11 research outputs found

    Main Reproductive Indicators and Environmental Factors that Affect Siboney and Mambi de Cuba Cows at a Breeding Company in Central Cuba

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    Background: The association of trait heritability with milk production, breeding, and longevity, was thoroughly studied in the past decade. However, the efficiency of productive and reproductive performance is determined by the action of environmental factors and inappropriate husbandry. Therefore, the main reproductive indicators and environmental factors affecting cow genotypes Cuban Siboney and Cuban Mambí were evaluated at a genetic breeding company in central Cuba. Methods: The individual records of 618 females were processed between 2007 and 2010 (358 Mambí de Cuba from six different herds, and 260 Siboney de Cuba from four farms). The calving-first insemination service (CFIS) intervals, the calving-gestation (CG) interval, and the calving interval (CI) were determined. The effects of various factors on the reproductive indicators were estimated using a general linear model. Results: The farm factor had a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI in both genotypes. Calving years had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, with the best results in 2009 and 2010. The best calving quarter for reproductive indicators was the July-August-September period, with a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, in Mambi de Cuba, whereas Siboney de Cuba influenced the CFIS. Conclusions: The two genotypes showed a remarkable deterioration of the reproductive indicators evaluated, particularly influenced by farm, calving year, and calving quarter.  Background: The association of trait heritability with milk production, breeding, and longevity, was thoroughly studied in the past decade. However, the efficiency of productive and reproductive performance is determined by the action of environmental factors and inappropriate husbandry. Therefore, the main reproductive indicators and environmental factors affecting cow genotypes Cuban Siboney and Cuban Mambí were evaluated at a genetic breeding company in central Cuba. Methods: The individual records of 618 females were processed between 2007 and 2010 (358 Mambí de Cuba from six different herds, and 260 Siboney de Cuba from four farms). The calving-first insemination service (CFIS) intervals, the calving-gestation (CG) interval, and the calving interval (CI) were determined. The effects of various factors on the reproductive indicators were estimated using a general linear model. Results: The farm factor had a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI in both genotypes. Calving years had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, with the best results in 2009 and 2010. The best calving quarter for reproductive indicators was the July-August-September period, with a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, in Mambi de Cuba, whereas Siboney de Cuba influenced the CFIS. Conclusions: The two genotypes showed a remarkable deterioration of the reproductive indicators evaluated, particularly influenced by farm, calving year, and calving quarter

    Principales indicadores reproductivos y factores ambientales que afectan a vacas de los genotipos Siboney y Mambí de Cuba

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    Background: The association of trait heritability with milk production, breeding, and longevity, was thoroughly studied in the past decade. However, the efficiency of productive and reproductive performance is determined by the action of environmental factors and inappropriate husbandry. Therefore, the main reproductive indicators and environmental factors affecting cow genotypes Cuban Siboney and Cuban Mambí were evaluated at a genetic breeding company in central Cuba. Methods: The individual records of 618 females were processed between 2007 and 2010 (358 Cuban Mambí from six different herds, and 260 Cuban Siboney from four farms). The calving-first insemination service (CFIS) intervals, the calving-gestation (CG) interval, and the calving interval (CI) were determined. The effects of various factors on the reproductive indicators were estimated using a general linear model. Results: The farm factor had a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI in both genotypes. Calving years had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, with the best results in 2009 and 2010. The best calving quarter for reproductive indicators was the July-August-September period, with a significant influence (P < 0.05) on CFIS, CG, and CI, in Cuban Mambí, whereas Cuban Siboney influenced CFIS. Conclusions: The two genotypes showed a remarkable deterioration of the reproductive indicators evaluated, particularly influenced by farm, and calving year and quarter.Antecedentes: La heredabilidad de los rasgos relacionados con la producción lechera, reproducción y longevidad fue estudiada ampliamente en la década pasada; sin embargo, los factores ambientales y el manejo inadecuado determinan la eficiencia del comportamiento reproductivo y productivo. Por ello, se evaluaron los principales indicadores reproductivos y factores ambientales que afectan a vacas de los genotipos Siboney y Mambí de Cuba en una empresa genética de la región central de Cuba. Métodos: Se procesaron 618 registros individuales, 358 de hembras del genotipo racial Mambí, de seis rebaños y 260 del Siboney de Cuba, de cuatro unidades; entre los años 2007 y 2010. Se determinaron los intervalos parto-primer servicio de inseminación (IPPS), intervalo parto-gestación (IPG) e intervalo parto-parto (IPP). Fueron estimados los efectos de los diferentes factores sobre los indicadores reproductivos utilizando un modelo lineal general. Resultados: El factor unidad influyó significativamente (P < 0,05) sobre el IPPS, IPG e IPP para ambos genotipos. El año de parto tuvo un efecto significativo (P < 0,05) sobre el IPPS, IPP e IPG, comportándose con mejores resultados los años 2009 y 2010. El trimestre de parto que mejor se comportó para los indicadores reproductivos evaluados, fue el de julio-agosto-septiembre, influyendo significativamente (P < 0,05) sobre el IPP e IPG, en el Mambí de Cuba; mientras que en el Siboney de Cuba lo hacía sobre el IPPS. Conclusiones: Se concluye que los dos genotipos tienen marcado deterioro de los indicadores reproductivos evaluados, influenciados significativamente por la unidad y el año y trimestre de parto

