722 research outputs found

    Thermogravimetry and neutron thermodiffractometry studies of the H-YBa2Cu3O7 system.

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    The high Tc superconducting oxide YBa2Cu3O7¿x reacts with hydrogen gas. Thermogravimetric, X-ray and neutron scattering experiments allow us to propose a two-step type of hydrogen bonding. Firstly, a few hydrogen atoms fill some oxygen vacancies and may favourably modify the electron state, giving rise to a slight increase in the critical temperature. Secondly, after a prolonged heating period, the collapse of the YBa2Cu3O7¿x type framework and of superconductivity were observed, and a new, highly hydrogenated material appeared

    Techniques of replica symmetry breaking and the storage problem of the McCulloch-Pitts neuron

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    In this article the framework for Parisi's spontaneous replica symmetry breaking is reviewed, and subsequently applied to the example of the statistical mechanical description of the storage properties of a McCulloch-Pitts neuron. The technical details are reviewed extensively, with regard to the wide range of systems where the method may be applied. Parisi's partial differential equation and related differential equations are discussed, and a Green function technique introduced for the calculation of replica averages, the key to determining the averages of physical quantities. The ensuing graph rules involve only tree graphs, as appropriate for a mean-field-like model. The lowest order Ward-Takahashi identity is recovered analytically and is shown to lead to the Goldstone modes in continuous replica symmetry breaking phases. The need for a replica symmetry breaking theory in the storage problem of the neuron has arisen due to the thermodynamical instability of formerly given solutions. Variational forms for the neuron's free energy are derived in terms of the order parameter function x(q), for different prior distribution of synapses. Analytically in the high temperature limit and numerically in generic cases various phases are identified, among them one similar to the Parisi phase in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Extensive quantities like the error per pattern change slightly with respect to the known unstable solutions, but there is a significant difference in the distribution of non-extensive quantities like the synaptic overlaps and the pattern storage stability parameter. A simulation result is also reviewed and compared to the prediction of the theory.Comment: 103 Latex pages (with REVTeX 3.0), including 15 figures (ps, epsi, eepic), accepted for Physics Report

    Stakeholder Perception in the Organizational Environment Focusing on Behavior

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    Behavior has meaning for the organizational climate, leading to studies such as this related to stakeholder perception in the institutional environment. This task is based on the Behavioral Management Theory and the additional concepts required. It was sought to know the relation of the intervening factors, from the method of case study of qualitative-quantitative nature, in order to establish comparisons and to produce the results. The general objective is to study the stakeholder perception process in the organizational environment focused on the behavioral effect and it has as specific objectives to treat and identify the relationship of the intervening factors with the organizational climate in the face of data collected among the consulted, to perform the SWOT on the positioning of individuals in the organizational environment and how this perception is characterized in the face of the organizational climate present in the consulted organ. The research indicates that the majority of respondents stated that the organizational climate present in the organ consulted satisfactory, propitiates the good organizational environment in the organ. Confrontation between the theoretical indicatives and the reality identified in the institutional environment allows to affirm that in fact there is internal influence, such as the motivation and external organization, as the possibility of losing the employee attracted by other opportunities outside the institution. Analysis allows to identify the need for physical improvement of the professional space, and in the interaction between stakeholders; redistribution of work that avoids overload; but the motivation and good internal relation between the individuals surpass the expectation. This work interests the managers in public organs and other interested in the subject here treated

    Using Passive Multi-Modal Sensor Data for Thermal Simulation of Urban Surfaces

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    This paper showcases an integrated workflow hinged on passive airborne multi-modal sensor data for the simulation of the thermal behavior of built-up areas with a focus on urban heat islands. The geometry of the underlying parametrized model, or digital twin, is derived from high-resolution nadir and oblique RGB, near-infrared and thermal infrared imagery. The captured bitmaps get photogrammetrically processed into comprehensive surface models, terrain, dense 3D point clouds and true-ortho mosaics. Building geometries are reconstructed from the projected point sets with procedures presupposing outlining, analysis of roof and fac¸ade details, triangulation, and texturing mapping. For thermal simulation, the composition of the ground is determined using supervised machine learning based on a modified multi-modal DeepLab v3+ architecture. Vegetation is retrieved as individual trees and larger tree regions to be added to the meshed terrain. Building materials are assigned from the available visual, infrared and surface planarity information as well as publicly available references. With actual weather data, surface temperatures can be calculated for any period of time by evaluating conductive, convective, radiative and emissive energy fluxes for triangular layers congruent to the faces of the modeled scene. Results on a sample dataset of the Moabit district in Berlin, Germany, showed the ability of the simulator to output surface temperatures of relatively large datasets efficiently. Compared to the thermal infrared images, several insufficiencies in terms of data and model caused occasional deviations between measured and simulated temperatures. For some of these shortcomings, improvement suggestions within future work are presented

