158 research outputs found

    Adjustment and Coronavirus: How to Prepare for COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Adjustment Disorder Worldwide?

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    As the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading worldwide in 2020, there is a growing concernabout the impact of the pandemic on mental health. Multiple stressors associated with the pandemic, suchas health-related stressors, job loss, and work-related stressors, could increase the prevalence ofadjustment disorders worldwide. The present article acknowledges adjustment disorder as a highlyrelevant mental health outcome of the pandemic that should be addressed by mental health professionals

    Wearable devices in the treatment of mental disorders: Motivational gadgets or new opportunities to improve treatments?

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Wearable devices in the treatment of mental disorders: Motivational gadgets or new opportunities to improve treatments?, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/cpsp.12296. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsResearchers and clinicians in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy have always been interested in the use of technology. Beginning in the 1960s, when the idea of exposure therapy was only a decade old, researchers used long‐play records and tapes to record instructions for patients on how to apply exposure to themselves (Cuijpers et al., 2009; Kahn & Baker, 1968). In the 1980s and especially in the 1990s, the use of personal computers as supportive in the treatment of anxiety disorders was examined in a number of trials (Cuijpers et al., 2009). Most of these interventions, however, used face‐to‐face therapies as a model and translated these models to computers. The core ideas of the interventions did not change, and technology was used solely as a means to deliver the interventions. Since smartphones have become available for a large amount of the general population, this approach is changing rapidly (Linardon, Cuijpers, Carlbring, Messer, & Fuller‐Tyszkiewicz, 2019). Smartphones are typically carried all day by their owners and have a series of sensors that can measure location, speed, sound, movement, contact with other smartphone owners, the use of social media, etc. Additionally, smartphones allow for experience sampling, also called ecological momentary assessment, which is the measuring of mood, anxiety, stress, or any other subjective feeling during random moments throughout the day. Such measurements and wearable devices offer possibilities to measure elements and predictors of mental health in daily life in a way that has never been possible. Hunkin, King, and Zajac, in this issue of Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (Hunkin, King, & Zajac, 2019), give an excellent overview of the current state of wearable devices that may be used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This review shows that the field is moving forward quickly and that there are an increasing number of devices available

    Detection and distraction effects for threatening information in social phobia and change after treatment

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    This work examines differences in the detection and distraction by social-threatrelated information between a social phobia group (SP; N533) and a normal control group (NC; N532). The change obtained after psychological treatment is also studied for the SP group. A paper-and-pencil visual search task is used, in which the emotional valence of the ‘‘target’’ (social threat, physical threat, and neutral words) and ‘‘distractor’’ (social threat, physical threat, neutral, and nonsense words) verbal stimuli is manipulated. Results indicate that there are no differences in the detection of social-threat targets between SP and NC participants. However, the performance of SP individuals is more impaired when distractor stimuli related to social threat are presented, regardless of the target valence. This increased distraction by social-threat-related stimuli is reduced after psychological treatment, and this decrease is maintained at 6-month follow-u

    Upregulating Positive Affectivity in the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: A Randomized Pilot Study

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    Transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy for emotional disorders (ED) has proven to be effective. However, current transdiagnostic treatment protocols address only the regulation of negative affectivity, and they do not include treatment components to more directly target the regulation of positive affectivity. In this study, we propose to evaluate the preliminary efficacy and acceptability of a transdiagnostic treatment protocol for ED that includes, as an innovative feature, a specific treatment component to directly upregulate positive affectivity based on positive psychology interventions. A total of 24 participants were randomized to either a transdiagnostic treatment protocol (n = 12) or a transdiagnostic treatment protocol with an additional component designed to regulate positive affectivity (n = 12). Participants completed measures of anxiety, depression, positive and negative affectivity, and quality of life, as well as treatment acceptability at pre- and posttreatment and at the 3-month follow-up. Both interventions led to improvements in all measures at posttreatment, and these outcomes were maintained at the 3-month follow-up, with large effect sizes for all measures. The effect sizes for positive affect were larger in the condition that included the component to upregulate positive affectivity. Attrition rate was low, and both treatment protocols were well accepted by participants. The results obtained in this study indicate the feasibility of testing the treatment protocol in a larger, randomized, controlled trial, and they suggest the potential of including treatment components for directly upregulating positive affectivity in future research on transdiagnostic treatment protocols for ED

    Descripción de un programa de prevención de juego patológico dirigido a población joven: hacia un juego responsable