    Parámetros hematológicos en equinos de tracción

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    A hundred carriage horses from Santa Clara city were randomly sampled and each one hematologically tested by taking a 5 mL blood sample directly from the jugular. Hemoglobin was determined by the cyanmethemoglobin test through spectrophotometry, blood globules added volume by the microhematocrit test, and total white cells by counting at the Neubauer chamber. Average hemoglobin and hematocrit values showed significant differences (P<0,05). 52 % of the tested carriage horses had hemoglobin values ranging from 70 to 100 g/L blood, while 45 % of them had microhematocrit values from 0,25 to 0,32 L/L, which confirms their anemic condition. Average hemoglobin and hematocrit values were 100 g/L and 0,32 L/L, respectively, while average white cells value was 9,7 g/L. The linear regression analysis proved that the hematocrit variable depends on the hemoglobin variable in a 90 %, besides, a 0,02 unit change in hemoglobin caused a whole unit change in hematocrit. All results were processed by the statistical package Stadgraphic Plus. Version 5.1 and analyzed by the descriptive method. Frequency tables and a simple linear regression test are included. Hematocrit and hemoglobin average values were compared to the average referential values by a hypothesis test.Se tomó una muestra al azar de 100 caballos destinados a la transportación de pasajeros en la ciudad de Santa Clara, provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba, a los que se les extrajo 5 mL de sangre directamente de la yugular para análisis hematológicos. La hemoglobina se determinó por la técnica de la cianometahemoglobina por espectrofotometría, el volumen globular agregado por la técnica del microhematócrito y el total de glóbulos blancos por recuento en la cámara de Neubauer. Existieron diferencias significativas (P<0,05) entre los valores promedios de hemoglobina y hematócrito. Se pudo constatar que el 52 % de los equinos analizados presentaron valores de hemoglobina entre 70 y 100 g/L de sangre. El 45 % de los caballos presentaron valores de microhematócrito entre 0,25 y 0,32 L/L, que corrobora un estado anémico. Los valores promedios de hemoglobina y hematócrito fueron de 100 g/L y 0,32 L/L respectivamente; los de glóbulos blancos, de 9,7 g/L . El análisis de regresión lineal permitió establecer que la variable hematócrito depende de la variable hemoglobina en un 90 %; además, se pudo determinar que de variar la hemoglobina en 0,02 unidades, el hematócrito variaría en una unidad. Todos los resultados fueron procesados con el paquete estadístico Stargraph Plus. Versión 5.1. Se analizaron a través del método descriptivo y se realizaron tablas de frecuencia así como un análisis de regresión lineal simple. Los valores medios de hematócrito y hemoglobina fueron contrastados con los valores promedios referenciales para la especie mediante una prueba de hipótesis


