49 research outputs found

    Mastites caprinas: Utilização do Teste Californiano de Mastites.

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    A mastite é uma das patologias mais desafiantes no setor de lacticínios, esta patologia está diretamente relacionada com perdas de produção, decréscimo da qualidade e higiene do leite, elevados custos na terapêutica e com problemas para a saúde pública. Para o diagnóstico de MSC, como não há alterações visíveis nem no úbere nem no leite, faz-se uma análise ao leite. O método de diagnóstico mais utilizado é o Teste Californiano de Mastites (TCM). Este teste faz uma estimativa da contagem de células somáticas (CCS) presente no leite. No caso do leite de cabra, existe controvérsia devido ao facto de a secreção do leite ser apócrina, em que é eliminado o produto de secreção e parte do citoplasma da célula. Foi realizado um estudo em 308 metades mamárias, respeitantes a 158 cabras para avaliar a utilização do TCM como indicador de infeção intramamária.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do Projecto UID/AGR/00115/2013

    Staphylococci that carry the nuc gene

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    Inflammation of the mammary gland, known as mastitis, is a serious problem, because it is responsible for the decrease in milk yield and quality. Bacteria of the species Staphylococcus aureus, causing intramammary infections in small ruminants, are often isolated from milk samples and frequently resistant to antimicrobials. The thermostable nuclease encoded by the nuc gene is a virulence factor, as it promotes evasion of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which are networks of DNA strands with antimicrobial proteins. The nuc gene is present in most S. aureus, however some isolates not carrying this gene have been described. Moreover, the nuc gene has also been detected in other Staphylococcus species, notably in S. intermedius, S. hyicus and S. simulans. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of the nuc gene in staphylococci isolated from goat and sheep milk samples. Three hundred and sixty-eight samples of milk were collected, from 187 animals, belonging to six flocks in Alentejo. Ninety-one isolates of the genus Staphylococcus were identified by classical biochemical methods and through the VITEK2 microbial identification system (BioMérieux, France). The presence of the nuc gene was assessed by PCR. The reference strain S. aureus ATCC 25923 was used as positive control. According to VITEK2, 24 S. caprae, 13 S. epidermidis, 13 S. chromogenes, 11 S. aureus, nine S. simulans, five S. warneri, five S. lentus, four S. capitis, four S. haemolyticus, one S. auricularis, one S. hominis spp. hominis and one Staphylococcus spp. (not identified to species level) were identified. Twenty-three out of the 91 isolates (25.3%) carry the nuc gene. With the pair of primers used, this gene was detected in seven different Staphylococcus species: 10 S. aureus (43.5%), three S. warneri (13%), three S. lentus (13%), two S. caprae (8.7%), two S. epidermidis (8.7%), two S. chromogenes (8.7%) and one S. capitis (4.3%). Furthermore, the nuc gene was not detected in one S. aureus isolate. We suggest that the presence/absence of the nuc gene is not a reliable method for the identification of S. aureus and that this virulence factor may be involved in small ruminant mastitis pathophysiology.CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-Brasil 249398/2013-3 and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project UID/AGR/00115/2013. M. Laranjo acknowledges a Post-Doc research grant also from FCT (SFRH/BPD/108802/2015)

    Utilização de própolis como alternativa no controlo de mastites para garantir a qualidade do leite e proteção da saúde pública.

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    Os antimicrobianos e antisséticos são utilizados para o controlo das mastites. Esta prática conduz a eliminação de resíduos no leite além de induzir a pressão de seleção sobre estirpes resistentes a antimicrobianos. A própolis é uma massa, utilizada para proteger as colmeias das abelhas (Apis mellifera), formada por resinas retiradas de vários vegetais, selecionadas de forma natural pelas abelhas. Este produto altamente variável, consoante os vegetais utilizados, apresenta colorações diversas e também qualidades antimicrobianas variáveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a suscetibilidade, de isolados de Staphylococccus aureus provenientes de amostras de leite de cabras e ovelhas com mastite, a 16 antimicrobianos utilizados em Portugal no controlo desta doença, e analisar “in vitro” a ação antimicrobiana de extratos etanólicos de própolis (EEP).FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do Projecto UID/AGR/00115/2013. M. Laranjo agradece a bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento da FCT (SFRH/BPD/108802/2015)