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    II Jornades d'Investigació per a l'Estudiantat de Ciències de la SalutEn los últimos años se ha producido un gran aumento del juego legalizado a nivel mundial y, en consecuencia, de problemas relacionados con el juego. En España, el 40 % de los jugadores patológicos tiene entre 18 y 30 años. Los programas de prevención desarrollados hasta ahora incluyen información sobre conocimientos, actitudes y pensamientos sobre el juego, demostrando ser eficaces. En España no se han encontrado programas de prevención de juego basados en la evidencia. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir un programa de prevención de juego patológico en población joven, así como presentar datos preliminares de la opinión de los participantes acerca del mismo. Este programa está diseñado para ser administrado en formato grupal a población joven. Consta de una sesión de 1 hora y media e incluye 5 componentes: información sobre el juego, problemas con el juego, pensamientos típicos, juego responsable y regulación emocional. Se valoró la satisfacción con el taller a partir de una medida de un auto-informe formada por 15 ítems. Los resultados preliminares mostraron elevados niveles de satisfacción con el taller, siendo considerada una experiencia positiva y útil para adquirir conciencia sobre los riesgos del juego. En conclusión, los participantes mostraron un alto nivel de satisfacción e interés con el programa descrito. Cabe subrayar la importancia de diseñar programas de prevención que motiven a los jóvenes con el objetivo de mejorar la adherencia y aceptación de los mismos.For the last years, a high increase of legalized gambling has been produced at an international level, and consequently, rates of gambling problems have also increased. In Spain, 40 % of the pathological gamblers are between 18 and 30 years old. Prevention programs developed so far include information about knowledge, attitudes, and thoughts related to gambling, which have proved being efficient. In Spain, prevention programs empirically validated have not been found. The goal of the present study is to describe a pathological gambling prevention program for youth population, as well as to present preliminary data of the participants’ opinion about the program. This program is designed to be administrated in group format to young people. It consists of just a one and a half hour session which includes 5 components: gambling information, gambling problems, typical thoughts, responsible gambling, and emotional regulation. Satisfaction with the program was rated through a self-report measure composed by 15 items. Preliminary results showed high levels of satisfaction with the program, being considered a positive experience and useful to become aware of the gambling risks. In conclusion, participants showed a high level of satisfaction and interest with the described program. The importance of designing prevention programs that motivate young people with the aim to improve their adherence and acceptation should be highlighted

    Conducta de enfermedad y trastorno de pánico

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    Segones Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1996-1997

    Tratamientos psicológicos para los trastornos adaptativos: una revisión

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    III Jornades d’Investigació per a l’Alumnat de la Facultat de Ciències de la SalutIntroducción: El trastorno adaptativo (ta) es clasificado en el dsm-v en la categoría de trastornos relacionados con el trauma y factores de estrés. A pesar del cambio en la conceptualización, todavía existen problemas de diagnóstico. Paradójicamente, cuenta con una alta prevalencia, siendo de los más frecuentes en atención primaria y hospitalaria. Causa gran sufrimiento personal ya que se produce un deterioro signifi- cativo del funcionamiento social u ocupacional. Sin embargo, se observa escasez de investigaciones y ausencia de manuales de evaluación y tratamiento que lo incluyan. En cuanto a la intervención, no existen en la actualidad tratamientos psicológicos ba- sados en la evidencia (tpbe). Método: Se realizó una búsqueda en Psycnet, Science- Direct, PubMed y PsycArticles. En una primera fase, se revisaron los artículos exis- tentes relacionados con el ta. En una segunda fase, se profundizó en los tratamientos psicológicos utilizados para el ta. Resultados: En primer lugar, se puso de manifiesto una escasez de estudios tratándose de recomendaciones generales, sugerencias e investigaciones aisladas. En cuanto a estudios específicos sobre el tratamiento psico- lógico, encontramos estudios de casos no controlados y 6 estudios experimentales variados y con diferentes enfoques terapéuticos, incluyendo algunos el uso de las tic. Discusión: Es necesario desarrollar tpbe para el ta dado que los estudios encontra- dos presentan limitaciones metodológicas y de validez externa. Para futuras investiga- ciones, el uso de las tic como tratamiento puede ser útil ya que estudios hallados hasta la fecha han demostrado ser prometedores y beneficiosos.Introduction: Adjustment Disorders (ad) are classified in the dsm-5 as the trauma- related disorders and stress factors category. Despite the change in conceptualisa- tion, diagnostic problems still exist. Paradoxically, it has a high prevalence and is the most frequent in primary and hospital care. It causes great personal suffering given the significant impairment of social or occupational functioning. Research into it, evaluations, and treatment manuals that include it, are lacking. Currently there are no evidence-based psychological treatments (ebpt) for intervention. Method: A search in Psycnet, ScienceDirect, PubMed and Psycarticles was performed. Firstly, exist- ing ad-related articles were reviewed. Secondly, we profoundly examined the psycho- logical treatments used for ad. Results: Firstly, the search revealed a shortage of case studies of general recommendations, suggestions and isolated research. Among specific studies on psychological treatment, we found no controlled studies and six varied experimental studies with different therapeutic approaches, of which some have used icts. Discussion: It is necessary to develop ebpt for ad as the found stud- ies show methodological limitations and external validity. Employing icts as treatment may be useful for future research since the studies found to date have being promis- ing and beneficial