    Innovating Management Control by Dynamic Analysis of Pareto in a Hotel Business

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    This paper deals with the Pareto Analysis of problems observed and criticized by clients in a hotel establishment in the municipality of Porto Velho, capital of the State of Rondocirc;nia. The general objective of the research is to study the use of Pareto Analysis in these problems that annoy the clients; (1), to group the data in descending order of frequency and to calculate the cumulative values (2), and indicating innovation for managerial control through a tool for Pareto Analysis in a dynamical way (3). The methodology of the qualitative-quantitative approach, of an exploratory nature, is adopted; the bibliographic survey and the field research are applied in support of the case study. Through the database system that the company under study possesses, the data necessary to be used in the Pareto Analysis are obtained, completing the first specific objective; the grouping of these data in descending order of absolute frequency, the calculation of the cumulative values, the preparation of the Pareto Diagram and the analysis carried out successfully completed the second specific objective; and finally the study is finished with the creation of a tool that allows a more dynamic analysis of the scenario in which the company is inserted, as a proposal of innovation for the institution to perform its practical and dynamic analyzes, useful in decision making. This study is a contribution of the academy to managers who work with complex decisions in hotel or related establishments interested in customer satisfaction

    Scale dependence of the chiral-odd twist-3 distributions hL(x)h_L(x) and e(x)e(x)

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    We evaluate the complete leading-order evolution kernels for the chiral-odd twist-3 distributions e(x)e(x) and h~L(x)\widetilde h_L(x) of the nucleon. We establish the connection between the evolution equations in light-cone position and light-cone fraction representations, which makes a correspondence between the non-local string operator product expansion and the QCD-inspired parton model. The compact expression obtained for the local anomalous dimension matrix coincides with previous calculations. In the multicolour QCD as well as in the large-xx limit the twist-3 distributions obey simple DGLAP equations. Combining these two limits, we propose improved DGLAP equations and compare them numerically with the solutions of the exact evolution equations.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures; typos fixed, preprint number adde

    Engineering paper tubes to improve winding performance of various materials

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    Over the past 10 years, Sonoco has conducted fundamental, solid mechanics research concerning structural behavior of spirally wound paper tubes. The scope of this program has included experimental, numerical, and analytical mechanics approaches as documented in references (1-7). For recent non-linear finite element research, we have used ABAQUS and developed user-defined material subroutines. These subroutines feature a proprietary 3D constitutive model for paperboard. The model uses non-linear stress-strain properties of Sonoco paperboard measured in 3 principle directions. An important research objective is to develop innovative tube designs that enable our customers to improve their winding operations. To achieve this objective, we have developed several patented test devices that measure tube properties fundamental to winding applications. Tests to measure core radial stiffness on the inside and outside (Ec) with respect to an external pressure and radial strength have been developed. This paper describes the test methods and presents data to verify mechanics research findings by way of two core applications. These are examples of where cores were engineered using mechanics technology to improve winding capability: (1) development of an extremely high Ec core for winding low friction, coated aluminum, and (2) cores for winding textile yarns based on radial stiffness of inside diameter

    Thermodynamics of the incommensurate state in Rb_2WO_4: on the Lifshitz point in A`A``BX_4 compounds

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    We consider the evolution of the phase transition from the parent hexagonal phase P63/mmcP6_{3}/mmc to the orthorhombic phase PmcnPmcn that occurs in several compounds of AABX4A'A''BX_{4} family as a function of the hcp lattice parameter c/ac/a. For compounds of K2SO4K_{2}SO_{4} type with c/ac/a larger than the threshold value 1.26 the direct first-order transition PmcnP63/mmcPmcn-P6_{3}/mmc is characterized by the large entropy jump Rln2Rln2. For compounds Rb2WO4Rb_{2}WO_{4}, K2MoO4K_{2}MoO_{4}, K2WO4K_{2}WO_{4} with c/a<1.26c/a<1.26 this transition occurs via an intermediate incommensurate (Inc)(Inc) phase. DSC measurements were performed in Rb2WO4Rb_{2}WO_{4} to characterize the thermodynamics of the PmcnIncP63/mmcPmcn-Inc-P6_{3}/mmc transitions. It was found that both transitions are again of the first order with entropy jumps 0.2Rln2and0.2Rln2 and 0.3Rln2.Therefore,at. Therefore, at c/a ~ 1.26the the A'A''BX_{4}compoundsrevealanunusualLifshitzpointwherethreefirstordertransitionlinesmeet.Weproposethecouplingofcrystalelasticitywith compounds reveal an unusual Lifshitz point where three first order transition lines meet. We propose the coupling of crystal elasticity with BX_{4}$ tetrahedra orientation as a possible source of the transitions discontinuity.Comment: 13 pages,1 Postscript figure. Submitted as Brief Report to Phys. Rev. B, this paper reports a new work in Theory and Experiment, directed to Structural Phase Transition

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: Space--Time Picture of Quantum Fluctuations and the Birth of QGP

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    We study the dynamics of quantum fluctuations which take place at the earliest stage of high-energy processes and the conditions under which the data from e-p deep-inelastic scattering may serve as an input for computing the initial data for heavy-ion collisions at high energies. Our method is essentially based on the space-time picture of these seemingly different phenomena. We prove that the ultra-violet renormalization of the virtual loops does not bring any scale into the problem. The scale appears only in connection with the collinear cut-off in the evolution equations and is defined by the physical properties of the final state. In heavy-ion collisions the basic screening effect is due to the mass of the collective modes (plasmons) in the dense non-equilibrium quark-gluon system, which is estimated. We avoid the standard parton phenomenology and suggest a dedicated class of evolution equations which describe the dynamics of quantum fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 54 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses RevTe