    Continuous Wave High Level Laser Therapy promotes deep wound healing in dogs and cats

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    Photobiomodulation is a type of therapy that is known to stimulate healing of tissues through signaling of cell chromophores. Thus, it can decrease inflammation, promote angiogenesis and neovascularization, induce fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, and stimulate granulation. Most of studies developed in this field used pulsed wave Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT-PW) as phototherapy over damaged skin, particularly superficial wounds, with or without photosensitizers use. This means that low light energy reaches the tissues making its effect over deeper wounds uncertain. Instead, High Level Laser Therapy (HLLT) is known to reach higher amounts of energy in a shorter period. In addition to saving time, more powerful beams of light reach deeper cells, as the depth of penetration increases with increased power; however, the thermal effect produced by their light beams suggests that it can be deleterious to live tissues. The aim of this study was to report HLLT effectiveness over a group of animals with traumatic, infected deep skin wounds associated with standard medical wound management, through debridement, irrigation, and dressing. A specific HLLT continuous wave (HLLT-CW) protocol was applied before covering the wound, daily over the first five days, and then every-other-day until epithelization phase was established. Wound healing was assessed using an adapted Bates- Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT). BWAT scores significantly decreased over time, meaning that wounds drastically improved, particularly during the first days of treatment. Our results highly suggest that HLLT-CW was effective stimulating wound healing on these patients, promoting granulation tissue formation and deep wound filling at an early stage, with no reported adverse effects. These findings agree with the studies denoting that laser light alters cellular DNA and RNA synthesis, modulates the inflammatory response, promotes extracellular matrix production, and modulates prostaglandin production, leading to improvements on would microcirculation, nutrition, and cellular metabolism. According to our results, HLLT is a safe, effective tool that stimulates the repair process, making it especially attractive for this type of wounds and patients

    Mosaic of microbiological colonization of canine wounds

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    Objetivo: Averiguar a eficácia antimicrobiana do hidrogel de quitosano com sais de prata in vivo comparativamente a um antimicrobiano disponível no mercado. Materiais e métodos: Realiza-se uma colheita a amostras clínicas das feridas dos cães com zaragatoas esterilizadas, que serão transportadas em meio de transporte para o laboratório. Estas amostras serão inoculadas em meios de cultura, agar MacConkey, agar Sangue e caldo nutritivo e incubadas a 37ºC durante 24h ou 48h. As culturas são observadas e após isolamento das bactérias presentes, realiza-se a identificação bacteriana através de provas bioquímicas com o equipamento VITEK 2 COMPAK. Será realizado o teste de suscetibilidade a antimicrobianos (TSA), também no equipamento VITEK, ou pelo o método de difusão em disco, no caso de microorganismos de crescimento lento. Para o ensaio in vivo, os cães são divididos em dois grupos, um grupo controlo que será tratado com uma substância antimicrobiana que existe no mercado e um grupo teste em que se aplicará o hidrogel em estudo. Caso seja possível, no mesmo cão, serão utilizados os dois produtos em feridas diferentes. Uma semana após o tratamento, realiza-se novamente uma colheita para perceber se os microorganismos foram inibidos com o hidrogel em estudo, comparativamente ao de mercado

    Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Lamiaceae aromatic spices towards sheep mastitis-causing Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Mastitis in ewes is responsible for massive economic losses. Antibiotics are routinely used for mastitis control but its excessive use leads to development of antibiotic resistance with deleterious outcomes both for animal and public health. Essential oils (EOs) show antibacterial proprieties and no resistance has been reported after prolonged exposure; however their efficacy depends on their chemical composition. In this study EOs chemical composition from four autochthonous aromatic herbs, from Alentejo region, southern Portugal, Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta, Lavandula stoechas subsp. luisieri, Rosmarinus oficinalis and Thymus mastichina was accessed. EOs of R. officinalis showed predominance in monoterpene hydrocarbons (63%) whereas EOs of T. mastichina, L. luisieri and C. nepeta were rich in oxygenated monoterpenes (71-95%). The antimicrobial activity of selected EOs was investigated towards Staphylococcus aureus (n= 24) and Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates (n= 24) from ovine mastitic milk origin. Results of disk diffusion assay revealed that C. nepeta, L. stoechas and T. mastichina EOs are highly active against both S. aureus and S. epidermidis strains, whereas R. officinalis EO is highly active against S. aureus strains but inactive against several S. epidermidis isolates. EOs concentration causing bacterial growth inhibition ranged from 500 to 4,000 µg mL-1 in liquid microassays

    Experiencias de las familias en el proceso de adaptación a la enfermedad oncológica en los niños

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    A adaptação familiar à doença oncológica na criança constitui um processo complexo que exige da família a aquisição de competências fundamentais e a remodelação do estilo de vida. Este estudo tem como finalidade contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem pediátricos, tendo a família como parceiros efetivos na prestação dos mesmos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de natureza quantitativa, com a aplicação dos seguintes instrumentos de colheita de dados: Entrevista Estruturada; Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II (FACES II); Inventário de Respostas à Doença nos Filhos (IRDF); e, Inventário sobre a Perceção da Relação Enfermeiro-Pais (IPREP). No estudo participaram 130 familiares de crianças com doença oncológica. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os familiares percecionaram a sua família como ligada, muito flexível e moderadamente equilibrada. Revelaram boa organização face à doença, expressando com menor intensidade atitudes de descrença em contrapartida com estados de depressão. Os familiares valorizaram os cuidados de enfermagem, sobretudo os cuidados orientados para a criança e a comunicação. Conhecer as experiências dos familiares de crianças com doença oncológica permite que os enfermeiros identifiquem as necessidades e dificuldades da família e assim definir estratégias de intervenção no sentido da adaptação à doença oncológica na criança.Family adaptation to a child’s oncological cancer is an extremely complex process which requires the family to acquire new fundamental abilities and to rearrange their lifestyle. The goal of this study was to make a contribution towards better-quality pediatric nursing, by including family members as effective partners in care-giving. A quantitative descriptive study was carried out, involving administration of the following data collection instruments: Structured Interview; Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II (FACES II); Inventário de Respostas à Doença nos Filhos (IRDF – inventory of Responses to the Illness of the Children); and the Inventário sobre a Perceção da Relação Enfermeiro-Pais (IPREP – Inventory of Responses of the Nurse-Parent Relationship). A sample of 130 relatives of children with oncological disease participated in this study. The results indicate that family members perceived their family as being united, flexible and moderately balanced. They demonstrated good organization in the face of disease, expressing less intensely attitudes of disbelief than states of depression. The family valued nursing care, especially with regard to childcentered care and communication. Knowing the experiences of family members of children with oncological illness helps nurses to identify the family’s needs and difficulties and to identify intervention strategies to help families adapt to oncological illness in the child.La adaptación de la familia a la enfermedad oncológica deen los niños es un proceso complejo que requiere que la familiaesta para la adquisicióeran de competencias y la renremodele suovación del estilo de vida. La finalidad de este estudio es contribuir a mejorar la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería pediátrica, incluyendo a la familia como colaboradoraes eficazces en la prestación de los mismos. Partimos de un estudio descriptivo de naturaleza cuantitativa y, utilizamosndo para ello los siguientes instrumentos depara recogida deer los datos; entrevista estructurada, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II (FACES II); Inventário de Respostas à Doença nos Filhos (IRDF); ey, Inventário sobre a Perceção da Relação Enfermeiro-Pais (IPREP). En el estudio participaronan 130 familiares de niños con enfermedades oncológicas. Los resultados obtenidos indicaronn que los familiares sintieron a su familia vinculada, muy flexible y moderadamente equilibrada. Del mismo modo, mostraron eEvidencias deron una buena organización frente a la enfermedad, con menos intensidad que expresando con menor intensidad actitudes de incredulidad en contraste con estados de depresión. Los familiares valoraron los cuidados de enfermería, especialmente en lo que respecta a la atención centrada en el niño y la comunicación. Conocer las experiencias de los familiares de niños con enfermedades oncológicas permite a los enfermos identificar las necesidades y dificultades de la familia, y definir así las estrategias de intervención para adaptarse a la la enfermedad oncológica de los niños.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Particularidades na patologia do porco Alentejano

