conducted using blast after generation of consensus COI sequences using RACON polishing. This protocol can simultaneously uncover viral diversity, mosquito species and mosquito feeding habits. It also has the potential to increase understanding of mosquito genetic diversity and transmission dynamics of zoonotic mosquito-borne viruses.</p

    Genomic epidemiology of Human Adenovirus F40 and F41 in Coastal Kenya : a retrospective hospital-based surveillance study (2013-2022)

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    Human adenovirus species F (HAdV-F) is a leading cause of childhood diarrhoeal deaths. Genomic analysis would be key for understanding transmission dynamics, potential drivers of disease severity, transmission dynamics, and for vaccine development. However, currently there are limited HAdV-F genomic data globally. Here, we sequenced and analysed HAdV-F from stool samples collected in coastal Kenya between 2013 and 2022. The samples were collected at Kilifi County Hospital in coastal, Kenya, from children &amp;lt; 13 years of age who reported a history of ≥ 3 loose stools in the previous 24hrs. The genomes were analyzed together with data from the rest of the world by phylogenetic analysis and mutational profiling. Types and lineages were assigned based on phylogenetic clustering consistent with previously described criteria and nomenclature. Participant clinical and demographic data were linked to genotypic data. Of 91 cases identified using real-time PCR, 88 near-complete genomes were assembled, and these classified into HAdV-F40 (n=41) and F41 (n=47). These types cocirculated throughout the study period. Three and four distinct lineages were observed for HAdV-F40 (Lineage 1-3) and F41 (Lineage 1, 2A, 3A, 3C and 3D). Types F40 and F41 coinfections were observed in five samples, and F41 and B7 in one sample. Two children with F40 and 41 coinfections were also infected with rotavirus and had moderate and severe disease as defined using the Vesikari Scoring System, respectively. Intratypic recombination was found in 4 HAdV-F40 sequences occurring between lineages 1 and 3. None of the HAdV-F41 cases had jaundice. This study provides evidence of extensive genetic diversity, coinfections, and recombination within HAdV-F40 in a rural coastal Kenya that will inform public health policy, vaccine development that includes the locally circulating lineages, and molecular diagnostic assay development. We recommend future comprehensive studies elucidating on HAdV-F genetic diversity and immunity for rational vaccine development

    Unusual Ebola Virus Chain of Transmission, Conakry, Guinea, 2014-2015

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    In October 2015, a new case of Ebola virus disease in Guinea was detected. Case investigation, serology, and whole-genome sequencing indicated possible transmission of the virus from an Ebola virus disease survivor to another person and then to the case-patient reported here. This transmission chain over 11 months suggests slow Ebola virus evolution

    Rapid draft sequencing and real-time nanopore sequencing in a hospital outbreak of Salmonella

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    Background: Foodborne outbreaks of Salmonella remain a pressing public health concern. We recently detected a large outbreak of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis phage type 14b affecting more than 30 patients in our hospital. This outbreak was linked to community, national and European-wide cases. Hospital patients with Salmonella are at high risk, and require a rapid response. We initially investigated this outbreak by whole-genome sequencing using a novel rapid protocol on the Illumina MiSeq; we then integrated these data with whole-genome data from surveillance sequencing, thereby placing the outbreak in a national context. Additionally, we investigated the potential of a newly released sequencing technology, the MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, in the management of a hospital outbreak of Salmonella. Results: We demonstrate that rapid MiSeq sequencing can reduce the time to answer compared to the standard sequencing protocol with no impact on the results. We show, for the first time, that the MinION can acquire clinically relevant information in real time and within minutes of a DNA library being loaded. MinION sequencing permits confident assignment to species level within 20 min. Using a novel streaming phylogenetic placement method samples can be assigned to a serotype in 40 min and determined to be part of the outbreak in less than 2 h. Conclusions: Both approaches yielded reliable and actionable clinical information on the Salmonella outbreak in less than half a day. The rapid availability of such information may facilitate more informed epidemiological investigations and influence infection control practices

    A neural circuit model of decision uncertainty and change-of-mind

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    Decision-making is often accompanied by a degree of confidence on whether a choice is correct. Decision uncertainty, or lack in confidence, may lead to change-of-mind. Studies have identified the behavioural characteristics associated with decision confidence or change-of-mind, and their neural correlates. Although several theoretical accounts have been proposed, there is no neural model that can compute decision uncertainty and explain its effects on change-of-mind. We propose a neuronal circuit model that computes decision uncertainty while accounting for a variety of behavioural and neural data of decision confidence and change-of-mind, including testable model predictions. Our theoretical analysis suggests that change-of-mind occurs due to the presence of a transient uncertainty-induced choice-neutral stable steady state and noisy fluctuation within the neuronal network. Our distributed network model indicates that the neural basis of change-of-mind is more distinctively identified in motor-based neurons. Overall, our model provides a framework that unifies decision confidence and change-of-mind
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