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    100 horses were selected for the transportation of passengers from the city of Santa Clara, to which the following indicators were determined: body condition, elevation, thoracic perimeter. The results of the latter were processed by means of a simple classification analysis of variance, taking the body condition as a factor. The comparison of means was performed by the MDS test. It was found that through the Thoracic Perimeter Comparison Test taking as a factor the body condition can be estimated last, knowing the thoracic perimeter values, with 95% reliability. In addition, significant differences were found between the different categories of body condition through a simple classification variance analysis. 35% of the animals examined had a body condition of 2, that is, malnourished. It is concluded that 100% of the equines are carrying out more than the established one, according to the regulations of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine.Se seleccionaron 100 equinos destinados a la transportación de pasajeros de la ciudad de Santa Clara, a los cuales se les determinaron los siguientes indicadores: condición corporal, alzada, perímetro torácico. Los resultados de este último fueron procesados mediante, un análisis de varianza de clasificación simple, tomándose como factor la condición corporal. Se realizó la comparación de medias por la prueba MDS. Se constató que a través de la Prueba de Comparación de Medias de Perímetro Torácico tomando como factor la condición corporal se puede estimar está última, conociendo los valores de perímetro torácico, con un 95% de confiabilidad. Además se encontró diferencias significativas entre las diferentes categorías de condición corporal a través de un análisis de varianza de clasificación simple. El 35% de los animales examinados presentaron una condición corporal de 2, es decir, desnutridos. Se concluye que el 100% de los equinos está realizando un arrastre superior al establecido, de acuerdo a las regulaciones del Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria

    Control biológico y respuesta varietal ante hongos patógenos de la caña de azúcar

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    los efectos de biocontrol de Trichoderma viride (Ts-III-85) y Gliocladium Virens (Gv-02) sobre Fusarium moniliforme (Fm-01) y Thielaviopsis paradoxa (Tp-02) y el comportamiento varietal antes estos hongos patógenos se estudiaron en variedades comerciales de caña de azúcar. Para ello se efectuaron varios ensayos de laboratorio con distintos métodos de tratamiento a las estacas e inoculaciones artificiales de hongos patógenos. Los resultados mostraron el efecto de biocontrol de los hongos antagonistas sobre los hongos fitopatógenos, los síntomas fueron menores con tratamientos de T. viride y G. virens en las variedades Jaronú 60/5; Jaronú 64/19 y Cuba 1051/73. La variedad Jaronú 60/5 fue más atacada por F. moniliforme y la Cuba 1051/73 por T. paradoxa.                                                  Palabras Clave: Caña de azúcar, control biológico, Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Ustilago

    Control biológico y respuesta varietal ante hongos patógenos de la caña de azúcar

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    The biocontrol effecto on  Trichoderma viride (Ts-III-85) and Gliocladium Virens (Gv-02)  upon Fusarium moniliforme (Fm-01) y Thielaviopsis paradoxa (Tp-02) werw studied in sugarcane varieties as well as the behavior of varieties in the presence of these fungi. in order to obtain the results some laboratory test using different methods of treatment of stakes and by inoculating artificiallt with pathogenic fungi were developed. the results showed the biocontrol effect of the antagonistic fungi upon F. moniliforme and T. paradoxa. For the varieties Jaronú 60/5; Jaronú 64/19 and Cuba 1051/73 treated with T. viride and G. virens the symtoms were smaller. the Jaronú 60/5 variety was the one which F. moniliforme  attacked the most; being Cuba 1051/73 the one mostly attacked by T paradoxa.Los efectos de biocontrol de Trichoderma viride (Ts-III-85) y Gliocladium Virens (Gv-02) sobre Fusarium moniliforme (Fm-01) y Thielaviopsis paradoxa (Tp-02) y el comportamiento varietal antes estos hongos patógenos se estudiaron en variedades comerciales de caña de azúcar. Para ello se efectuaron varios ensayos de laboratorio con distintos métodos de tratamiento a las estacas e inoculaciones artificiales de hongos patógenos. Los resultados mostraron el efecto de biocontrol de los hongos antagonistas sobre los hongos fitopatógenos, los síntomas fueron menores con tratamientos de T. viride y G. virens en las variedades Jaronú 60/5; Jaronú 64/19 y Cuba 1051/73. La variedad Jaronú 60/5 fue más atacada por F. moniliforme y la Cuba 1051/73 por T. paradoxa

    Characterization of some chemical components, in the soil of different agro- ecosystems of cattle farms

