10,337 research outputs found

    Cooperative Banking: A Viable Approach To Microfinance - A Case Study in the Philippines

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    A leading cooperative bank in the Philippines has demonstrated that cooperative banking can be a viable approach to microfinance. Established in May 1975, the Cooperative Rural Bank of Bulacan, Inc. (CRBBI) integrates the components of rural banking and cooperativism: it is a rural bank owned and controlled by 180 primary organizations in Bulacan. CRBBI was registered with the central bank, Bangko Sentral ng Pililipinas (BSP) as a stockholding company in April 20, 1978. It has an authorized capital stock of P10 million (263,158atDecember1998exchangerate),ofwhichP7.689M(263,158 at December 1998 exchange rate), of which P7.689M (202,342) or 77% have been subscribed and fully paid. Its Head Office is located in the municipality of Plaridel at the heart of Bulacan province, while its seven (7) branches are spread in other municipalities of the same province. CRBBI?s Board is composed of 11 members elected by the general assembly constituted by the Chairmen of primary organizations. The Board meets once a month together with some permanent invitees such as the Treasurer, the Secretary, the legal adviser, and the ex-Chairman who is retained as consultant to the bank. --

    “Is Sarah a Bully or a Friend?”: Examining Students’ Text-based Written Expressions of Bullying

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    Bullying has been recognized as a complex phenomenon with potential for serious negative outcomes. Activities that address complex social situations of bullying, such as reading and writing to a pen pal about fictional literature, provide space for students to think and share about personal issues that they encounter and how characters deal with similar issues in productive ways. For this research, we used a critical literacy lens to explore bullying within the context of language, power and context. This research shares qualitative analysis of letters students wrote to adult pen pals after reading a fictional book with a plot addressing bullying. Letters from 32 students were analyzed and four themes emerged: 1) text-based interpretations about bullying; 2) personal experiences and perspectives about bullying; 3) bullying in relation to friendship and social positioning; and 4) lessons learned for addressing bullying via action and advocacy

    Asset dynamics in Northern Nigeria:

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    This paper examines household asset dynamics and gender-differentiated asset inequality over a 20-year period (1988–2008) in northern Nigeria. We show that the initial endowments of both household capital and livestock holdings are inconsistent with the poverty trap hypothesis but that tracking rules for households in panel surveys may lead to differences in empirical results on poverty traps. We also investigate whether initial household endowments contributed to gender-differentiated future asset levels and asset inequality. Initial livestock holdings have an effect on women's future livestock holdings but not on their livestock shares within the household, as the effect of initial livestock holdings on men's future livestock levels was much greater than its effect on women's levels. The mechanism through which asset levels differed was related to the relative prices of the assets in gender-differentiated asset portfolios. Men, who primarily held larger livestock with larger unit values, benefited from large price increases in high-value livestock, while women held lower-value livestock. These price fluctuations reinforced gender asset inequality within households for both types of assets considered.asset dynamics, poverty traps, Gender, Household resource allocation,

    Mobilizar: Capturing User Behavior with Mobile Digital Diaries

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    In this paper we present Mobilizar, a web-based mobile tool that facilitates the implementation and data collection of self-reported user behavior. Mobilizar was designed with both the researcher and the participant in mind. It provides investigators with a way to setup a new diary study in a matter of minutes and to electronically collect diary data from participants by using internet-enabled mobile devices. These devices promise to alleviate the burden of carrying a paper-and-pencil diary by instead using the participant’s own device. It also gives participants the flexibility to report their behavior in different ways such as making text, voice, or picture entries that fit their current situational constraints. In this paper, we describe the user interface design of Mobilizar and how it may be used to conduct diary studies with mobile devices

    How Values Create Value: Social Capital in Microfinance - The Case of the Philippines

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    Values are to a society what character is to a person: it reveals his true inner self, yet is difficult to describe in exact terms. Moreover, a person's character may show in his actions in various, sometimes contradictory ways so that it may be difficult to induce a person's character from his deeds. Asian values, elusive as they are, have been regarded as a cause of the economic rise of a number of Asian countries. Yet some decades earlier, Confucian values were quoted as a cause of underdevelopment of some Asian countries. Has the recent financial crisis also been due to them, in some way, or do we have to wait for economic recovery in order to attribute that to Confucian values? Max Weber, who first studied the impact of values on economic development, was more careful when he presented the results of his research. The Spirit of Capitalism is congruent with the rise of the Protestant Ethic, he said; but he claimed no causal relationship. --

    Early register release for out-of-order processors with register windows

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    Register windows is an architectural technique that reduces memory operations required to save and restore registers across procedure calls. Its effectiveness depends on the size of the register file. Such register requirements are normally increased for out-of-order execution because it requires registers for the in-flight instructions, in addition to the architectural ones. However, a large register file has an important cost in terms of area and power and may even affect the cycle time. In this paper we propose two early register release techniques that leverages register windows to drastically reduce the register requirements, and hence reduce the register file cost. Contrary to the common belief that out-of-order processors with register windows would need a large physical register file, this paper shows that the physical register file size may be reduced to the bare minimum by using this novel microarchitecture. Moreover, our proposal has much lower hardware complexity than previous approaches, and requires minimal changes to a conventional register window scheme. Performance studies show that the proposed technique can reduce the number of physical registers to the same number as logical registers plus one (minimum number to guarantee forward progress) and still achieve almost the same performance as an unbounded register file.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version