    Efficacy of an Early Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Acute Stress Disorder in Mexican Earthquake Victims

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    Acute stress disorder (ASD) refers to the symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within the first four weeks following the traumatic event. Recent theoretical models suggest that early detection of ASD provides an opportunity to implement early interventions to prevent the development of PTSD or ameliorate its symptomatology. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of the efficacy of an ASD treatment for earthquake victims, which would serve as an early intervention for PTSD. A single-case (n = 1) quasi-experimental design was used, with pre and post-assessments, as well as one, three and six-month follow-ups, with direct treatment replications. Fourteen participants completed the treatment and the follow-up measurements. The results obtained using a single-case analysis showed significant clinical improvement and clinically significant change when employing a clinical significance analysis and the reliable index of change. Statistical analyses of the dataset displayed statistically significant differences between the pre and post-assessments and the follow-up measures, as well as large effect sizes in all clinical measures. These results suggest that the treatment was an efficacious early intervention for PTSD during the months following the traumatic event, although some relevant study limitations are discussed in the text

    El uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la prevención del juego patológico en población joven y adolescente

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    Introducción. En España, la prevalencia del juego patológico (JP) oscila entre el 2 % y el 3 % de la población adulta (p. ej., Becoña, 1999) representando un problema relevante en jóvenes y adolescentes (Becoña, 2010). Por este motivo, es necesario dedicar esfuerzos en la prevención de este problema, sobre todo en esta población. En este sentido, las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) pueden tener un papel fundamental a la hora de prevenir, evaluar e intervenir en el JP . El objetivo de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo una revisión sobre la utilización de las TIC en el ámbito de la prevención del JP en esta población. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda en bases de datos como PsycInfo, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus y Springer Link. Resultados. Se encontraron 6 programas de prevención para el JP en población joven y adolescente, así como 4 estudios en Canadá que utilizaban TIC (vídeos y presentaciones interactivas) en intervenciones breves para la prevención del JP . Solo se encontró 1 estudio que utilizaba las TIC para llevar a cabo un programa de prevención del JP (It’s Your Lucky Day). En España, no se encontraron estudios sobre prevención del JP y las TIC. Conclusiones. Los resultados muestran que la investigación en el uso de las TIC para la prevención del JP en jóvenes y adolescentes es escasa. El uso de estas herramientas se presenta como una línea de investigación prometedora debido a las ventajas que plantea para esta población específica (p. ej., Heider y Massanari, 2010).Introduction. In Spain, the prevalence of Pathological Gambling (PG) is around 2 % and 3 % of adults (e.g., Becoña, 1999), representing a significant problem in youth and adolescents (Becoña, 2010). For this reason, it is necessary to devote efforts in preventing this problem, especially in this population. In this line, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) may have a key role in preventing, assessing and treating PG. The aim of this study was to conduct a review of the use of ICTS in the field of pathological gambling prevention among young and adolescent. Method. We searched in databases as PsycInfo, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus y Springer Link. Results. Six prevention programs for PG among young and adolescent were found, as well as 4 studies in Canada that used ICTS (vídeos and interactive presentations) for brief interventions to prevent gambling. Only 1 study that used ICTS to apply a prevention program for PG (It’s Your Lucky Day) was found. In Spain, no study about the prevention for PG and ICTS was found. Conclusion. The results show that the use of ICTS for PG prevention among youth and adolescents is scarce. The use of ICTS may be a promising line of research due to the advantages arising for this specific population (e.g., Heider & Massanari, 2010)