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    The concentration of some chemical components was characterized, in soils of an agro- ecosystem of a cattle farm with different reliefs, one located in the plains and another in a hilly area. The statistical descriptive variables were calculated for organic matter, pH, P2O5, K2O, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn; by means of a t- Student test for independent samples, the variables were compared among the rainy and dry seasons. In the agro-ecosystem of the plains the 24.5, 75.4, 20.7, 41.5, 33.9 and 56.6 % of the samples were below the critical limit for organic matter, P2O5, K2O, Cu, Mn and Zn, respectively. In the hilly region the concentrations of the organic matter and the mentioned chemical elements were deficient in a 25, 80, 42.5, 7.5 and 25 %, and 2.5 % in the samples of Fe. They were significant levels of Cu for the rainy season, while in the Mn was significant in the dry season for the agro-ecosystem of the plains, while in the hilly region there were small significant values in the Cu, Fe and Mn in the dry season, on the contrary of the P2O5 that showed small values during the rainy season. It concludes that independent in the agro-ecosystems that there were deficiencies in a percent of the soil samples, equally significant variation existed in the levels of the minerals in conjunction with the season

    Reaction of common bean varieties ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to the infection for Uromyces phaseoli (Pers.) Wint var. typica Arth

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    It was evaluated the reaction of twenty-five common bean varieties to Uromyces phaseoli (Pers.)Wintvar. typica Arth infection using the methodology informed by the Colombian International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). These experiments were developed in the Agricultural Experimental Station belonging to the Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Las Villas Central University, under a design of random blocks with four repetitions in the period between January to April 2011. The evaluations of infection intensity and pustule type were carried out weekly starting from the beginning of disease symptoms in 15 plants for varieties. Results evidenced differences in the response of varieties as well as a different behavior to the infection for this phytopathogen fungus. Guama 23 variety was classified as resistant highly to the infection for U. phaseoli. This work constitutes a fundamental tool for future programs on genetic improvement of common bean cultivation in Cuba

    Granivorous birds and sorghum crop in the province of Villa Clara,Cuba

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    In order to reduce the damages granivorous birds cause to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) in the province of Villa Clara, Cuba, research based on the determination of the major endemic, migratory birds and their relationship with the distribution were made space of historical meteorological variables in the province in the seasonal behavior of birds in different climatic regions. Population to sorghum producers grouped in different forms surveys were conducted, which yielded a large database, such as the determination of the main grain-eating birds percentage damage incurred, varieties, grain color, growth stage and other indicators. Nine main species affecting sorghum grain-eating birds in our province were recorded; Passer domesticus, Lonchura malacca, Lonchura punctulata, Dives atroviolaceus, Passerina cyanea, Zonotrichia leucophrys, Columbina passerine, Zenaida macroura y Zenaida asiatica. The spatial distribution of meteorological variables and their relation to the seasonal behavior of birds in different climatic regions of the province was determined, based on record four preferential habitat areas. The results allowed us to provide companies and different forms of production in Villa Clara, the possibility of a varietal structure planting of sorghum on the basis of different preferential areas granivorous birds, together with the morphological and physiological characteristics of different genotypes introduced in agricultural production of the province and nationally

    Effects ofbiological resources and natural products onSclerotium rolfsii Sacc.incommon bean

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    Several experiments were developed under laboratory, semi controlled and field conditions to assess effectiveness of biological resources and natural products on protecting common bean plants against disease caused by S. rolfsii. Antagonist effect of P.aeruginosa, B. subtilis, B.cepacia and P.fluorescens rhizobacterias was found. While the first two completely inhibited the in vitro growth of the pathogen the last two just did in an 80.72% and 40.97% respectively using the dual culture method. Lower levels of inhibition for each case were recorded by the use of the method of the wells. For evaluations under controlled conditions and field, in addition to the previously mentioned biological means, the effect of natural products Fungend and Chitosan in the protection of bean plants was evaluated. Treatments with P. fluorescens, P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis were similar to those achieved with chemical control (TMTD 80% PH). Affections by the pathogen were reduced for both the application of biological resources as well as natural product, in any case diseased plants were lower than non-treated plants and similar to chemical control