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    A patologia dos suínos que conhecemos e estamos habituados a considerar perante um surto de doença numa exploração suína é baseada em estudos e investigação que assentam em ocorrências em animais criados em regime intensivo. O porco Alentejano é explorado em regime extensivo e, apesar da elevada rusticidade da raça, as condições de exploração podem proporcionar o desenvolvimento de patologias, designadamente infeções e doenças infecciosas, que não ocorrem nos animais criados de modo intensivo, em que as condições higiénicas são necessariamente mais controladas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em porcos Alentejanos, a ocorrência de afeções desconhecidas em patologia suína

    Propolis components accountable for bactericidal accomplishment and antibiofilm activity

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    This study aimed at evaluating antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of phenolic compounds present in propolis ethanol extracts (PEE). Seventy per cent ethanol extracts from seven types of propolis, one Green, two Red and four Brown collected in four Brazilian States were prepared and total phenolics, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and inhibitor effect on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation and capacity to disrupt established biofilms were assessed towards eight S. aureus isolates from milk of small ruminants with mastitis, one methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and S. aureus ATCC 25923. To evaluate different propolis components accountability for bactericidal accomplishment and antibiofilm activity, the results were analysed by the non-parametric Spearman coefficient. Results of phenolic compounds were 216,21 to 312,08 gallic acid milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EGA/g) of total phenolics, 55,08 to 140,6 quercetin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EQ/g) of flavonoids, 118,51 to 3766,16 catechin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EC/g) of tannins and 1,03 to 8,39 milligram per extract gram (mg/g) of anthocyanins. Red1 and Red2 showed higher tannin contents, while Red2 exhibited superior amount of anthocyanins and total phenolics. Brown3 presented higher flavonoid quantity. Green, Red1 and Red2 PEE showed the lowest levels of flavonoids, but the higher antimicrobial activity. Most PEE exhibit bactericidal activity at a concentration of 1.6 mg/mL. Brown4 PEE showed the worst capacity to inhibit S. aureus. Green PEE showed to be the most efficient in both preventing and disrupting biofilm. All PEE studied exhibited a better inhibitory activity prior-to than post-biofilm formation. According to non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis, there seems to be a significant negative correlation between the ability to disrupt biofilm and both tannins and anthocyanins contents

    Virulence factors in Staphylococcus associated with small ruminant mastitis: biofilm production and antimicrobial resistance genes.

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    Small ruminant mastitis is a serious problem, mainly caused by Staphylococcus spp. Different virulence factors affect mastitis pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate virulence factors genes for biofilm production and antimicrobial resistance to -lactams and tetracyclines in 137 staphylococcal isolates from goats (86) and sheep (51). The presence of coa, nuc, bap, icaA, icaD, blaZ, mecA, mecC, tetK, and tetM genes was investigated. The nuc gene was detected in all S. aureus isolates and in some coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). None of the S. aureus isolates carried the bap gene, while 8 out of 18 CNS harbored this gene. The icaA gene was detected in S. aureus and S. warneri, while icaD only in S. aureus. None of the isolates carrying the bap gene harbored the ica genes. None of the biofilm-associated genes were detected in 14 isolates (six S. aureus and eight CNS). An association was found between Staphylococcus species and resistance to some antibiotics and between antimicrobial resistance and animal species. Nine penicillin-susceptible isolates exhibited the blaZ gene, questioning the reliability of susceptibility testing. Most S. aureus isolates were susceptible to tetracycline, and no cefazolin or gentamycin resistance was detected. These should replace other currently used antimicrobials